Athetis cinerascens (Motschulsky, [1861])

Han, H. L. & Kononenko, V. S., 2011, Twelve new species of Athetis Hübner, [1821] 1816 from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Zootaxa 3068 (1), pp. 49-68 : 50-51

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3068.1.2


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scientific name

Athetis cinerascens (Motschulsky, [1861])


Athetis cinerascens (Motschulsky, [1861]) View in CoL

( Figs. 1 View FIGURES 1–8 , 17 View FIGURES 17–20 , 30 View FIGURES 30–34 )

Cosmia cinerascens Motschulsky, 1861 , Ètudes d'Entomologiques 9: 34 (Type-locality: Japan).

Synonymy. Radinacra palpalis Butler, 1878 , Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5), 1: 161 (Type-locality: Japan, Tokyo [ST: BMNH, London]). Athetis cinerascens: Sugi, 1964: 286 , fig. 6; Sugi, 1982, I: 765, II: 370, pl. 188: 21, 22; Poole, 1989: 132; Kononenko, Ahn & Ronkay, 1998: 326, fig. 612.

Material examined. SOUTH KOREA: 9 males, 1 female, Cheongryang-ri 14–27.iv.1985 (K. J. Weon) ; 1 male, Suwon , 25.iv.1984 (D. J.Ohn) ; 2 females, 23.iv.1989, 9.iv.1990; 2 females, Yangyang , 30.v.1987 (K. T. Park) ; 1 female, Chuncheon , 7.v.1994 (S. B.Ahn) . JAPAN: 3 males, Tokyo, Mt. Takao , 10.iv.1959, 16.iv.1960 ( T. Ebato) ; 5 males, Yabunoyu-spa, Yamanashi-ken , 4.v.1970; 1.v.1971; 5.v.1972 ( T. Ebato) ; 1 female, Tokyo-to, Kiyose , 27.iv.1959 ( T. Ebato) ; 1 female, Nashimoto, Shizuoka-ken , 13.iii.1933 ( T. Ebato) ; 1 male, Kobe , Japan, IV 1916 (H. Höne) ; 1 male, 1 female, Yokohama ( Japan) 8.v.1911 (H. Höne) . CHINA: 2 males, 2 females, [ Prov. Zhejiang] “West Tien-Mu-Shan”, 3, 12, 17, 23.iv.1932 (H. Höne) ; 1 female [ Prov. Yunnan], “Likiang ca 3000 m, Prov. Nord Yunnan ", 20.iii.1935 (H. Höne) ; 1 female, [ Prov. Fujian], “Kuatun (Fukien) (2300 m)”, 27˚40'N, 117˚40' E, 11.v.1938 (J. Klapperich), genit. prep.: ZFMK 1740 About ZFMK , 1741 About ZFMK , 1742 About ZFMK , 1749 About ZFMK .

Diagnosis. External appearance ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Wingspan 32–34 mm. The species differs from other allies by relatively long 3rd segment of palps about three quarters the length of 2nd, somewhat rounded and extended on apex. Forewing ground color pale brown-yellowish with intrusion of brownish scales; submedial line brown, diffused, to row of streaks; orbicular dark dot; medial shadow distinct, diffused, somewhat darker around reniform area; reniform diffused, indistinct or expressed as dark suffusion and yellowish spot, surrounded with two white dots; postmedial line thin, with row of dark dots sometimes indistinct; subterminal line as dark suffusion; terminal line as row of black spots, surrounded with pale scales; cilia pale brown with pale borderline. Hindwing whitish grey, somewhat darker around outer margin. Hair brushes missing. Male genitalia ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17–20 ): differ from allied species by rather long and narrow valva with distal part curved upward dorsally in almost straigth angle; uncus rudimental, tegumen rather wide, higher than vinculum; juxta wide, shield like, tapered in mid of apical margin; valva elongated, with parallel margins and distal part curved dorsally, its costal margin strong; cucullus extended, rounded apically, covered by hairs; sacculus long; harpe deposited at distal fourth of valva, strong, short, apically bifurcated with acute apices, dorsal apex longer than ventral one; costa with pointed digitus (costal extension), deposited under harpe and extended beyond lobe of valva. Aedeagus moderate in length, almost straigth, carina as sclerotised band; vesica tubular, coiled basally, with small sclerotised plate, armed with scarce small cornuti from base, which become stronger and more dense in medially, and weaker apically. Female genitalia ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 30–34 ): ovipositor moderate, papillae anales weak; apophyses anteriores and posteriores ones rather long, thin, apophyses posteriores somewhat shorter; ostium split-like; antrum formed by wide rounded antevaginal plate with deep narrow cut in middle, ductus bursa moderate in length, membranous, extended to joining with bursa; cervix bursa large, sclerotised and wrinkled in joining with ductus; corpus bursae membranous, wrinkled.

Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Korea, China (southward to Fujan and Yunnan, eastward to Tibet). The moths fly from April to May.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics













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