Boaedon Duméril, Bibron and Duméril, 1854
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Boaedon Duméril, Bibron and Duméril, 1854 |
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Genus Boaedon Duméril, Bibron and Duméril, 1854 View in CoL
Boaedon angolensis Bocage, 1895 ANGOLAN HOUSE SNAKE (Endemic)
Boodon lineatus var. angolensis Bocage 1895a:80 . Syntypes: MBL specimen numbers unknown (collectors F.A.P. Bayão [Duque de Bragança], Padre A. Barroso [St. Salvador du Congo], J.A. d’Anchieta [ Ambaca , Quissange , Cahata , Galanga , Caconda , Biballa , Huilla , Gambos , Humbe ], destroyed by fire 18 March 1978 [some specimens may have been exchanged and survived in other collections]. Type locality: “Duque de Bragança … St. Salvador du Congo … Ambaca, Quissange, Cahata, Galanga, Caconda, Huilla, Gambos, Biballa et Humbe”, [= Calandula ( Malanje Province ) … M’Banza Congo (Zaire Province) … Ambaca (Kwanza Norte Province) … Galanga (Huambo Province) … Quissange , Caota (Benguela Province) … Caconda , Huíla , Chiange (Huíla Province) … Bibala (Namibe Province) and Humbe (Cunene Province)], Angola.
Boodon lineatus var. angolensis : Bocage (1896a:
112, 1897b:211), Ferreira (1900a:51).
Boodon lineatus : Ferreira (1897b:244, 1904:114),
Monard (1937b:113).
Boaedon lineatus View in CoL : Wallach et al. (2014:96).
Boaedon cf. angolensis View in CoL : Conradie et al. (2016:22) View Cited Treatment .
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not
Global distribution: The species is endemic to Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 286): Zaire:
“ St. Salvador do Congo ” [-6.26667, 14.23333] GoogleMaps
( Bocage 1895a:80; Monard 1937b:113).
Kwanza Norte: “Ambaca” [-9.26667,
15.18333] ( Bocage 1895a:80; Ferreira
1900:48; Monard 1937b:113); “Cazengo”
[ -9.33333, 14.76667] ( Ferreira 1900a:48); MAP 286. Distribution of Boaedon angolensis in Angola GoogleMaps .
“Cacullo” [-9.38333, 14.91667] ( Ferreira 1904:114; Monard 1937b:113); Benguela: “Cahata” [-12.35000, 14.81667] ( Bocage 1895a:78); “Quissange” [-12.43333,14.05000] ( Bocage 1895a:80); “Hanha” [-13.30000, 14.20000] ( Bocage 1896a:112, 1897b:211). Huíla: “Caconda” [-13.73333, 15.06667] ( Bocage 1895a:80; Ferreira 1897b:244; Monard 1937b:113). Namibe: “Biballa” [-14.76667, 13.36667] ( Bocage 1895a:80). Cunene: “Humbe” [-16.68333, 14.90000] ( Bocage 1895a:80). Moxico: “upper Cuito River ” (photographed) [-13.15139, 18.48056] ( Conradie et al. 2016:22). Cuando Cubango: “Cuito basin (50)” [-14.59517, 18.07111] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9, 12, 22). Undetermined Locality: “Cacolo até às margens do Bengo ” ( Ferreira 1900a:48).
Taxonomic and distributional notes: Boaedon angolensis Bocage, 1895 , was described by Bocage (1895a) as a variety of Boaedon lineatus Duméril, Bibron and Duméril, 1854 , but was long forgotten and/or considered as a synonym of Boaedon fuliginosus or B. lineatus . Laurent (1956) mentioned that Angolan populations could be distinguished morphologically from other house snakes, but he did not discuss the availability of B. angolensis . The status of B. angolensis and related forms in Angola is under active review and both its taxonomic status and its distribution will be revised in the near future. Additional literature references to members of the B. fuliginosus complex may belong in the chresonymy of B. angolensis , but the most cannot be resolved without consulting the referred specimens
Boaedon variegatus (Bocage, 1867) VARIEGATED HOUSE SNAKE (Endemic)
Alopecion variegatum Bocage 1867b:227 View in CoL , 1867d:230. Syntypes: MBL specimen numbers not known. Type locality: “Benguella” and “Novo Redondo” ( Bocage 1867d:230) [= Benguela (Benguela Province) and Sumbe (Kwanza Sul Province)] Angola.
