Chromoteleia semicyanea Ashmead

Chen, Hua-yan, Talamas, Elijah J., Valerio, Alejandro A., Masner, Lubomir & Johnson, Norman F., 2018, Revision of the World species of the genus Chromoteleia Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Scelioninae), ZooKeys 778, pp. 1-95 : 5

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scientific name

Chromoteleia semicyanea Ashmead


Chromoteleia semicyanea Ashmead View in CoL Figures 200-205

Chromoteleia semicyanea Ashmead, 1893: 220 (original description); Ashmead, 1894: 224 (redescribed as new); Ashmead, 1900: 327 (distribution); Kieffer, 1907: 266 (keyed); Kieffer, 1910a: 312 (keyed); Kieffer, 1926: 406 (description); Masner, 1976: 25 (type information, lectotype designation); Johnson, 1992: 364 (cataloged, type information).


Body length of female: 5.48-5.60 mm (n = 2). Body length of male: 4.80-4.93 mm (n = 3). Color of A1: yellow to orange. A6 in female: as wide as long. A5 in female: distinctly longer than wide. A6 in male: approximately 2.0 × longer than wide. Number of basiconic sensilla on A7: 1. Number of basiconic sensilla on A12: 1. Sculpture of dorsal A1: punctate; smooth. Color of head: blue. Sculpture of frons directly above interantennal process: transversely striate to rugose. Central keel: absent. Ventral margin of clypeus: pointed. Granulate microsculpture of dorsal frons: absent. Occipital carina: interrupted medially. Granulate microsculpture of vertex: absent. Sculpture of occiput: smooth. Sculpture of gena: dorsoventrally strigose.

Color of mesosoma: blue dorsally, black laterally. Sculpture of epicoxal lobe posterior of propleural epicoxal sulcus: densely punctate. Sculpture of lateral pronotal area above pronotal cervical sulcus: smooth throughout. Sculpture of netrion: rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutum: coriaceous. Macrosculpture of mesoscutal midlobe: sparsely punctate. Macrosculpture of lateral lobe of mesoscutum: sparsely punctate. Sculpture of notaulus: foveate. Notaular foveae: interconnected. Median mesoscutal carina: present anteriorly, not extending to posterior margin of mesoscutum. Mesoscutellum in lateral view: convex. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: smooth medially, densely punctate laterally. Shape of metascutellum: trapezoidal with broad posterior margin. Median metascutellar carina: absent or indistinguishable from sculpture. Sculpture of metascutellum: rugose. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: rugose. Mesopleural carina: absent. Sculpture of mesepisternum below femoral depression: punctate throughout. Sculpture of dorsal metapleural area: rugose. Setation of dorsal metapleural area: absent. Setation of area directly dorsal to the metapleural triangle: present. Sculpture of ventral metapleural area: rugose throughout. Color of legs: orange yellow throughout. Length of hind basitarsus: distinctly longer than remaining segments combined. Sculpture of hind coxa: largely smooth, with sparse fine punctures.

Length of postmarginal vein: distinctly longer than stigmal vein.

Color of metasoma in female: orange. Color of metasoma in male: orange. Horn on T1 in female: present. Striae of posterior margin of T1 in female: dense. Striae of T1 in male: dense. Transverse sulcus on T2: present. Sculpture of T2: densely longitudinally striate, punctate rugulose in interstices. Sculpture of T6 in female: densely longitudinally striate, with fine punctures in interstices. Length of T6 in female: at least 1.5 × longer than wide. Shape of T6 in female in lateral view: flat. Apical spine on female T6: absent. Sculpture of T6 in male: densely punctate. Sculpture of T7 in male: smooth anteriorly, rugulose posteriorly. Posterior margin of T7 in male: straight. Sculpture of medial S2: densely punctate to punctate rugose.


This beautiful species can be distinguished from other Chromoteleia species by the following combination of characters: head and dorsal mesosoma blue, metasoma orange, frons without central keel, mesopleural carina absent.

Link to distribution map.


Material examined.

Lectotype, male: SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: Saint Vincent Island, 2000ft, no date, H. H. Smith, USNM Type No. 2251 (deposited in USNM). Other material: SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: 2 females, 2 males, OSUC584763-584766 (CNCI).













