Anabarhynchus weipaensis Ferguson

Ferguson, David J., Irwin, Michael E. & Yeates, David K., 2013, New species of Anabarhynchus Macquart (Diptera: Therevidae) from arid and monsoon tropical Australia, Zootaxa 3680 (1), pp. 55-95 : 91-94

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3680.1.5

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scientific name

Anabarhynchus weipaensis Ferguson

sp. nov.

Anabarhynchus weipaensis Ferguson sp. n.

( Figures 29 View FIGURE 29 , 30 View FIGURE 30 , 31 View FIGURE 31 )

Type material. Holotype: Female. AUSTRALIA: Queensland: Pennefather River, N of Weipa, Qld. 2.XI.2002, G. Daniels, mv lamp, ( GDCB #18197) (A3K257945) (AM). Condition: Pinned dorsally on stainless steel pin; reasonable condition.

Paratypes: 1 Female. AUSTRALIA: Queensland: 1Ƥ same as holotype ( GDCB #18196) (A3K257946) (AM).

Diagnosis. Frons raised, female frons width at anterior ocellus 3.86x ocellus; frontal setae short, sparse and semi-erect; mid-frons with large squarish dark-brown marks near meeting at mid-line. Scutum brownish-grey with dark marking mid-dorsal; postspiracular pile present; katepisternum and prosternal furrow without pile. Wing veins margins brownish-grey infuscate; vein m3 entering the wing margin very close to CuA1. Forefemur 3–4 pd, 2pv, 0– 2 av; mid-femur 1 pd; hind femur 1–2 av; femora basally dark apically yellow-brown; all femora with appressed pale pile, admix with short black setae. Female abdominal integument yellow-brown and dark-brown.

Description. Female: Body length: 9.5mm. Wing length: 7mm. Head. Integument black. Frons slightly raised; frons width at anterior ocellus 3.86x ocellus; ocellar tubercle flat; antennal base positioned low on frons, face and lower frons protruding; parafacials to lower frons bright brownish-grey; dimple beside eye at middle frons with associated dark brown mark, pair of relatively large squarish brown marks nearly meet along centre line, centre line and upper frons pale brownish grey; frons setae, very short, semi erect, in two sparse bands, lower frons setae a fifth the length of scape. Scape length 2x width; scape and pedicel grey, 1st segment of flagellum dark brown-grey with a short black setae on basal dorsal quarter, flagellar style black half length of flagellum. Occiput convex with brown pubescence, several indistinct rows of black macrosetae, 23 to each side; postocciput to gena grey with long, pale, hair-like pile. Palpus yellow-brown with whitish pile; labellum grey; prementum setae black. Thorax. Integument black. Scutal chaetotaxy black (pairs): np, 4; sa, 2; pa, 1; dc, 2; sc, 2. Scutum with thin brown dorsal line within broader brownish-grey band, margined by yellowish-brown bands, dark grey marks perimeter raised areas pre and post-transverse suture; scutal surface with sparsely distributed, appressed dark setae. Postspiracular pile present; katepisternum and prosternal furrow without pile; pleuron and coxae grey pubescence with pale pile admixed with black macrosetae. Wing. Ve in m 3 placed very close to CuA1 at wing margin; hyaline with brownish tint, dark brown veins, slightly infuscate along veins; stigma brown; costal setae beyond humeral cross-vein biserially arranged. Haltere. Pedicel pale brown; scabellum dirty white. Legs. Forefemur with 3–4 pd to apical half, one weak, 2pv small and weak, 0–2 av; mid-femur 1 pd; hind femur 1–2 av macrosetae; forefemur dark brown with thin grey pubescence, apical third mottled with yellow-brown; middle femur yellow-brown, with basal ventral half darkly infuscate with thin grey pubescence; hind femur basal half dark brown with grey pubescence, apical half slightly mottled yellow-brown; all femora with appressed pale pile, admix with short black setae; all tibiae yellowbrown apically darkened. Abdomen. Integument yellow-brown and dark-brown; tergites 2–4 anterior bands darkbrown, with appressed black pile; posterolaterally mottled yellow-brown under bright grey pubescence with pale appressed pile; tergites 5–7 yellow-brown, posterior half with thin grey pubescence bands distributed with sparse erect black pile; sternites similar in generally appearance to tergites. Terminalia. Paratype female (GDCB_18196) (AM_K:257946): sternite 8 ( Fig. 31 View FIGURE 31 f), anterior broad with flat anterior edge; posterior half, lateral edges slightly concave; apically with broad bi-lobed section, lobe edges thinly sclerotised, sparse setae to margins; posterior central region with elliptical depressed area; elongate black setae anterior to depressed area. Furca ( Fig. 31 View FIGURE 31 e), oval shaped; posterior frame thin; middle frame broad with pair of short, weakly sclerotised internal struts; anterior edge broad, laterally with squarish projections; anteroventral lobe represented by a pair small mid-lateral sclerotised oval marks.

Male. Unknown.

Variation. Female: Body length: 8.5mm. Wing length: 6mm. Frons width at anterior ocellus 3.43x ocellar; occiput macrosetae 28–29 each side. Forefemur, 3–4 pd, 4 pv small and weak, 0–2 av; both middle legs missing; hind femur, 2 av. Anterior bands to tergites 2–7 blackish brown with yellow-brown mottling posterolaterally, with grey pubescence.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the geographic location ‘Weipa’ where the type specimens were collected.

Comments. Known from two female specimens all collected Pennefather River, North of Weipa, northern Cape York in November.

Keys to couplet 86 in Lyneborg (2001); readily separated from A. plumbeus Lyneborg and A. plumbeoides Lyneborg by not having mid-femur pv and av macrosetae; the abdominal integument yellow-brown and dark brown; anterior bands brown.

Anabarhynchus weipaensis sp. n., forefemur av macrosetae are weak and positioned on the sub-apical, typical of the kroeberi species-group. Both kroeberi and plumbeus species-group species have similar sternite 8 morphology. The furca’s anterior ventral lobe is split into two small sclerites; characteristic of the plumbeus species-group, showing close relationship between these two species-groups. Anabarhynchus weipaensis sp. n., is placed in the kroeberi species-group based on the position of the weak sub-apical av macrosetae.















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