4.2. Ecological data on
C. osculatum
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sp. D and
C. osculatum
sp. E
The results here presented confirm the presence of the two Antarctic species of anisakid nematodes of the genus
Contracaecum (Raillet and Henry, 1912)
, [
C. osculatum
sp. D and
C. osculatum
sp. E ( Orecchia et al., 1994)] as the most prevalent anisakid species recovered from the fish hosts captured in the Ross Sea. The two species were found in the same individual fish hosts, showing a strict simpatry and sintopy. However, a significant difference in their relative proportions in the fish species was observed. This finding could be related to the ecological and feeding habits of the fish host species. The fish species examined in the present study show trophic niche separation ( Brenner et al., 2001), as demonstrated also by a study using stable carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotope analyses. Indeed, species of the fish genus
were differentiated in both C and N isotopic signature ( Rutschmann et al., 2011), indicating respectively a different habitat use and a distinct trophic level.
T. bernacchii
is the most benthic species of the genus
Trematomus ( La Mesa et al., 2004)
; it has been also defined as a shallow benthic species, primarily feeding on benthic prey ( Gon and Heemstra, 1990). Therefore,
T. bernacchii
is considered as a generalist species, which relies on a wide range of preys that are more or less associated with the sea bottom ( La Mesa et al., 2004). On fish from the Ross Sea area, La Mesa et al. (2004) reported that bivalves were the main food of
T. bernacchii
, followed by polychaetes, and amphipods ( Fig. 2
View Fig
). Our result showed that in
T. bernacchii
the species
C. osculatum
sp. E prevailed over
C. osculatum
sp. D, which was rarely seen in that fish species ( Tables 3 and 4). Further, we found that small sized
T. bernacchii
(<25 cm) seems to be scarcely infected by
larvae (authors personal observation). Another benthic notothenioid,
T. hansoni
, showed similar low infestation levels as observed in
T. bernacchii
( Table 3), but it had a preponderance of
C. osculatum
sp. D (65.0% in 1993 ‾ 1994 sample, and 70.2% in 2011 ‾ 2012 sample; Table 4, Fig. 2
View Fig
). The observed difference in the relative proportions of the two species of
Contracaecum spp.
could be explained by a different feeding behaviour and feeding habits of these two fish species ( Fig. 2
View Fig
T. hansoni
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, despite sharing the benthic life style of
T. bernacchii
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, includes more pelagic items in its diet ( Eastman and Sidell, 2002). La Mesa et al., 1997, report that stomach contents of
T. hansoni
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specimens collected in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) showed a mainly piscivorous (mainly juveniles) diet, with fish eggs as secondary food items, and on several benthic organisms as polychaetes and decapods ( La Mesa et al., 1997). Its food spectrum thus mainly comprises benthic organisms that are more or less associated with the substratum ( La Mesa et al., 1997).
T. newnesi
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is considered part of cryopelagic community organism ( Andriashev, 1970), and it's often associated with the under surface of the ice. The species can be defined as a frequent plankton feeder in the water column and as an occasional benthic feeder on the substratum (reviewed in Barrera-Oro, 2002); its diet in fact includes both
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and more benthic Amphipoda, Isopoda, Polychaeta and some Mollusca ( Daniels, 1982). A marked plasticity in feeding habits and diet diversity of
T. newnesi
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has been found in areas of seasonal sea-ice coverage in the high Antarctic zone ( La Mesa et al., 2000) ( Fig. 2
View Fig
). Both
C. osculatum
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species showed high prevalence of infection in
T. newnesi
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, with almost all the examined fish infested ( Table 3), and showing mean intensity (Im) values that were higher in
T. newnesi
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than in the other notothenoids ( Table 2).
T. newnesi
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, with its intermediate characteristics and its peculiar cryopelagic habit, feeding both in the water column on krill, and on substratum benthic organisms (Amphipoda, Polychaeta, and Isopoda), showed a balanced mixed infection with the two Contracaecum species (48.4%
C. osculatum
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sp. D and 51.6%
C. osculatum
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sp. E, Table 4), feeding on both intermediate hosts for the two Contracaecum species ( Fig. 2
View Fig
). In a study based on the stable isotope method to investigate trophic niches of Antarctic fishes, Cherel et al., 2011 reports that the intermediate d 13 C value of
T. newnesi
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is in agreement with the semipelagic life style of the species ( Gon and Heemstra, 1990).
Ch. hamatus
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, with a low d 13 C signature, confirms its epibenthic life style, feeding mainly on pelagic prey ( Gon and Heemstra, 1990). The infestation levels by both
C. osculatum
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species in the channichtyid
Ch. hamatus
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were remarkably higher than the levels recorded in the notothenioid fish species ( Table 3, Fig. 2
View Fig
). A 100% prevalence (P) was recorded in samples from both Antarctic expeditions for the
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larvae of the two species, being present in all the examined
Ch. hamatus
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specimens, and showing extremely high mean intensity values (A = 135.8 for
C. osculatum
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sp. D and A = 25.9 for
C. osculatum
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sp. E recorded in 2011/2012, and A = 102.0 for
C. osculatum
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sp. D and A = 17.6 for
C. osculatum
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sp. E recorded in 1993 ‾ 1994) ( Table 3). The subsample of
Contracaecum spp.
larvae obtained from
Ch. hamatus
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genetically identified showed a prominent presence of
C. osculatum
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sp. D (83.0% recorded in the subsample of 1993 ‾ 1994, and 84.0% on 2011 ‾ 2012) ( Table 4). Piscivorous fish, such as many larger channichtyds, obviously play an important role as parathenic accumulators of
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s.l. larvae (Kloser ¨et al., 1992). In the Ross Sea,
Ch. hamatus
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is the most abundant and eurybathic channichtyid ( Eastman and Hubold, 1999; Vacchi et al., 1999), with benthic behaviour, but also capable of vertical migration to feed on pelagic prey ( Eastman and Sidell, 2002). Mintenbeck et al., 2012, defines
Chionodraco spp.
as demersal fish that only occasionally move in the water column. The large predatory icefish probably show a heavier helminth burden compared with the
Trematomus spp.
because they are likely more exposed to infection through predation on multiple intermediate hosts, such as invertebrates and smaller fish (see La Mesa et al., 2004).
Thus, considering the relative frequencies observed of the two species of
occurring in the different fish hosts, each one characterized by its feeding ecology and diets, some conclusion can be drawn regarding the possible life cycles of
C. osculatum
sp. D and
C. osculatum
sp. E in the Antarctic food web ( Fig. 3a and b
View Fig
, respectively).
C. osculatum
sp. D seems to be associated more with fishes, such as
Ch. hamatus
T. hansoni
, characterized by benthopelagic habits, and predating on other small fishes and Antarctic krill (presumably
Euphausia crystallorophias
, the most frequent euphausiid present in the Ross sea).
C. osculatum
sp. D could include, in its life-cycle, a planktonic intermediate host, such as
Euphausia crystallorophias
( Fig. 3a
View Fig
). Instead,
C. osculatum
sp. E showed its higher relative proportion in
T. bernacchii
, which is a fish specialized in predation of strictly benthic organisms. This finding seems to suggest that a possible first intermediate host of
C. osculatum
sp. E could be represented by benthic organisms ( Fig. 3b
View Fig