Boodon lineatus : Bocage (1895a:80), Boulenger (1893:332), Monard (1937b:113).
Boaedon fuliginosus fuliginosus View in CoL : Loveridge (1957:251).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: The species is endemic to Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 287): Luanda: “ Loanda ” [-8.83333, 13.26667] ( Bocage GoogleMaps
1895a:80, Ferreira 1900a:48; Monard
1937b:113). Kwanza Sul: “Novo Redondo”
[-11.20000, 13.85000] ( Bocage 1867b:227,
1867d:230, 1895a:80; Monard 1937b:113;
Loveridge 1957:251). Huambo: “Galanga”
[-12.06667, 15.15000] ( Bocage 1895a:78).
Benguela: “Dombe” [-12.95000, 13.10000] GoogleMaps
( Bocage 1867b:227, 1895a:80; Monard
1937b:113); “Benguella” [-12.58333,
13.41667] ( Bocage 1867b:227, 1895:78; Boulenger 1893:333; Loveridge 1957:251); Namibe: “Capangombe” [-15.10000, 13.15000]
( Bocage 1895a:80; Monard 1937b:113).
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
Alopecion variegatum has variously been considered as a synonym of other taxa in the MAP 287. Distribution of Boaedon variegatus in Angola. B. fuliginosus complex, but recent collections and ongoing reviews support its specific distinctness. The status of B. variegatus and related forms in Angola is under active review and both its taxonomic status and its distribution will be revised in the near future. Additional literature references to members of the B. fuliginosus complex may belong in the chresonymy of B. variegatus , but the most cannot be resolved without consulting the referred specimens.
Boaedon fuliginosus complex ( Boie, 1827) BROWN HOUSE SNAKE
Lycodon fuliginosus : Boie (1827: column 551). Type (s): unknown, RMNH?. Type locality: “Erp. de Java ist das Vaterland bekannt” ( Boie 1827:column 551). Boie (1827) listed this species under Asian species of Lycodon View in CoL and cited the unpublished Erpétology de Java as the source for the name. It is unclear why the manuscript title was run together with “ist der Vaterland bekannt.” This may imply “Java” as the type locality, or it may have been an error for “Der Vaterland is unbekannt.”
Boaedon lineatum View in CoL : Bocage (1866a:49, 1867b:227), Parker (1936:122).
Boedon quadrilineatum : Bocage (1879c:89).
Boodon quadrilinaetus : Peters (1881:149).
Boodon lineatus : Günther (1865a:480), Bocage (1895a:78), Boulenger (1893:332, 1896:616, 1905:112), Ferreira (1897b:244, 1900a:51, 1903:10, 1904:114, 1906:167), Monard (1937b:113, 117), Themido (1941:9).
Boaedon lineatus View in CoL : Schmidt (1933:13), Loveridge (1936a:22), Mertens (1937a:12, 1938a:439).
Boaedon lineatus lineatus View in CoL : Bogert (1940:21), Laurent (1950a:7, 1954a:43, 1964a:93), Hellmich (1957a:71, 1957b:60), Thys van den Audenaerde (1966:32).
Boaedon fuliginosus fuliginosus View in CoL ( Baedon lineatus ): Manaças (1973:190).
Lamprophis fuliginosus View in CoL : Trapé and Mané (2006:114), Chirio and LeBreton (2007:456), Ceríaco et al. (2016b:85).
