Atheta (Alaobia) ventricosa Bernhauer, 1907

Klimaszewski, Jan, Chandler, Donald S., Davies, Anthony & Bourdon, Caroline, 2023, Aleocharine rove beetles of New Hampshire, USA: new taxa and new records (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae), Zootaxa 5364 (1), pp. 1-141 : 44

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Atheta (Alaobia) ventricosa Bernhauer


72. Atheta (Alaobia) ventricosa Bernhauer View in CoL

(Illustrations in Klimaszewski et al. 2018, 2021), Table 1 View TABLE 1

References. Bernhauer 1907. Gusarov 2003. Klimaszewski et al. 2005a, 2008b. Klimaszewski et al. 2007, 2011, 2015, 2018, 2021. Majka and Klimaszewski 2008, 2010.

Distribution. Nearctic, transcontinental in Canada, recorded from A/S ( Klimaszewski et al. 2021). Canada: AB, BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, QC, SK, YT. USA: AK, CA, DC, IN, MA, ME (NSR), NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, VT, WA.

Collection and Habitat data. The NH specimens were captured by flight intercept traps, and by sifting a variety of leaf litters and rotten woods in forests and by streams and bogs. Collected from April to October. In AK specimens were found in Betula , Salix , Populus , and Picea glauca forests, and in old-growth, clear-cut, and thinned and un-thinned 2nd growth forests, in decaying mushrooms in a Betula forest; and in a coastal rain forest. In Canada adults were found in various forest types, usually in decaying fungi (often common) and leaf litter; and in Carex marsh in litter at base of tree. In NF taken in unbaited and carrion-baited pitfall traps and flight intercept traps in various coniferous, mixed wood, and riparian forests ( Klimaszewski et al. 2021).

Material. USA, Maine, York Co.: West Lebanon, 9–15.V.1990, 12–18.VI.1990, 24–30.VII.1990, D.W. Barry, FIT, 3 females. New Hampshire, Belknap Co.: Lower Gilmanton, 23.IV.1982, berlese leaf litter, 8 males, 7 females, 1 sex?; 23.IV.1982, S.L. Radke, sift leaf litter, 1 female. Carroll Co.: 2 mi NW Jackson, 11.IX.1981, D.S. Chandler, berlese forest litter, 1 male. 2 mi NW Wonalancet, 21.X.1983, D.S. Chandler, sift rotten wood, 1 male. The Bowl, 2.5 mi NW Wonalancet, 4.VI.1984, D.S. Chandler, mushrooms, 1 male; 27.VI.1984, D.S. Chandler, sift leaf litter on spring edge, 1 female; 16.VIII.1984, D.S. Chandler, sift rotten wood, 1 sex? 6 mi NW Bartlett, Nancy Brook Trail, 1500’, 9.IX.1987, J.M. Campbell and A. Davies, sifting Pleurotus on tree trunk ( CNC), 1 sex?; A. Davies, sifting Fagus litter beside logs ( CNC), 2 males, 11 sex?; Y. Bousquet ( CNC), 1 female, 1 sex? 8 mi NW Bartlett, Nancy Brook Trail, 2500’, 9.IX.1987, J.M. Campbell and A. Davies, Sphagnum in mist zone of waterfalls ( CNC), 1 male. 17 km S Gorham, Glen Ellis Falls, 1900’, 8.IX.1987, J.M. Campbell and A. Davies, sifting litter by stream ( CNC), 2 females, 1 sex? 2 mi NE Crawford Depot, 2100’, 13.IX.1987, J.M. Campbell and A. Davies, mass of mushrooms on large stump ( CNC), 1 sex? White Mts., Crawford Notch Silver Cascade, 17.VIII.1976, J.M. Campbell ( CNC), 1 male, 3 sex? Cheshire Co.: Rhododendron St. Pk. , 22.IV.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift leaf litter along stream, 1 female. Coos Co.: Gorham, 800’, 15.VIII.1976, J.M. and B.A. Campbell ( CNC), 1 female. White Mts., Glen Boulder Trail, 2500’, 17.VIII.1967, J.M. and B.A. Campbell ( CNC), 3 sex? White Mts., Glen Ellis Falls, 1900’, 15.VIII.1976, J.M. and B.A. Campbell ( CNC), 1 sex? Hwy. 33, Second Connecticut Lake, 23.V.19822, D.S. Chandler, sift grass and alder litter, 1 male. Mt. Washington Auto Road, 3000’, 1.VIII.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift rotten birch, 3 females; 2700’, 7.VIII.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift litter along stream, 2 females; 2700’, 25.VI.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift rotten wood, 1 male. Norton Pool, 3 Mi NE East Inlet Dam, 11.VI.1986, D.S. Chandler, sift conifer logs, 1 male, 2 sex?; 27.V–11.VI.1986, D.S. Chandler, FIT, 1 sex? Pinkham Notch, 1.VII.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift leaf litter on pond margin, 1 female. Second College Grant, nr. Swift Diamond Rd., 44.889933, -71.125962, 4.IX.2021, C. Ziadeh, pitfall trap S.3.87, 1 male; GoogleMaps 44.891344, -71.13651, 31.VII.2021, C. Ziadeh, pitfall trap S.2.25, 1 female; GoogleMaps 44.8871749, 71.123341, 20.III.2021, pitfall trap W.1.71, C. Ziadeh, 1 male (this M has much shorter elytra than average for this species and has dark brown elytra but genital characters are consistent with this species, tentatively associated here). GoogleMaps Grafton Co.: Bedell Bridge St. Park @ Oliverian Brook, 25.V–7.VI.1992, D.S. Chandler, FITrap, 2 males; 26.VIII.1992, D.S. Chandler, berlese old river drift, 1 female. Hubbard Brook, Exp. For., Bear Brook, 1500’, 24.IX.1982, R.M. Reeves, sift leaf litter, 2 males, 2 females; 15.X.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift leaf litter along log, 1 male, 1 female; 1500’, 15.X.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift birch / beech leaf litter, 1 sex?; 2000’, 15.X.1982, 6. VII.1963, D.S. Chandler, sift litter by stream, 1 male, 1 female; 2200’, 24.IX.1982, R.M. Reeves, sift leaf litter, 1 male; 24.IX.1982, R.M. Reeves, spruce stump, 1 sex? 8 mi NW Bartlett, Nancy Cascades, 2500’, 9.IX.1987, J.M. Campbell and A. Davies, Sphagnum in mist zone of waterfalls ( CNC), 1 male, 1 female. 5 km W Bartlett Sawyer Pond Trail, 1800’, 11.IX.1987, A. Davies, sifting frass and litter in Betula , Acer tree holes ( CNC), 2 sex? Hillsborough Co.: Miller St. Park, 22.IV.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift oak litter, 2 females. Rockingham Co.: Odiorne Point St. Park, 18–25.V.1983, D.S. Chandler, window trap, 1 female. Strafford Co.: 4 mi W Durham, 19–21.V.1982, R.M. Reeves, window trap, 1 female. Spruce Hole, SW Durham, 9.VI.1982, D.S. Chandler, sift oak, beech and huckleberry litter along bog margin, 1 male; 20.V.1987, D.S. Chandler, sift beech leaf litter, 1 male.


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes

















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