Lispe esuriens, Pont, 2019

Pont, Adrian C., 2019, Studies on the Australian Muscidae (Diptera). VIII. The genus Lispe Latreille, 1797, Zootaxa 4557 (1), pp. 1-232 : 80-83

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scientific name

Lispe esuriens

sp. nov.

Lispe esuriens View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 167–170 View FIGURE 167 View FIGURES 168–169 View FIGURE 170 )

Diagnosis. This species, which is at present known only from one ♀, is characterised by the heavily spinose mid and hind femora and by the rows of ventral spinules on fore tibia ( Fig. 169 View FIGURES 168–169 ).

Etymology. The species name esuriens (Latin “esuriens” = “hungry”) refers to the potential of this robustly armed species as a predator.

Type-Material Examined. Holotype ♀. AUSTRALIA: Queensland: Townsville , 7.viii.1929, F.H. Taylor, 1♀ ( ANIC).

Description ♀ (♂ not known). Head ( Fig. 168 View FIGURES 168–169 ). Ground-colour black. Frons at broadest point 0.4, at lunula 0.33, of maximum head-width (frontal view). Fronto-orbital plates, frontal vitta and frontal triangle all grey pruinose when seen from in front, white when seen from below, scarcely distinguishable as separate elements. Lower orbital seta weak. Parafacial broad, as broad as postpedicel; setulose except near lunula. Scape and pedicel yellow; postpedicel orange-yellow, apical half strongly infuscated; postpedicel rather short, 2.1 times as long as broad, falling short of mouth-margin by 0.7 of its length. Arista plumose, some plumes apparently broken off, the hairing at widest point 1.4 times width of postpedicel. Vibrissa strong. Gena rather broad, 0.16 of vertical eyelength; genal setae strong, fine in front. Palpus yellow, strongly swollen at tip.

Thorax. Ground-colour black. Scutum damp, apparently grey dusted, tinged with yellow especially at sides (postpronotal lobe and notopleuron); remaining pleura grey; scutum with traces of a pair of brownish vittae running along dc lines. Scutellum grey dusted, with a weak brown vitta running from base to apex. Anterior spiracle yellowish. Acr setulae in 6–7 irregular rows at suture. Dc 2+4, all strong, the posterior 2 pairs longest. 2 pprn. 1+1 ia, anterior post seta absent. 1+1 sa, both strong. 1 strong and 1 weaker proepisternal setae. 1 proepimeral, subequal to the strong proepisternal, with 8–9 adjacent setulae. Anepisternum without a seta in upper anterior corner; posterior row with 3 strong and 3–4 weak setae. 3 strong kepst. Meron bare below spiracle and above hind coxa. Scutellum with disc and upper part of sides setulose, ventral surface bare.

Legs. Coxae and trochanters black; femora black, extreme tips (knees) reddish; tibiae black, broadly reddish at bases; tarsomeres black. Fore coxa bare behind. Fore femur ( Fig. 169 View FIGURES 168–169 ) with a row of spinules along av surface; pv row of setae complete, the setae interspersed with 2–3 rows of short strong spinules, these more numerous towards base and on basal 1/3 occupying the entire ventral surface; pd row complete, strong. Fore tibia without a submedian seta; ventral surfaces completely covered by rows of short erect spinules ( Fig. 169 View FIGURES 168–169 ); with strong d, p and pv apical setae, without a short ad apical. Fore tarsomeres short, without modifications. Mid femur with a row of short spinules along av surface; with 4–5 pv setae in basal half, continuing to apex as a row of spinules; basal third with the entire ventral surfaces spinulose, median third with a double row of pv spinules; basal half also with a row of short strong a setae; 2 p preapicals. Mid tibia with 1 strong pd; with d, av, p, pv and short pd apicals, the d placed well before apex. Mid tarsomeres without modifications. Hind coxa with a seta on posterior apical margin. Hind femur with 1 av seta at about middle, otherwise only with setulae on this surface, those in apical half rather spinulose; with 3–4 pv setae in basal half, otherwise with only setulae on this surface; ad row complete; 1 d preapical. Hind tibia with 1 ad and 0 av; d and ad preapical setae strong; with av and pv apical setae. Hind basal tarsomere rather short, otherwise tarsomeres not modified.

Wing. Faintly darkened along margin for a short distance beyond tip of vein R2+3, otherwise clear. Tegula and basicosta yellow. Crossvein r-m placed slightly apicad of the point where vein R1 enters costa; dm-cu straight, longer than apical section of vein CuA1. Vein M running straight to wing-margin. Calypters creamy. Knob of haltere black.

Abdomen. Ground-colour black. Dust on tergites grey (tergite 5 damp and pattern not discernible), giving a pattern of dusted bands on dorsum and sides ( Fig. 170 View FIGURE 170 ), the black bands on tergites 3 and 4 divided by pale dust into quadrate spots which continue down sides of tergites almost to ventral edge. ♀ ovipositor with exposed tergites dusted grey. Sternites 1–5 dull grey dusted. Setae only present on tergite 5, with 1 pair each of median and lateral discals, often placed close to fore-margin, and 3 pairs of erect marginals.

♀ ovipositor. Not examined.

Measurements. Wing-length, 6.0 mm. Body-length, 7.5 mm.

Biology. Not known.

Distribution. Known only from Australia (Q).


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