Formosatettix guangyuanensis Deng, 2023

Deng, Wei-An, Luo, Jie-Ling, Huang, Chao-Mei & Lin, Li-Liang, 2023, Review of the genus Formosatettix Tinkham (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) with description of new taxa, new synonymy and an updated key to species, Zootaxa 5228 (3), pp. 201-243 : 213-216

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Formosatettix guangyuanensis Deng

sp. nov.

5. Formosatettix guangyuanensis Deng , sp. nov. ( Figs. 6 View FIGURE 6 , 7 View FIGURE 7 , 24E View FIGURE 24 , 25B View FIGURE 25 )

Description. Female. Small size, short, body surface smooth and interspersed with granules.

Head. Head and eyes not exserted above pronotal surface ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 6 ). Fastigium of vertex short; in dorsal view, width of vertex between eyes 2.0–2.2 times width of compound eye ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ); anterior margin of fastigium arcuate and distinctly surpassing anterior margin of eye; median carina visible anteriorly; lateral margins turned backward; vertex uneven with paired fossulae. In lateral view, frontal ridge and vertex forming a rounded shape and slightly projected above dorsal margin of the compound eye; frontal costa distinctly concave between eyes ( Fig. 6E View FIGURE 6 ), protruded anteriorly and broadly rounded between antennal grooves. In frontal view, frontal costa bifurcated above lateral ocelli, longitudinal furrow divergent between antennae, width of longitudinal furrow of frontal ridge 1.2 times antennal groove diameter ( Fig. 6D View FIGURE 6 ). Antennae short, filiform, antennal grooves inserted between inferior margins of compound eyes, 15-segmented, the 11th and 12th segment are the longest, about 4–5 times longer than its width. Eyes globose, lateral (paired) ocelli located in middle of compound eye height.

Thorax. Pronotum distinctly compresso-elevated, pronotal surface smooth and interspersed with dense granules ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). In dorsal view, median carina of pronotum lamellate elevated, anterior margin of pronotum obtuse protruding and reaching vertex between the last third of compound eye; lateral carinae of prozona parallel; humeral angle absent, interhumeral carina absent; hind pronotal process narrow and short, surpassing knee of hind femur and almost reaching apex of hind femur and its apex narrowly rounded. In profile, median carina of pronotum distinctly lamellate and archlike, distinct elevated before shoulders; lower margin of hind process curved, external lateral carinae of metazona also slightly curved, width of infrascapular area is 0.9–1.0 mm. Posterior angles of lateral lobes turned downwards, apex of posterior angles obtuse rounded, posterior margins of lateral lobes of pronotum only with ventral sinus and tegminal (upper) sinus absent. Tegmina and hind wings invisible (vestigial hidden under pronotum).

Legs. Fore and middle femora slightly compressed, margins finely serrated, with carinated, ventral margins undulated ( Fig. 7A, B View FIGURE 7 ). Hind femora robust and short, 2.9 times as long as wide; with carinated, dorsal margin smooth and ventral margin finely serrated ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ); antegenicular denticles and genicular denticles acute. Outer side and inner side of hind tibia with 8–10 spines ( Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ). First segment of posterior tarsi longer than third, three pulvilli of first segment of posterior tarsi are increased in turn, apices of first and second acute, apices of third right angle ( Fig. 7E View FIGURE 7 ).

Abdomen. Ovipositor narrow and long; upper and lower valvulae with slender saw-like teeth; length of upper valvulae 4.0 times its width. Length of subgenital plate nearly narrower than its width, middle of posterior margin of subgenital plate with two teeth ( Fig. 7F View FIGURE 7 ).

Coloration. Body dark brown or brown; with a pair of black spots before shoulders and behind shoulders. Fore and middle tibiae with two black bands. Hind femur dark brown or brown. Hind tibia dark brown, with two light rings in the middle.

Male. Similar to female, but smaller and narrower ( Fig. 7G, H View FIGURE 7 ). Width of vertex between eyes 2.0 times width of compound eye; width of infrascapular area is 0.8–0.9 mm; ventral margins of fore and middle femora slightly undulated or nearly straight in some of individuals. Subgenital plate short, cone-shaped, apex bifurcated.

Measurements (mm). Length of body: ♁ 9.5–10.5, ♀ 13.0–14.5; length of pronotum: ♁ 8.5–9.5, ♀ 9.5–10.5; length of hind femur: ♁ 5.5–6.0, ♀ 6.0–7.0.

Type material. Holotype: ♀, China, Sichuan prov., Guangyuan, Qingchuan (Tangjiahe), 32°34ʹ27ʹʹ N, 104°45ʹ23ʹʹ E, 1360 m alt., 06 August 2019, collected by Wei-An Deng, CLSGNU GoogleMaps . Paratypes. 5♁, 8♀, same data, collected by Wei-An Deng, Min Shi, Si-Si Tang and Xiao-Fen Zhang, CLSGNU GoogleMaps ; 3♁, 3♀, China, Sichuan prov., Guangyuan, Chaotian ( Shuimogou ), 32°48ʹ5ʹʹ N, 106°3ʹ12ʹʹ E, 1056 m alt., 10 August 2019, collected by Wei-An Deng, Min Shi, Si-Si Tang and Li-DanYuan, CLSGNU GoogleMaps ; 3♁, 3♀, China, Sichuan prov., Guangyuan, Wangcang ( Micangshan ), 32°38ʹ27ʹʹ N, 106°31ʹ33ʹʹ E, 1100 m alt., 11August 2019, collected by Wei-An Deng, Min Shi, SiSi Tang and Li-DanYuan, CLSGNU GoogleMaps ; 1♁, 4♀, China, Sichuan prov., Guangyuan, Cangxi ( Sanxikou ), 32°8ʹ33ʹʹ N, 106°21ʹ30ʹʹ E, 1100 m alt., 12August 2019, collected by Wei-An Deng and Si-Si Tang, CLSGNU GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to Formosatettix yunnanensis Zheng, 1992 and Formosatettix martensi Ingrisch, 2001 , but is easily distinguished by morphological characters as shown in Table 2 View TABLE 2 .

martensi and Formosatettix tangjiaheensis Deng , sp. nov.

Etymology. The new species was named after the type locality, Guangyuan, Sichuan, China; adjective. Distribution. P. R. CHINA: Sichuan.















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