Takama Dworakowska & Viraktamath, 1975

Song, Yuehua & Li, Zizhong, 2011, First report on the leafhopper genus Takama Dworakowska & Viraktamath (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) from Hainan Island, China, with the description of two new species, Zootaxa 3127, pp. 64-68 : 64-65

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.203495



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scientific name

Takama Dworakowska & Viraktamath, 1975


Takama Dworakowska & Viraktamath, 1975 View in CoL

Takama Dworakowska & Viraktamath : 523

Type species: Takama magna Dworakowska & Viraktamath, 1975

Dorsum yellow or white. Color pattern brown. Head narrower than pronotum. Crown fore margin slightly produced medially, subparallel to posterior margin. Vertex median length shorter than width between eyes, coronal suture distinct, usually with pair of dark preapical spots. Pronotum with obvious large impressions nearly diamond shaped. Scutellum nearly triangular, usually with dark lateral triangles. Forewing pale, semitransparent, with 4 apical cells: 1st with distinctly angulate base; 2nd quadrate; 3rd widened distally, curved; 4th about two times as long as wide.

Abdominal apodemes small, narrow, extended dorsomesad.

Male genitalia: Pygofer lobe with few slender setae in distal half and not numerous ones at basal lower angle; dorsal appendage immovably fused to margin, without basal suture; ventral appendages absent. Subgenital plate lateral margin distinctly widened subapically, nearly hill-shaped, then tapered towards apex, and usually with numerous basal macrosetae on outer surface; without marginal subbasal setae or setae poorly developed. Style apex slender, sometimes curved, tapering; preapical lobe prominent. Aedeagal shaft tubular, provided with processes at apex or subapex. Aedeagus with pair of well developed appendages arising from upper part of atrial rim. Connective fused to aedeagus, approximately U-shaped apically, without central lobe; two lateral arms long and stout, stem absent or very short, depressed.

Distribution: India (Karnataka, Mysore); Sri Lanka; China (Hainan Island).











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