Elotespora mumbaiensis Rashmi Dubey, 2021

Dubey, Rashmi, 2021, Elotespora mumbaiensis sp. nov.: A novel species of Anamorphic Ascomycota reported from Peninsular India, Phytotaxa 529 (1), pp. 177-180 : 178-179

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.529.1.15



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Elotespora mumbaiensis Rashmi Dubey

sp. nov.

Elotespora mumbaiensis Rashmi Dubey View in CoL sp. nov. ( Fig.1 View FIGURE 1 )

MycoBank MB 840079

Mycelium mostly immersed. Conidiomata eustromatic, cyathiform, scattered, almost superficial somewhat immersed on the substratum, dark brown to black, layers of cell forming textura angularis, unilocular, 22–30 μm diam., 11–14 μm deep. Conidiophores not observed, Conidiogenous cells not observed. Conidogenesis not observed, but Conidiomatal ‘cup’ like structure is visible both under the compound microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope, Conidial secession is not observed, but some part of the conidiomatal ‘cup’ is still attached on the base of seceded conidial chain indicating that conidia are produced directly from the conidiomatal ‘cup’. Conidia are produced directly from the conidiomata and forms acropetal chains having 2–5 conidia per chain, and the chains are sometimes branched. Conidia dry, muriform, initially brown, on maturity turn blackish brown at the apical and basal end, elongated to ellipsoidal, sometimes twisted, 42–80 × 15–24 μm (60.27 × 21.23, n=15) widely obtuse/rounded at the apex, truncate at the base, basal conidia straight and wider than other apical conidia, sometimes conidia initials are also visible on the lateral sides of conidia indicating the branching pattern of the conidial chain.

Additional Material/cultures examined: Culture was obtained on Potato Dextrose Agar ( PDA) medium and malt extract agar medium ( MEA) with different light and dark conditions. Vegetative hyphae grew on medium on seven days but did not sporulate, and culture died.

Gene sequence ex-holotype: Not known.

Teleomorh: not observed

Habitat and distribution: Terrestrial, Maharashtra, India

Holotype: IND356 About IND , Maharashtra, Mumbai, Sanjay Gandhi National Park , Yeoor range (19° 14’ 01.97” N 72° 57’ 06.90” E) 16 th October 2018, Rashmi Dubey, on Dead twig litter, holotype deposited in Botanical Survey of India, Western Regional Centre, Pune, 209219 BSI ( WC), Mycobank MB 840079 GoogleMaps

Etymology: species named after the place (city) of collection ( Mumbai)


Royal Botanic Gardens







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