Grammodora nigrolineata ( Aurivillius, 1895 )

Takano, Hitoshi, 2024, Revisional notes on Grammodora Aurivillius, 1927 with the descriptions of two new species from Angola and Tanzania (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae: Lasiocampinae: Selenepherini), Ecologica Montenegrina 72, pp. 117-127 : 118-122

publication ID 10.37828/em.2024.72.10

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scientific name

Grammodora nigrolineata ( Aurivillius, 1895 )


Grammodora nigrolineata ( Aurivillius, 1895) View in CoL

( Figs 1–5 View Figures 1–13 , 14, 17 View Figures 14–19 , 20–21 View Figures 20 View Figure 21 )

Type locality: “Delagoa Bay [ Mozambique] und Deutsch Ost- Afrika [= Tanzania]”

Type material examined:

Syntype ♀ ( MfN) :

“Origin. [violet paper] // D.O. Afric. / Johne [handwritten] // Lenodora / Nigrolineata / (Aur.) Auriv. [handwritten]”

Note: there is a female specimen collected by Henri Junod at Delagoa Bay from the Staudinger collection in MfN but it is a much smaller moth than the wingspan measurements provided in the original description by Aurivillius (1895) and although it could be syntypic, there is some doubt over its status.

Other material examined (98♂♂ 41♀♀):