Boaedon fuliginosus View in CoL : Kelly et al. (2011:424), Wallach et al. (2014:95), Greenbaum et al. (2015:18), Wallach et al. (2014:95).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: The species complex is known from southern Morocco to South Africa. Ocurrences in Angola (Map 288): Members of this complex are present throughout
Angola with the exception of the desert regions of the far southwestern Angola. Cabinda:
“Landana” [-5.20000, 12.15000] ( Bocage
1895a:78; Monard 1937b:113); “Molembo”
[-5.33333, 12.20000] ( Bocage 1895a:78;
Monard 1937b:113). Lunda Norte: “Dundo”
[-7.36667, 20.83333] ( Laurent 1950a:7,
1954a:43, 1964a:93; Thys van den Audenaerde
1966:32); “Dundo, Barrage de la Luachimo”
[-7.38333, 20.85000] (Thys van den Audenaer-
de 1966:32); “Muita (Luembe E)” [-7.80000,
21.45000] ( Laurent 1954a:43); “ Rio Luinha ”
[-9.26667, 14.53333] ( Ferreira 1906:167;
Monard 1937b:113). Lunda Sul: “Alto Chicapa” [-10.88333, 19.23333] ( Laurent 1964a:93);
[ -11.45000, 19.33333] ( Themido MAP 288. Distribution of Boaedon fuliginosus complex in Angola. GoogleMaps
1941:9). Bengo: “Cabiri” [-8.91667,
13.66667] ( Loveridge 1936a:22). Kwanza Norte: “Piri-Dembos” [-8.56667, 14.50000] ( Hellmich 1957b:60); “N’dalla Tando” [-9.30000, 14.91667] ( Ferreira 1903:10; Monard 1937b:113); “Dondo” [-9.68333, 14.43333] ( Bocage 1895a:78; Monard 1937b:113). Malanje: “Duque de Bragança ” [-9.10000, 15.95000] ( Bocage 1866a:49, 1895a:78; Monard 1937b:113); “Pungo-Andongo” [-9.66667, 15.58333] ( Günther 1865a:480; Boulenger 1893:332-334, 1905:112; Monard 1937b:113); “Cangandala National Park” [-9.84606, 16.72233] (Ceríaco et al. 2016b:85). Moxico: “environs du lac Calundo” [-11.80000, 20.86667] ( Laurent 1964a:93); “ Rio Calombe, Luso” [-11.83333, 19.93333] ( Manaças 1973:190). Bié: “Chitau” [-11.43333, 17.15000] (Schmitd 1933:13); “Bihé” [-12.38333, 16.95000] ( Bocage 1879c:89). Huambo: “Bela-Vista (Sanguengue)” [-12.36667, 16.20000] ( Hellmich 1957b:60); “ Huambo ” [-12.76667, 15.73333] ( Themido 1941:9). Kwanza Sul: “Congulu” [-10.86667, 14.28333] ( Parker 1936:122); “Lembu (Serra de Selles)” [-12.86667, 14.11667] ( Ferreira 1904:114). Benguela: “Catumbella” [-12.43333, 13.55000] ( Bocage 1895a:78; Monard 1937b:113); “Benguella” [-12.58333, 13.41667] ( Bocage 1867b:227, 1895a:78; Boulenger 1893:333); “Entre Rios” [-13.01667, 14.63333] ( Hellmich 1957a:71); “Cubal” [-13.03333, 14.25000] ( Mertens 1937a:12, 1938a:439; Hellmich 1957b:60); “Hanha” [-12.25000, 13.75000] ( Bogert 1940:21). Huíla: “Kalukembé” [-13.78333, 14.68333] ( Monard 1937b:113, 117); “Kuvangu (Vila-da-Ponte)” [-14.46667, 16.30000] ( Monard 1937b:113, 117); “Huilla” [-15.05000, 13.55000] ( Bocage 1895a:78); “Gambos” [-15.76667, 14.10000] ( Bocage 1895a:80). Cunene: “fl. Mbalé ” [-15.16667, 16.75000] ( Monard 1937b:113, 117). Cuando Cubango: “Kutatu” [-14.36667, 16.48333] ( Monard 1937b:113, 117); “Kakindo” [-15.45000, 17.05000] ( Monard 1937b:113, 117). Undetermined Locality: “without precise location” ( Bocage 1867b:227); “Cuango” ( Peters 1881:149) (Malanje Province impossible to georeference: See History Section for more detailed information).
