Carapichea adinantha (Standl.) C.M.Taylor (Taylor and Gereau 2013: 123)

Lachenaud, Olivier & Delprete, Piero, 2022, Revision of Carapichea (Rubiaceae - Psychotrieae) in the Guianas, with two new combinations and transfer of three species to Notopleura, Plant Ecology and Evolution 155 (2), pp. 275-300 : 275

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scientific name

Carapichea adinantha (Standl.) C.M.Taylor (Taylor and Gereau 2013: 123)


1. Carapichea adinantha (Standl.) C.M.Taylor (Taylor and Gereau 2013: 123) View in CoL

Fig. 2 View Figure 2

Retiniphyllum adinanthum Standl. ( Standley 1931: 355)

Stachyococcus adinanthus (Standl.) Standl. ( Standley 1936: 144)


PERU - Loreto • near Iquitos, Mishayacu ; 100 m; Feb.-Mar. 1930; fl.; Klug 988; holotype: F [No. 612612]; isotypes: NY [00133128] , US [0013820].


Shrub or small tree up to 4 m tall, sparsely branched; terminal branchlets terete or slightly laterally compressed, 2.5-3.0 mm in diam., glabrous, soon covered with a greyish-beige thin bark. Stipules free, interpetiolar, 2-5 mm long, bifid at apex, each lobe deltoid to lanceolate, 1-2 mm wide at base, acute to acuminate, glabrous. Leaves with petioles 1.5-3.0 cm long, glabrous; blades elliptic, oblong-elliptic oblong-lanceolate, 19-34 × 5.5-15 cm, acute at base, acuminate at apex, chartaceous to papyraceous when dry, entirely glabrous, drying olive-green; midrib and secondary veins slightly prominent on the upper side; secondary veins 9-12 on each side of the midrib, ascending and forming loops away from the margin; intersecondary veins 2-3 between each couple of secondary veins, terminating far from the margin; tertiary veins reticulate, sparse. Inflorescences terminal, erect, spiciform, 7-20 cm long, with (6-)7-9 multiflorous glomerules, rachis minutely puberulous; peduncle 1.0-8.7 cm long; bracts subtending each glomerule shallowly ovate to broadly deltoid, 1-2 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, sessile (heterostylous?). Hypanthium glabrous or sparsely puberulous. Disk 5-sulcate laterally. Calyx cupuliform, 1.0-2.2 mm long, minutely puberulous, margin truncate, undulate or shallowly denticulate, ciliate. Corolla hypocrateriform, white; tube cylindrical, 4.5-7.0 mm long, 1.5-1.7 mm wide, granular-puberulous outside, glabrous inside; lobes imbricate, 3.5-4.5 × 1.4-1.7 mm, reflexed at anthesis, internally appendiculate, granular-puberulous outside, glabrous inside; appendages linear, 1.5-2.0 mm long. Stamens inserted at 1.0-1.5 mm from base of corolla tube, included; filaments 1.1-1.3 mm long; anthers linear, 2.3-2.5 × 0.2-0.3 mm. Style as long as corolla tube (branch tips barely exserted), ca 4.5-7.0 mm long, style branches linear, 1.3-1.5 mm long. Fruits drupaceous, fleshy, red to pink when immature (one collection reported as “white”), turning dark blue to black at maturity, interior spongy-white, ellipsoid to subglobose, 13-14 × 9-10 mm when fresh, 7-16 × 5-12 mm when dry, glabrous, sessile. Pyrenes 2, thin-walled, plano-convex, elliptic to narrowly elliptic in outline, 9-10 × 7-8 mm, dorsal side smooth (i.e. without ridges), ventral side flat (without longitudinal furrow), with a pore with a raphal plug, sometimes with short basal marginal slits. Seeds with a deep T-shaped ventral groove in cross-section.


This species occurs sporadically in Amazonian Peru, Colombia, Brazil (Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia), and French Guiana.


In undercanopy of terra firme primary and secondary forest, often at river margins, on clay soil, at 100-200(-300) m in elevation.

Specimens examined.

FRENCH GUIANA • Approuague River Basin , Rivière Kourouaï; 4°15'N, 52°01'W; 120 m; 9 Jul. 2008; fr.; Gonzalez 1368; BR, CAY, L, MO, NY, P, US • Monts Tumuc-Humac, Sommet en Cloche; 2°13 ’40” N, 54°28 ’10” W; 12 Mar. 2015; fl.; Gonzalez 3281; BR, CAY GoogleMaps .

