Hymeraphia Bowerbank, 1864

Ott, B., Mcdaniel, N. & Humphrey, E., 2024, Fourteen new species of demosponges (Porifera) from three coastal fjords in southern British Columbia, Canada, Zootaxa 5463 (2), pp. 151-200 : 162

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5463.2.1

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scientific name

Hymeraphia Bowerbank, 1864


Genus Hymeraphia Bowerbank, 1864 View in CoL

Hymeraphia are thinly encrusting. Choanosome consists of a basal spongin base on the substrate and echinated by acanthostyles perpendicular to the surface and not grouped. Extra-axial styles protrude through the surface and are surrounded by bouquets of ectosomal oxeas or styles; microscleres are absent. Most described species have stellate apices (Hooper 2002 [2004]a). Hymeraphia is an uncommon genus with species recorded to date confined to the Northeastern Atlantic. Four species were previously described (de Voogd, et al. 2023).

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