Piezonotus suturalis Gyllenhal

Riedel, Alexander, 2024, Taxonomic review of weevils of the tribe Celeuthetini, mainly from Sundaland, Sulawesi and the Lesser Sunda Islands (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae), Zootaxa 5464 (1), pp. 1-75 : 54-57

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5464.1.1

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scientific name

Piezonotus suturalis Gyllenhal


Piezonotus suturalis Gyllenhal View in CoL

Piezonotus suturalis Gyllenhal, 1834: 478–479 View in CoL . Type locality: stated incorrectly as “ Java ”; presumably the type is from the South Moluccas.

Male. ( Fig. 30a View FIGURE 30 ). Length. Pronotum plus elytron 8.95 mm. Black, with scattered white scales; sides of meso- and metathorax densely squamose; elytral suture with white overlapping scales. Head with angulate transverse sulcus separating rostral base, joined by median furrow on anterior forehead. Eyes convex; separated from apex of prothorax by ca. 0.5 X length of eye. Profile ( Fig. 40h View FIGURE 40 ) anteriorly without distinct constriction. Rostrum 1.20 X as long as wide, sides subparallel; apical declivity distinct, with sunk-in scales; dorsal profile subangulate, behind antennal insertion with constriction. Antenna. Scape in cross-section subrotund; subapically weakly clavate; punctate-rugose, with suberect setae. Funicle with article 2 slightly shorter (0.86 X) than article 1. Pronotum slightly transverse (0.91 X as long as wide); disk coarsely punctate, medially with shallow depression, sublaterally with weak swellings; with few scattered scales, with sparse suberect bristles. Metanepisternum squamose. Elytra subovate, 1.38 X as long as wide; dorsally flattened, weakly concave, above apical declivity with transverse callus, in dorsal aspect contour of apex convex; intervals with coarse granules, transversely corrugate, with rows of small suberect, scales; sutural interval and parts of interval 2 covered with white overlapping scales. Legs. Protibia ventrally simple, without granules. Venter. Procoxae approximate; distance to apex 0.5 X distance to base of prothorax. Mesoventral process trapezoid, 1.7 X as long as posterior width. Abdomen. Ventrites 1–2 ca. 2.3 X longer than ventrites 3–5; ventrites 3–5 exposed, well-chitinized, without modifications, with long setae. Genitalia. Penis ( Fig. 30b View FIGURE 30 ) with sides subparallel; apex asymmetrical, right half forming apically subtruncate process; ostium shifted to left half, occupying ca. 1/3 of the body; body without distinct endophallic sclerites. Apodeme ca. 2.1 X as long as body of penis. Transfer apparatus spiniform, curved, ca. 0.4 X as long as body of penis. Intraspecific variation. Length. Pronotum plus elytron 8.20– 8.95 mm. Female elytra ( Fig. 30d View FIGURE 30 ) dorsally flat, not concave, in dorsal aspect contour of apex concave. Female abdominal venter ( Fig. 41e View FIGURE 41 ) with ventrites 1–2 ca. 2.6 X longer than ventrites 3–5; ventrite 4 forming thin, dentate blade, overlapping ventrite 5; apex of ventrite 4 with 3 teeth.

Material examined. Type specimen. Piezonotus suturalis Gyllenhal , female, lectotype ( Fig. 30c–d View FIGURE 30 ), by present designation: INDONESIA, “ Java ” [patria falsa], labels ( Fig. 30e View FIGURE 30 ); condition: fair, pinned through right elytron; ( NHRS, JLKB000023257 ) . Other material examined: 2 exx Molukken, Kraatz ( SMTD) ; 1 ex, Amboina, Stevens ( NHRS, JLKB000023258 ) ; 3 exx, Amboina, Kirsch (SMTD) ; 1 ex, Banda, Pascoe ( SMTD) ; 1 ex, Banda , Doria ( SMTD) ; 37 exx, ARC5224 View Materials ( GenBank # OR557451), Ins. Gross Banda, W.H. Muche ( SMTD) .

Notes. No type is designated in the original description and the number of specimens at hand is not mentioned. Other specimens may exist in addition to the one stored at NHRS, which is considered a syntype and is here designated lectotype to ensure stability of nomenclature. The type locality “ Java ”, as stated on the lectotype label and in the original description is erroneous. Many additional specimens from Amboina, Banda, and Leti (E of Timor) were seen at BMNH and SMTD (precise label information not recorded at BMNH, therefore missing from the material examined above), but no other specimen was seen from Java. Besides, related species occur exclusively east of Wallace’s Line .


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections














Piezonotus suturalis Gyllenhal

Riedel, Alexander 2024

Piezonotus suturalis

Gyllenhal 1834: 478 - 479
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF