Anthrenus (Anthrenus) delicatus Kiesenwetter, 1851

Háva, Jiří & Kadej, Marcin, 2015, On the Dermestidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Rey´s collection. Part 2. Designation of neotype of Anthrenus pimpinellae var. incertus Mulsant et Rey, 1868 and recognition of a new synonymy within Palaearctic Anthrenus Geoffroy, 1762, Zootaxa 3920 (3), pp. 497-500 : 498-499

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3920.3.10

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scientific name

Anthrenus (Anthrenus) delicatus Kiesenwetter, 1851


Anthrenus (Anthrenus) delicatus Kiesenwetter, 1851

( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURES 1 – 3 )

= Anthrenus isabellinae Mulsant & Rey, 1868:154 .

= Anthrenus pimpinellae var. incertus Mulsant et Rey, 1868:154 syn. nov. = Anthrenus armstrongi Mroczkowski, 1952:27 .

= Anthrenus pimpinellae var. incertus: Kadej et al. 2007b:734 .

Material examined. Neotype (male), deposited in MHNL: Turkey, Istanbul, Durusu env., 2.6.1996, P. Zahradník leg. To this, a red, printed label with the following text was added: NEOTYPE Anthrenus pimpinellae var. incertus Mulsant et Rey, 1868 , Jiří Háva & Marcin Kadej design. 2013. Other material examined: Turkey, Istanbul, Durusu env., 2.6.1996, P. Zahradník leg. (3 ex., JHAC and PZPC).

Redescription. Body convex, dorsal and ventral surface covered with scales (BL: 2.90; BW: 1.95). Head with eyes convex, large. Eye with median margin broadly and deeply emarginated near anterior 1/3. Frons with median ocellus, covered with brown scales. Antenna ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 3 ) dark brown, 11-segmented, antennal club 3-segmented, compact, covered with brown pubescence. Terminal antennomere rounded, distinctly longer than preceding two antennomeres combined. Antennal club less than half length of entire antenna. Antenna occupies full length of antennal fossa cavity. Antennal fossa completely open (AFL: 0.15) along lateral margin of pronotum (LMP: 0.55). Lacinia length exceeds ½ of galea length; ratio of lacinia length to galea length is 4:5. Setae on apex of galea spicisetae-like. Lacinial apex slightly curved ventrally, with sclerotized, rounded enlargement at apex.

Dorsal surface dark brown, lightly punctate, covered with dark brown, brown, white and black scales; scales on dorsum create pattern. Pronotum (PL: 0.75; PW: 1.60), covered with black scales on disc, brown and white scales on the angles and laterally. Elytra covered with white, dark brown and brown scales. White scales create wide, transverse band that is emarginated near medial suture. Ventral surface with whitish scales except for lateral margins of abdominal ventrites I–V, which are covered with grey and dark brown (almost black) scales; disc of ventrite V with small dark brown spots formed by scales (SL: 1.35; SW: 1.85). First abdominal ventrite has postcoxal lines.

Legs brown, covered with grey scales on dorsal surface. Tibiae of first pair of legs without distinct teeth (spines) along lateral margin. Male genitalia ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 3 ) with parameres thin (narrow), covered with short, dense setae, slightly curved inward apically. Median lobe wide posteriorly, in lateral view slightly curved with apex erect. Abdominal segment IX ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 3 ) bottle-like, narrow apically, wide basally, with slight constriction near midlength. Apex slightly rounded. Setae present dorsolaterally, but only in apical half. Lateral margins of the abdominal segment IX more sclerotized, especially near midlength.

Distribution. Mediterranean species ( Kadej et al. 2007a, Háva 2007).

Remarks. According to the original description by Mulsant et Rey (1868), “Chez des exemplaires provennant des environs de Constantinopole, la bande transversale blanche des élytres est moins anguleuse en devant sur les trois cinquièmes externes de son bord antérieur; elle couvre á son côté interne jusqu´á la moitié de leur longueur, en laissant une tache suturale commune, noire, plus ou moins nette; la tache juxta-marginale antérieure est plus développée, située un peu plus en arrière (des quatre septièmes aux deux tiers). De tels individus sembleraient á première vue constiteur des types spécifiques ( A. incertus ); mais ne peuvent tre considérés que comme une variation du dessin normal de l´ A. pimpinellae .” [Translation: “In specimens which come from the area around Istanbul, the white transversal band on the elytra is less angular in front of the external three-fifths of its front edge; it covers from its inner point up to half of its length, leaving a common sutural mark, black, more or less distinct; the front juxta-marginal mark is more developed, and situated a little further back (from four-sevenths to two-thirds). Certain individuals seem at first sight to form a distinct type ( A. incertus ); but can only be regarded as a variation of the normal design of A. pimpinellae .”]

The specimen is clearly a variation of Anthrenus delicatus Kiesenwetter, 1851 , differing only in color. Morphological characters are identical (see Kadej et al. 2007a for description of A. (A.) delicatus ), therefore we conclude that A. pimpinellae var. incertus Mulsant et Rey, 1868 is a synonym of A. (A.) delicatus .


Musee Guimet d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon


















Anthrenus (Anthrenus) delicatus Kiesenwetter, 1851

Háva, Jiří & Kadej, Marcin 2015

Anthrenus pimpinellae

Kadej 2007: 734

Anthrenus isabellinae

Mulsant 1868: 154

Anthrenus pimpinellae

Mroczkowski 1952: 27
Mulsant 1868: 154
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