BRAZIL - Acre • Mun. Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Branco, ca 25 km from Rio Jurua , secondary forest with canopy 30-35 m tall; 7°45'S, 72°17'W; 240 m; 22 Nov. 2001; fl.; Delprete et al. 8045; NY, UFACPZ, additional duplicates at UFACPZ to be distributed • Mun. Cruzeiro do Sul , road Cruzeiro do Sul-Rio Branco , road to Canela Fina, ca 7 km from 3-way junction at 5 km N of Cruzeiro do Sul; 7°32 ’44” S, 72°44 ’31” W; 220 m; 23 Nov. 2001; fl.; Delprete et al. 8078; NY, UFACPZ, additional duplicates at UFACPZ to be distributed GoogleMaps . - Amapá • Parque Nacional Montanhas do Tumucumaque, cabeceiras do Rio Amaparí, margem esquerdo do Rio Anacui , trilha 1, floresta de terra firme; 6 Mar. 2006; fl.; Hamada et al. 139; INPA, MO n.v . - Amazonas • Distrito Agropecuário, Fazenda Porto Alegre, Reserva 3402 (Cabo Frio) of the WWF/INPA MCS project; 2°25 ’25” S, 59°54 ’38” W; 50-125 m; 1 Apr. 1989; fr.; Aquino et al. 3; INPA • Basin of Rio Juruá, near mouth of Rio Embira (tributary of Rio Tarauaca ); 7°30'S, 70°15'W; 6 Jun. 1933; fr.; Krukoff 4682; K, M, MO • Basin of Rio Jurua , near mouth of Rio Embira ; 17 Jun. 1933; fr.; Krukoff 4900; M, MO, NY GoogleMaps , US. - Pará • Igarapé das Pedras, Cataractam Furnas, Rio Tapajóz; 30 Dec. 1917; fl.; Ducke s.n. (MG 16859, RB 23125); B destroyed (photo at F), RB. - Rondônia • ca 4 km ENE along rd to São Sebastião off BR-364, terra firme forest; 24 May 1984; fr.; Frame 160; INPA, MO n.v., NY • Estrada Porto Velho-Cuiabá, BR-364, km 171, mata de terra firme; 6 Feb. 1983; fr.; Freitas et al. 13; INPA • Itapuã do Oeste, Floresta Nacional do Jamari , parcela convenio NYBG-RON; 9°15 ’6” S, 62°54 ’38” W; 23 Apr. 2015; fr.; Medeiros et al. 1692; MO n.v., NY, RON GoogleMaps .

COLOMBIA - Caquetá • Araracuara, trocha Yari ; 0°25'S, 72°20'W; 200 m; 23 Jan. 1989; fl.; Gentry & Sánchez 65001; COL, MO n.v GoogleMaps .

PERU - Loreto • Maynas Prov., Dtto. Amazonas, Explornapo Camp, cerca de Sucusari, a lo largo del Rio Napo ; 3°20'S, 72°55'W; 100-140 m; 15 Feb. 1991; fl.; Pipoly et al. 12979; MO • Chacra Canamá, Requena; 7 Dec. 1962; fl.; Schunke Vigo 6243; K • Prov. Requena, Jenaro Herrera; 4°50'S, 73°45'W; 170 m; 5 Jul. 1981; fr.; Vásquez et al. 2192; MO • carretera Nauta-Iquitos km 5; 4°29'S, 73°35'W; 28 Mar. 1987; fr.; Vásquez & Arevalo 8984; P • Iquitos, Asociación Agraria Paujil; 4°10'S, 73°20'W; 2 Jul. 1988; fr.; Vásquez & Jaramillo 10837; P • Allpahuayo, Estacion Experimental del Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana ; 2 Jun. 1990; fr.; Vásquez & Jaramillo 14029; P GoogleMaps .


This species has recently been collected in French Guiana and the adjacent Brazilian state of Amapá, which represents a major eastern range extension. Although this species is known from numerous specimens, most of them are fruiting and we were able to dissect only a few flowers. In these flowers, the stamens are inserted at 1.0-1.5 mm from base of corolla tube and are included, while the style is as long as the corolla tube, with the branch tips barely exserted. Though we have not seen a short-styled form, we suspect the species may be heterostylous, as many of its congeners.

Standley, PC, 1931. Studies of American plants-V. Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 8 (5): 295 - 398

Standley, PC, 1936. Rubiaceae. In: Macbride, JF, Ed., Flora of Peru. Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 13(6): 3 - 261

Gallery Image

Figure 2. Carapichea adinantha. A - B. Detail of inflorescence with buds and one open flower. C. Fruiting plant. D. Infructescence with mature fruits. E. Infructescence with mature fruits, some eaten by birds. A-B from Gonzalez et al. 3281; C-E from Gonzalez 1368. Photographs by Sophie Gonzalez.