Aloe section Leptoaloe

van Jaarsveld, Ernst J., 2012, Aloe condyae, a new cliff-dwelling aloe from Mpumalanga, Republic of South Africa, Bradleya 30, pp. 167-172 : 172

publication ID 10.25223/brad.n30.2012.a20


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scientific name

Aloe section Leptoaloe


Key to the cliff-dwelling members of Aloe section Leptoaloe (grass aloes) in South Africa

1a. Plants densely rosulate; stems decumbent to erect; leaves ascending or spreading, often becoming recurved .............................................................................................................................................. 2

1b. Plants rosulate or distichous; stems and leaves pendent ................................................................ 3

2a. Leaves 12–18 per head, proliferating forming dense groups ................................ A. thompsoniae

2b. Leaves 8–14 per head, plants with few shoots ............................................................... A. condyae

3a. Perianth subclavate; leaves bluish green, subterete ..................................................... A. challisii

3b. Perianth cylindrical; leaves green, flattened .................................................................................... 4

4a. Margin entire ................................................................................................................. A. nubigena

4b. Margin denticulate ........................................................................................ A. soutpansbergensis

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