Taxonomic and distributional notes: The Boaedon fuliginosus complex, includes Boaedon lineatus Duméril, Bibron and Duméril, 1854 , Boaedon fuliginosus ( Boie, 1827) and Boaedon capensis (Bibron and Duméril, 1854) as well as the taxa B. angolensis and B. variegatus , listed above. Recent molecular analyses conducted by Kelly et al. (2011) demonstrated extensive genetic variation in the widespread B. fuliginosus , suggesting several cryptic species are present. Several names are available for putative taxa within the B. fuliginosus complex, and additional genetic sampling and extensive morphological analyses are needed to update the taxonomy of this group ( Greenbaum et al. 2015). Broadley et al. (in prep) are trying to evaluate species boundaries in the group and the concomitant application of names. Wallach et al. (2014) assigned the Angolan records to B. fuliginosus , however, we have separately listed those records which appear to be unambiguously assignable to B. angolensis and B. variegatus . Citation records in this account may also refer to one of these other taxa, but this cannot be determined without a moe thorough revision.
Boaedon olivaceus ( Duméril, 1856) OLIVE HOUSE SNAKE View in CoL
Holuropholis olivaceus Duméril 1856:466 View in CoL . Holotype: MNHN 3408 (collector C.E. Aubry-Lecomte). Type locality: “ Gabon.” Holuropholis olivaceus View in CoL : Peters (1877a:615). Boodon olivaceus : Bocage (1895a:81). Boaedon olivaceus View in CoL : Boulenger (1915:202), Laurent (1954a:43), Loveridge (1957:251), Frade (1963:252),
Thys van den Audenaerde (1966:32), Wallach et al. (2014:97). Lamprophis olivaceus : Chiro and LeBreton (2007:460).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated. Global distribution: The species is known from west and central Africa, from Guinea to Central African Republic, south to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and northern Angola and east to Rwanda and Uganda. Ocurrences in Angola (Map 289): The species occurs in the Cabinda enclave and Lunda
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Family |
Genus |
Boaedon Duméril, Bibron and Duméril, 1854
Marques, Mariana P., Ceríaco, Luis M. P., Blackburn, David C. & Bauer, Aaron M. 2018 |
Boaedon lineatus
WALLACH V., K. L. & WILLIAMS, AND & J. BOUNDY 2014: 96 |
Boaedon fuliginosus
WALLACH V., K. L. & WILLIAMS, AND & J. BOUNDY 2014: 95 |
WALLACH V., K. L. & WILLIAMS, AND & J. BOUNDY 2014: 95 |
KELLY, C. M. R. & W. R. BRANCH & D. G. BROADLEY & N. P. BARKER & M. H. VILLET 2011: 424 |
Boaedon fuliginosus fuliginosus
MANACAS, S. 1973: 190 |
Boaedon lineatus lineatus
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 93 |
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 71 |
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 60 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1954: 43 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1950: 7 |
BOGERT, C. M. 1940: 21 |
Boaedon lineatus
MERTENS, R. 1938: 439 |
MERTENS, R. 1937: 12 |
LOVERIDGE, A. 1936: 22 |
SCHMIDT, K. P. 1933: 13 |
Boodon lineatus
FERREIRA, J. B. 1904: 114 |
FERREIRA, J. B. 1897: 244 |
Boodon lineatus var. angolensis
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 80 |
Boodon lineatus
MONARD, A. 1937: 113 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 80 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1893: 332 |
Boodon quadrilinaetus
PETERS, W. C. H. 1881: 149 |
Boedon quadrilineatum
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1879: 89 |
Alopecion variegatum
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1867: 227 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1867: 230 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1867: 230 |
Boaedon lineatum
PARKER, H. W. 1936: 122 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1867: 227 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1866: 49 |
Boodon lineatus
THEMIDO, A. A. 1941: 9 |
MONARD, A. 1937: 113 |
FERREIRA, J. B. 1906: 167 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1905: 112 |
FERREIRA, J. B. 1904: 114 |
FERREIRA, J. B. 1903: 10 |
FERREIRA, J. B. 1900: 51 |
FERREIRA, J. B. 1897: 244 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1896: 616 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 78 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1893: 332 |
GUNTHER, A. C. L. G. 1865: 480 |
Holuropholis olivaceus Duméril 1856:466
FRADE, F. 1963: 252 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1954: 43 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1915: 202 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 81 |
PETERS, W. C. H. 1877: 615 |
DUMERIL, A. H. A. 1856: 466 |