Ceresium jimcopei, Yokoi, 2023

Yokoi, Yaheita, 2023, Note on genitalia and taxonomy of the Callidiopini from the Philippines, with description of six new species and two subspecies (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae), Contributions to Entomology 73 (1), pp. 31-66 : 31

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scientific name

Ceresium jimcopei

sp. nov.

Ceresium jimcopei sp. nov.

Figs 4A-F View Figure 4 , 19A-K View Figure 19

Type material.

Holotype ♂ (SMF): "Phil., N. Luzon"; "Barlig, Mt. Prov."; " I-2016"; "Cope Collection". (former CJC).


The holotype could be examined by courtesy of Mr. Jim Cope, California, USA. The name of this species is dedicated to him.


Colour testaceous. Pronotum resembles that of Ceresium vestigiale Pascoe, 1866. Body, legs and antennae slenderer; antennae longer. Apical process of endophallus exceptionally large, in baculi-form; surface of endophallic tube scaly in part.


Holotype ♂: TL = 10.0 mm; EL/TL = 0.65; EL/EW = 2.90; HW/PW = 0.90; PL/PW = 1.04; PA/PW = 0.66; PB/PW = 0.88.


Colour testaceous; setae pale yellowish to whitish.

Head lightly narrower than pronotum, glossy; puncture dense, large, regular, setiferous; setae stout, curved, sub-erect, disorderly. Frons transverse, not steep; the middle moderately elevated, glossy, obtusely punctate. Vertex concave; with a shallow median furrow; setae pointing to antennal supports. Punctures on occiput obtuse; setae adpressed, pointing to vertex. Eyes separated from one another by half the width of occiput or twice that of the upper eye-lobes. Antennal supports broad, flattened, glabrous, nitid, though each sub-encircled by an arcuate row of diminutive setiferous punctures. Antennae reaching elytral apices by 9th article. Length of antennomeres relative to scape. III = 1.0; IV = 0.85; V = 0.80; VI = 1.1; VII = 1.05; VIII = 1.05; IX = 1.05; X = 0.9; XI = 0.80. Scapes sub-arcuate and moderately clavate.

Pronotum slightly longer than broad; apical half inflated; constricted just before apex; apex thus narrower than base. Puncture on disc dense, regular, setiferous; setae curved, pointing to the middle; median stripe broad, nearly half the length of pronotum. Sides each uneven with irregular elevations, of which the one near the latero-apical corner is the largest.

Scutellum sub-circular, with several short setae.

Elytra gradually tapering from humeri; apices separately rounded; disc well-flattened; punctures dense, regular, setiferous, attenuating towards apices; setae stout, curved and recumbent, though short and fine on disc.

Legs rather slender; femora clavate from base.

Venter (Fig. 4B, D View Figure 4 ): Prosternum impressed in middle, concave in profile; punctures in the middle dense, large, coarse, setiferous; those near sides sparse, small and deep; setae short, sparse and disorderly. Prosternal process rather broad; apically expanded and curved downward; apex truncated. Mesoventrite saddle-shaped; setae in middle sparse, short, disorderly; those on sides dense, adpressed; punctures near the process large and shallow. Mesoventral process broad, well-bordered; with several large setiferous punctures; apex widely, deeply emarginated. Metaventrite glossy; punctures in middle sparse and diminutive; setae in middle short and sparse; those on sides dense, adpressed. Abdomen glossy; widely hairless in middle. 7th sternite trapezoidal; apex truncated.

Male genitalia (Figs 4E, F View Figure 4 , 19A-K View Figure 19 ): Median lobe about 7/20 the length of abdomen; fusiform in dorsal view; moderately arcuate in lateral view; dorsal plate dehiscent in basal 2/3; ventral plate a little longer than the dorsal, dehiscent in basal 7/8, apically narrowed to a sub-acute tooth. Tegmen nearly 7/8 as long as median lobe; strongly curved in lateral view. Parameres 9/20 the length of tegmen; sides tapering in a sub-sinuate line toward apices; apical 3/10 bi-lobed; lobes each evenly tapering, with short to long apical setae. Apical process of endophallus (Figs 4F View Figure 4 , 19D-F View Figure 19 ) exceptionally large, 11/20 as long as median lobe; in baculi-form, stout, weakly arcuate in profile; apex with three kinds of projections; prominent horn-shaped dorsal one, shorter spatulate ventral one and a pair of blunt, wing-like lateral ones. Surface of endophallus scaly or reticulate in part (Fig. 4E View Figure 4 ). Blade of 8th sternite transverse; sides apically narrowed; apex widely emarginated in a shallow bi-sinuate line; apex and sides fringed with medium to long setae; peduncle slightly shorter than blade. 8th tergite linguate in outline; fringed with medium to long setae.


Luzon, Philippines.

Comparative notes.

This new species can be distinguished from the other known species by the combination of its smaller size, universally testaceous colour, slender antennae, apically inflated pronotum and regular puncture on disc. The structure of, and integument on, pronotum can be compared to those of C. vestigiale from Borneo. The new species differs, however, in other external characteristics. Further, its male genitalia is clearly distinct. The apical process of its endophallus, as described above, is indeed exceptional. This type of the process has not been observed before in the genus Ceresium . At the same time, the surface of its endophallus is also atypical. The endophallus of this species is remarkable.