D.R. CONGO: Elisabethville [=Lubumbashi], iii.1926, leg. C. Seydel (1♂ NHMUK) ; Kafakumba , ii.1933, leg. F.G. Overlaet (1♂ RMCA) ; Kansenia , leg. W. Dedoncker (1♀ NHMUK) ; Kolwezi , x.1952, leg. V. Allard (1♂ RMCA) ; Lubumbashi , 22.iv.1979, leg. J. Thiry (1♂ RMCA) ; Plateau du Biano, Chute Mulamba , 1600m, 22.ix.1989, leg. T. Bouyer (1♂ RMCA) ; Route Tenke- Kansenia, R. Gule , 1500m, 19.ix.1989, leg. T. Bouyer (1♂ RMCA) ; Sakania , x.1926, leg. C. Seydel (1♂ RMCA) ; Sandoa , 27.vii.1932, leg. F.G. Overlaet (1♂ RMCA) ; KENYA: Kibwezi , 28.iii.1917, leg. W. Feather (1♂ NHMUK) ; Neugia [=Ngiini], 22.xii.1898, leg. R. Crawshay (1♀ NHMUK) ; MALAWI: Blantyre, 20.xi.99, leg. C.H. Ambruster (1♂ NHMUK) ; Chinteche , 30.v.1978, leg. R. Jocqué (1♂ RMCA) ; Chintechi , i–v.1924, leg. T.H. Lloyd (1♀ NHMUK) ; Dowa, xii.1901 – i.1902, leg. H.A. Byatt (1♀ OUMNH) ; Kasangazi, near Bandawe , 3000ft, leg. G. Prentice (1♂ 1♀ NHMUK) ; Lilongwe, 27.xii.1909, leg. F. Andrews (1♂ NHMUK) ; Magunda estate, Luchenza , leg. F. Nisbet (1♀ NHMUK) ; Maiwale , 3280ft, 06.xii.1929, leg. W.A. Lamborn (1♂ OUMNH) ; Mt. Mlanje , 28.x.1913, leg. S.A. Neave (1♂ NHMUK) ; Mt. Mlanje, Luchenya River , 04.xi.1913, leg. S.A. Neave (1♂ NHMUK) ; Mzeze , 1560ft, iii.1922, leg. W.A. Lamborn (1♂ OUMNH) ; Nkhata Bay, Kolwe Forest Reserve , 540m, 11°36’39”S, 34°14’06”E, 19.iv.2011, leg. R. Yakovlev (1♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Zomba, xi.1913, leg. H.S. Stannus (1♂ NHMUK) ; same data but iv.1920, leg. H. Barlow (1♀ NHMUK) ; MOZAMBIQUE: E of Mt. Chiperone , 2200ft, 19.xi.1913, leg. S.A. Neave (1♀ NHMUK) ; Ibo (1♂ 3♀♀ NHMUK) ; Kola Valley , 05.iv.1913, leg. S.A. Neave (1♀ NHMUK) ; Maputo Special Reserve, West Gate ( Sand Thicket ), 22m, 26°30’14.2”S, 32°42’59.6”E, 10–17.ii.2018, leg. G. László, J. Mulvaney & L. Smith (4♂♂ 2♀♀ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; same data 09–17.ii.2018 (2♂♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; same data but ( Sand Forest ), 13–15.ii.2018 (5♂♂ 2♀♀ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; same data 21–22.ii.2018 (2♂♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; SOUTH AFRICA: Barberton , i.1894, leg. P. Rendall (1♀ NHMUK) ; Lydenburg [=Mashishing], leg. W.L. Distant (1♂ NHMUK) ; Shilouvane , leg. H. Junod (2♂♂ NHMUK) ; Soutpansberg, White River , xi.1909, leg. A.T. Cooke (2♀♀ MfN) ; TANZANIA: Amani Malaria Institute , iii.1962, leg. G. Pringel (1♂ NHMUK) ; Campus de Faculté d’Agriculture , Morogoro, 600m, v–viii.1971, leg. L. Berger, N. Leleup & J. Debecker (1♂ RMCA) ; Dar es Salaam, vii.1917, leg. A. Reuss (1♀ MfN) ; Minaki , 03.x.1965 (1♀ NHMUK) ; foot of Uluguru Mts. , 2000ft, 14.vii.1917, leg. A. Loveridge (1♂ NHMUK) ; Hondo Hondo, Udzungwa , 300m, 07°50’02”S, 36°53’34”E, 07–08.iv.2011, leg. R. Smith & H. Takano (1♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Kigonsera , xi–xii.1906 (1♀ NHMUK) ; Kilosa , 19.xii.1925, leg. N.C.E. Miller (1♀ NHMUK) ; near Kilossa , 1500–2500ft, 26.xii.1910, leg. S.A. Neave (1♂ NHMUK) ; Kilwa (1♂ NHMUK) ; Kota Kota (2♂♂ NHMUK) ; Lindi, leg. L. Marwitz (3♀♀ MfN) ; Magila, Usambara , 28.v.1898, leg. C.V. Legros (1♂ NHMUK) ; Mahenge (1♂ MfN) ; Masasi , ix–xii.1904 (1♂ NHMUK) ; Massoko, Mbaka River , 1924, leg. N.C.E. Miller (1♂ 1♀ NHMUK) ; Mbeya, 28.xi.1950, leg. H.B.D. Kettlewell (1♂ NHMUK) ; Mikindani , i–v.1897, leg. S. Reimer (4♂♂ 1♀ NHMUK) ; Mohorro , v.1901, leg. W. Langheld (1♀ MfN) ; Morogoro, 15.xii.1920, leg. N.C.E. Miller (1♂ NHMUK) ; same data but leg. A. Reuss (1♂ 1♀ MfN) ; same data but 01.ix.1917, leg. A. Loveridge (1♂ OUMNH) ; Nachingwea , iv.1961, leg. W. Bigger (1♂ NHMUK) ; Neu- Helgoland [=Pugulo Island], xii.1899, leg. F. Fülleborn (1♀ MfN) ; Nguelo, Usambara , leg. A. Kummer (1♀ NHMUK) ; Nguru , vii.1885, leg. A. Le Roy (1♂ NHMUK) ; Old Shinyanga, 06.iv.1956, leg. E. Burtt (1♀ NHMUK) ; Tanga (1♀ NHMUK) ; Ukami ,, leg. Moritz (1♂ MfN) ; Uhehe- Iringa, i– iv.1899, leg. W. Goetze (1♂ MfN) ; Umuamba- Umalila , 23.x.1899, leg. W. Goetze (1♀ MfN) ; Zanzibar, leg. J. Hildebrandt (1♀ MfN) ; ZAMBIA: Chilambwe Falls , 1420m, 09°50’13”S, 30°43’35”E, 08– 09.xi.2014, leg. R. Smith, H. Takano & D. Oram (1♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; same data but 08–12.ii.2019, leg. V. Dérozier, L. Mulvaney, R. Smith & H. Takano (2♂♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Fibwe Mushitu, Kasanka National Park , 1191m, 12°35’15”S, 30°14’52”E, 02–04.xii.2012, leg. R. Smith & H. Takano (5♂♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Fort Jameson [=Chipata], 14.iv.1906, leg. A.A. Longshaw (1♂ NHMUK) ; same data but 3800ft, 24.ii.1904, leg. S.A. Neave (1♂ OUMNH) ; Greystone, Kitwe , 1179m, 12°55’50”S, 28°14’29”E, 06–07.v.2015, leg. R. Smith, H. Takano & M. Aristophanous (1♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Jiwundu Swamp , 1340m, 11°51’54”S, 25°33’20”E, 21–24.xi.2014, leg. R. Smith & H. Takano (1♀ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Kabwe, Kasanka National Park , 1187m, 12°32’28”S, 30°12’42”E, 30.xi–01.xii.2012, leg. R. Smith & H. Takano (2♂♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Kalungu , 1280m, 09°40’52”S, 32°42’50”E, 22–24.xi.2016, leg. R. Smith, H. Takano & D. Oram (1♀ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; same data but 05–08.iii.2017, leg. D. Oram, W. Miles & L. Smith (1♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Kasanka River Pontoon, Kasanka National Park , 1191m, 12°34’23”S, 30°14’05”E, 02–04.xii.2012, leg. R. Smith & H. Takano (6♂♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Kayambi , 1908, leg. M. Guillemé (1♂ NHMUK) ; Lake Kashiba , 1160m, 13°26’55”S, 27°56’40”E, 25–26.x.2014, leg. R. Smith, H. Takano & D. Oram (1♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; same data but 04–05.v.2015, leg. R. Smith, H. Takano & M. Aristophanous (1♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Lusaka, 03.ii.1956. leg. R.C. Dening (1♂ NHMUK) ; Mayukuyuku, Kafue National Park , 1080m, 14°54’55”S, 26°03’47”E, 21– 26.xi.2013, leg. R. Smith, H. Takano & D. Oram (4♂♂ 1♀ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Mpika , 4000ft, iii–iv.1921 (1♂ NHMUK) ; Mumbwa , 15.xi.1913, leg. H.C. Dollman (1♂ NHMUK) ; Mwengwa , 02.xi.1914, leg. H.C. Dollman (1♂ NHMUK) ; Ndole Bay, 777m, 08°28’42”S, 30°26’59”E, 30.iv–05.v.2013, leg. R. Smith, H. Takano & D. Oram (1♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; N’kana, leg. L. Ellison (1♀ NHMUK) ; Senka Hill, Mukulizi Forest Reserve , 1566m, 09°05’43”S, 32°05’06”E, 01–06.v.2019, leg. V. Dérozier, G. László & W. Miles (1♂ ANHRT) GoogleMaps ; Solwezi , 15.ix.1917, leg. H.C. Dollman (1♂ NHMUK) ; ZIMBABWE: Mountain Inn, Melsetter , xi.1950, leg. H.B.D. Kettlewell (1♂ NHMUK) ; near Gwailo River , x.1873, leg. F. Oates (1♂ OUMNH) ; Salisbury [= Harare], xii.1899, leg. G.A.K. Marshall (1♂ NHMUK) ; same data but 1902 (1♀ OUMNH) ; Umtali [=Mutare], ix–x.1953, leg. P.A. Sheppard (1♂ NHMUK) .


