Sasajiscymnus latus Tong & Wang

TONG, JUNBO, CHEN, XIAOSHENG, ZHANG, XIAONING, HUO, LIZHI, WU, GANG, PENG, ZHENGQIANG & WANG, XINGMIN, 2022, A review of the genus Sasajiscymnus Vandenberg, 2004 from China (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae), Zootaxa 5207 (1), pp. 1-104 : 41-42

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scientific name

Sasajiscymnus latus Tong & Wang

sp. nov.

Sasajiscymnus latus Tong & Wang sp. nov.

(Figs 27, 69)

Chinese name: ṁ叶ḧ瓢•

Diagnosis. This species is similar to S. seminigrinus ( Yu & Pang, 1993) in structures of the male genitalia, but can be distinguished from the later by elytra entirely black, and the penis guide approximately widest at 1/2 length in ventral view (Figs 27a–b, 27h). In S. seminigrinus , elytra are yellowish brown with a large, black marking near the base (sometimes absent), and penis guide becomes widest at base in ventral view (Figs 38a–b, 38k).

Description. TL: 1.61–2.19 mm, TW: 1.13–1.56 mm, TH: 0.73–0.95 mm.

Body oval, moderately convex, surfaces covered with short pubescence (Figs 27a–c). Head yellow with interocular distance distinctly greater than eye width in frontal view. Pronotum yellow. Scutellar shield and elytra entirely black. Ventral surfaces yellow to black. Legs yellow. Abdominal postcoxal lines incomplete, not recurved toward the base of ventrite (Fig. 27d).

Male genitalia: Penis stout, penis capsule with stout outer arm and long inner one, apex of penis expanded with membranous appendage (Figs 27e–f). Penis guide with prominent keel at base in lateral view, then tapering towards pointed apex; parameres about 1/2 as long as penis guide, with a tuft of long setae at apex; penis guide approximately widest at 1/2 length in ventral view, apex with a distinct protuberance (Figs 27g –h).

Female genitalia: Coxites elongate, triangular; styli well developed with terminal setae; spermatheca distinctly curved, with basal ramus and elongate nodulus.

Type material. Holotype: China: Xizang: ♂, Beibeng Town , Motuo County, 800 m, 9.X.2011, Huo LZ leg ( SCAU) . Paratypes ( SCAU): China: Xizang: 2♂ 2♀, Yarang Village , Muotuo County, 768–1030 m, 24.X.2007, Wang XM leg ; 1♂, Zhamo Highroad 113K, Bomi County, 835 m, 30–31.X.2007, Wang XM leg.

Distribution. China (Xizang).

Etymology. The specific epithet latus derives from the Latin word “latus” and refers to the wide penis guide in ventral view.

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