Glypthelmins facioi Brenes, Jiménez-Quiroz, Arroyo & Delgado, 1959

León, Pérez-Ponce De, 2008, Taxonomic revision of the genus Glypthelmins Stafford, 1905 (Platyhelminthes: Digenea: Plagiorchiida), parasites of anurans in the Americas, Zootaxa 1882, pp. 1-45 : 28-30

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scientific name

Glypthelmins facioi Brenes, Jiménez-Quiroz, Arroyo & Delgado, 1959


Glypthelmins facioi Brenes, Jiménez-Quiroz, Arroyo & Delgado, 1959

( Figs. 17–18 View FIGURES 17 – 18 )


Glypthelmins facioi Brenes, Jiménez-Quiroz, Arroyo & Delgado, 1959: 193 –194, Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2 – 5 (Description); Glypthelmins proximus, Nasir & Diaz (1970: 268) View in CoL [Synonymy of G. f ac io i with G. proximus View in CoL ]

Taxonomic summary

Type-hos t: Rana pipiens .

Habitat: Intestine.

Type-locality: Corís, Provincia de Cartago, Costa Rica.

Type specimens deposition: CHCR 200–22.

Diagnosis: This species can be recognized by the following combination of traits: Pharynx greater than ventral sucker, testes oblique, and the cirrus pouch long. Vitelline gland extends from the level of the caecal bifurcation to slightly the posterior region of testes. Vitelline follicles converge in the post-testicular region.

Description: Body elongated, with round posterior and anterior ends. Numerous scale-like spines present on body tegument extending from the oral sucker to the testes region. Oral sucker subterminal, rounded to oval. Ventral sucker rounded to oval, smaller than oral sucker, pre-equatorial. Oral sucker/ventral sucker length ratio 1:0.58. Mouth oppening in the middle of oral sucker. Prepharynx short and wide. Pharynx small, muscular, surrounded, in anterior and posterior margins by medial glands. Oesophagus large, wide, surrounded by cell-glands. Caeca narrow, extending posteriorly to almost reach the end of body. Testes rounded, entire, intercaecal, oblique, located at mid-level of body. Cirrus pouch straight, large, dorsal to ventral sucker and contains a bi-partite seminal vesicle, prostatic gland and unarmed cirrus. Cirrus opens into the genital pore that is located between ventral sucker and caecal bifurcation. Ovary located sinistrally to the ventral sucker, rounded, smaller than testes. Seminal receptacle rounded, located at the level of anterior border of right testis. Uterus coiled, entirely intercaecal. Uterine loops transversally arranged, with some loops extending far beyond to the level of the end of caeca, occupying all the postcaecal region. Muscular metraterm, slightly larger than the cirrus pouch, opening into the genital pore. Vitelline gland follicular. Vitelline follicles distributed into two fields along the caeca, from the region between the genital pore and caecal bifurcation posteriorly to the posterior border of left testis. At the level of the posterior border of testes, follicles are confluent dorsally. Eggs operculated, measuring 33–47 µm long by 12–20 µm wide. Excretory vesicle “I” shaped extending to the level of testes. Excretory pore terminal.

Host, geographic distribution and specimen deposition

Rana pipiens View in CoL ”: Costa Rica: Corís, Provincia de Cartago ( Brenes et al. 1959); Coris y Turrialba, Provincia de Cartago ( Sullivan, 1976). Specimens deposition: CHCR 202–22; USNPC 72275.


cox 1: AY278053 View Materials (383 pb); 5.8 and ITS2: AY278060 View Materials (414 pb); 28S: AY278046 View Materials , AY875675 View Materials (1275 bp).
















Glypthelmins facioi Brenes, Jiménez-Quiroz, Arroyo & Delgado, 1959

León, Pérez-Ponce De 2008

Glypthelmins facioi Brenes, Jiménez-Quiroz, Arroyo & Delgado, 1959: 193

Nasir 1970: 268
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