Forewing length: males: 18–22 mm; females: 24–31 mm.

Male. Upperside. Ground colour of head golden brown, thorax, wings and abdomen cream. Antenna bipectinate, golden brown. Forewing apex rounded, outer margin arcuate. Costa and fringe beige. Black scaling along all veins except Sc and R1 forming lines that diverge and become bilineate distally; the lines diverge submarginally between veins R3 to M1, and for veins M2 to 1A+2A at their base. Red scaling is present from the base along vein R1, cubitus, and 1A+2A, and replaces the black along the bases of veins R5 and M1, and M2, M3 and CuA1; the extent of the red scaling is variable. Length of black scaling along vein CuP variable. Hindwing rounded, fringe beige. Veins lack scales thus contrasting against the ground colour. Some brown scaling present at the base of and between veins M3 and CuA1 forming a chevron pointed proximad, its extent highly variable. Underside. Ground colour of head and legs golden brown, thorax, wings and abdomen cream. Wings slightly darker than upperside; veins with beige scaling. Forewing black scaling from the upperside weakly showing through. Some individuals with heavy golden-brown scaling along costal margin.

Male genitalia. Socius elongate-triangular, almost as long as valve. Tegumen ribbon-shaped, with broad posteromedial projection. Valve short and narrow, evenly and strongly curved dorsad medially, tapering to a pointed apex. Sacculus ovoid, with almost straight outer margin. Juxta as long as valve, anteriorly dilated and posteromedially rounded. Vinculum ventrally elongate with two long, digitiform, apically tapered and rounded processes. Phallus thin, curved, tapering apically with pointed apex. Eighth sternite trapezoidal, anterolaterally produced, posteriorly emarginate with two short projections medially and lateral projections on either side.

Female. Upperside. Ground colour of head golden brown, thorax and abdomen creamy-grey. Antenna bipectinate, golden brown. Abdominal segments with paler scaling along posterior margin giving the abdomen a banded appearance. Forewing as in the male but with a darker, greyer hue marginally. Black scaling along the veins heavier. Hindwing ground colour dark brown, paler straw-coloured basally. Distal portion of veins and fringe with golden-yellow scaling. Underside. Ground colour of head and legs golden brown, thorax and abdomen dark greyish-brown. Wings dark brown, veins with yellow scaling. Forewings paler straw-coloured marginally, contrasting against the dark scaling either side of the veins following the pattern of the upperside.

Early stages. The larval and pupal stages were first described by Strand (1913) with additional information provided by Aurivillius (1927) and Pinhey (1960, 1975). Larval foodplants include Albizia ( Pinhey 1960) , Brachystegia , Cassia ( Pinhey 1975) , Combretum , Ekebergia , and Senna ( Kroon 1999) .

Diagnosis. See under G. angolana sp. n. and G. smithi sp. n. below.

DNA divergences. Grammodora nigrolineata was recovered in two separate BINs, BOLD:AFF5894 and BOLD:AAL9647. Intraspecific PWDs ranged from 0.0–3.0% (n=8) and diverged from G. smithi by 2.5–4.3%. A specimen from Tanzania assigned to the former BIN displayed identical genital configurations to all other males in the latter BIN. Thus G. nigrolineata is perceived as being a single variable taxon both in its external phenotype and the COI-5P locus.

Distribution. Widely distributed throughout woodland and forest mosaic environments in southern and eastern Africa ( Fig. 21 View Figure 21 ).


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