Ochyrotica Walsingham, 1891

Hao, Shu-Lian, 2014, Taxonomic review of the genus Ochyrotica Walsingham from China (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae: Ochyroticinae), Zoological Systematics 39 (2), pp. 283-291 : 284-285

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11865/zs20140211

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scientific name

Ochyrotica Walsingham, 1891


Ochyrotica Walsingham, 1891 View in CoL

Ochyrotica Walsingham, 1891 . Entomologist’s Mon. Mag., 27: 217.

Type species: Ochyrotica fasciata Walsingham , 189, by monotypy and original designation.

Steganodactyla Walsingham, 1891 . Entomologist’s Mon. Mag., 27: 241.

Type species: Steganodactyla concursa Walsingham, 1891 , by original designation.

Head ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–2 ) smooth, appressedly scaled, without frontal tuft, with prominent erect tip-bifid scales around occiput and cervix. Antennae about 1/2 length of forewing. Labial palpus short, without hair brush along third segment. Forewing not cleft, without naked field; more colourful than Agdistis , often yellowish brown to brown, with ivory-white on whole forewing, or grey to greyish-yellow, with brown termen; apex very prominent due to incurved termen. Hindwing not cleft, grey, termen sinuate. Fore wing veins ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–2 ): R 1 absent, R 2 – R 5 present; R 3 Stalked with R 4; M 1, M 2 and M 3 nearly parallel; CuA 1 and CuA 2 present and separate, CuA 1 come from angle of cell, CuA 2 come from cell. Hind wing veins ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–2 ): M 2 and CuA 1 nearly parallel.

© Zoological Systematics, 39(2): 283–291

Male genitalia. Uncus simple, tapering, but bifid in O. koteka and O. bjoerntadti . Tegumen arched. Valvae symmetrical, elongate except O. salomonica shrunk at middle; sacculus often with processes or spines. Saccus simple. Anellus bilobed or ring-shaped. Aedeagus straight or curved, with or without cornutus. Sternite VIII well developed, forming various processes.

Female genitalia. Ostium and antrum symmetrical, centrally located. Ductus bursae simple, without sclerite. Corpus bursae spherical to elongately spherical, with or without signum.

Host plants. Convolvulaceae : Ipomoea sp. , Argyreia sp. (Arenberger, 1995; Gielis, 2006).

Distribution. Indo-Australian Region, Neotropical Region, Afotropical Region and Palaearctical Region (Arenberger, 1990; Bigot, 1969; Arenberger & Gielis, 1988; Gibeaux, 1994; Gielis, 2003, 2006).

Diagnosis. Ochyrotica is the only genus of the subfamily Ochyroticinae . It can be distinguished from other genera of the family Ptreophoridae by the head with erect tip-furcated scales around occiput and cervix, both wings uncleft, the forewing without naked field, and with the termen incurved.

Remarks. Gielis (1993, 2006) described that R 1 was present in Ochyrotica , while Yano (1963a) and Arenberger (1995) indicated that R 1 was absent. In this study, we found that R 1 was absent in Ochyrotica .

Gielis (1988a, b) stated the presence of the signum in Ochyrotica ; Yano (1963a) and Gielis (1993, 2006) stated that the signum was absent in the female genitalia of Ochyrotica ; and Arenberger (1995) described that signum was absent or present in Ochyrotica . We confirm the presence or absence of signum in this study.

Key to the Ochyrotica species from China

1. Forewing yellowish brown to brown, tinged with ivory-white on whole forewing ···························································· 2 Forewing grey to greyish yellow, with brown at termen ·································································· O. yanoi View in CoL ( Figs 11–15 View Figs 11–15 )

2. Markings of costal and dorsal margins touched twice ································································· O. connexiva View in CoL ( Figs 3–10 View Figs 3–10 ) Markings of costal margin and dorsal margin touched once ······················································································ 3

3. Valva with a spined patch in middle; aedaegus straight, stout, without process at base·········································· O. taiwanica Valva View in CoL without spined patch; aedaegus curved, with a hooked process at base ··································· O. zolotuhini View in CoL ( Figs 19–24 View Figs 19–24 )


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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