Orthognathotermes okeyma, Rocha, Mauricio Martins Da & Cancello, Eliana M., 2009

Rocha, Mauricio Martins Da & Cancello, Eliana M., 2009, Revision of the Neotropical termite genus Orthognathotermes Holmgren (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae), Zootaxa 2280, pp. 1-26 : 12-13

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scientific name

Orthognathotermes okeyma

sp. nov.

Orthognathotermes okeyma , new species

(figs. 13, 22, 30)

Holotype: soldier, part of lot MZUSP-8430, 28.iii–6.iv.1984, Exp. MZ-IQUSP coll.

Type-locality: Brazil: Goiás State, Parque Nacional das Emas (17º 49' 48" S, 52º 30' W).

Paratypes: BRAZIL. Goiás: Parque Nacional das Emas: 28.iii–6.iv.1984, Exp. MZ-IQUSP coll. (8430, 8431); 12.vi.1980, K.H. Redford coll. (9771, 10821*); 15–19.xii.1987, Exp. MZ-IQUSP coll. (11476); ix.1981, K.H. Redford coll. (11477); 15-17, 21, 23.i.2004, D.A. Costa coll. (12126, 12127, 12128*, 12129*, 12130, 12131, 12132, 12139, 12140, 12149, 12150, 12151, 12152, 12153); 14,18-20, 22, 25, 26.iv.2004, D.A. Costa coll. (12125, 12133, 12134, 12135*, 12136, 12137, 12138, 12141*, 12142, 12143, 12144, 12145, 12146, 12147, 12148, 12154, 12155); Santo Antônio de Goiás (Embrapa): 5.v.2000, K. Espírito-Santo Filho coll. (12156); 13.iv.1980, K.H. Redford coll. (MPEG-1272). Mato Grosso do Su l: Campo Grande: 20.ii.1976, R.L. Araujo coll. (6569).

Etymology: “ okeyma ” (homeless) from Tupi, in reference to fact that all samples of this species have been collected in other termites species nests.

Imago. Eyes small, distant from the inferior margin of head by a distance equal to the larger diameter of the ocellus. Ocelli in dorsal view reniform and narrowed, oval and remote from the eye by distance equal to its minimum diameter in lateral view. Fontanelle narrow and small. Head capsule covered with short hairs, scattered bristles. Labrum with bristles not organized in rows. Pronotum covered with short hairs and bristles on margins. Mesonotum and metanotum covered by short hairs, concentrated in the center and posterior margins. Head, pronotum and tergites brown to sepia brown, sternites and legs pale brown and wing scales sepia brown.

Comparisons. The imago of O. okeyma sp. nov. differs from those of the other species by the combination of small eyes and small fontanelle. The most similar species is O. mirim sp. nov., from which it differs by the labrum bristles (not organized in rows).

Soldier. Head sides parallel in dorsal view. In profile dorsal lump slightly salient, behind the flanges. Mandibles of the second pattern, tooth-like projection at proximal half. Head capsule with scattered short hairs and bristles, denser on ventral surface, scattered microscopic hairs on entire head capsule and denser in distal region. Posmentum with shot hairs and bristles. Pronotum with short hairs and bristles, more abundant on margins, mesonotum and metanotum with bristles and short hairs on posterior margins, abdominal tergites and sternites densely covered with bristles, sternites covered with erects bristles on posterior margins.

Comparisons. O. okeyma sp. nov. soldier has robust mandibles, a head capsule smaller than O. heberi , O. insignis , O. orthognathus , O. gibberorum , O. uncimandibularis and parallel head capsule sides (slightly convergent in front in O. brevipilosus and O. longilamina sp. nov.). The most similar species is O. orthognathus , whose soldier is larger.

Geographical distribution. All registers of O. okeyma sp. nov. are in open formations ( Fig. 29 View FIGURE 29 ).















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