Siola karpish González & Větrovec, 2021

González, Guillermo & Větrovec, Jaroslav, 2021, New species and records of Neotropical ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 47 (2), pp. 331-374 : 348-349

publication ID 10.35249/rche.

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scientific name

Siola karpish González & Větrovec

sp. nov.

Siola karpish González & Větrovec , new species

( Figs. 4 View Figures 4 j-4v)

Holotype ♂ “ Perú, Huanuco Prov., / Tunel Karpish , foggy tropical / forest, 10. – 11.ii.2013 / V. Hula & J. Niedobivá leg.”, “ ♂ 1972” ( NMP) . Paratype: 1 ♂ “ Perú, AM. Abra Patricia / Trocha Mono 17.xi.2012 / 05°41’36”S 77°48’41.9”W / 2362m Malaise trap J. / Suárez & P. Sánchez ”, “ ♂ 1850” ( MUSM) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Siola karpish n. sp. is characterized by the rounded shape and the black color, with or without greenish sheen, only the anterior angles of the pronotum with a narrow yellow border ( Fig. 4j View Figures 4 ), but especially by the legs yellow with the basal two thirds of the femora black ( Fig. 4k View Figures 4 ). Since these characters are shared with S. atra González, 2015a from Ecuador, for the identification of this species it is necessary to review the genitalia of the male, whose penis guide is about six times as long as wide ( Fig. 4t View Figures 4 ), while in S. atra it does not exceed three times.

Description. Color pattern ( Figs. 4 View Figures 4 j- 4m). Head black, antenna, and mouthparts yellowish brown. Pronotum black with greenish metallic sheen, anterior border narrowly yellow from the anterior angle to the middle part of the eyes. Scutellar shield black. Elytra black with greenish metallic sheen. Epipleuron black. Ventral side black, anterior border of hypomeron yellow, abdomen yellowish-brown with anterior border of first ventrite dark brown. Legs yellow with the basal 2/3 of the femora black. Pubescence yellowish white. Morphology. Body almost circular, wide, very convex, elytra with regularly curved sides, widest just anterior to middle of elytra ( Fig. 4j View Figures 4 ). Frons about twice the width of an eye. Eyes round. Eye canthus protruding, about 3/4 the width of an eye. Antenna with ten antennomeres, the last four forming an oval club, basal antennomere very large, laterally compressed ( Fig. 4o View Figures 4 ). Clypeus apex slightly concave, laterally angulate. Apical maxillary palpomere securiform. Pronotum transverse, with very rounded angles. Hypomeron with a deep groove parallel to the anterior border and leading to the anterior notch of the pronotum ( Fig. 4n View Figures 4 ). Prosternum Y-shaped, prosternal process raised, without carinae. Abdominal postcoxal lines complete, angled to posterior ventrite margin, flattened along ventrite apex, curved abruptly in a right angle, then oblique toward basal ventrite margin near lateral border. Ventrites 2 and 4 apexes deeply concave in a semicircular membranous notch ( Fig. 1p View Figures 1 ). Head punctures deep and regular, the same size, separated 1.0 diameters on average, pronotum punctures of the same size, separated 1.5 diameters, elytra punctures regular, slightly larger than those on pronotum, separated by two diameters on average, ventral side punctures sparse, abundant towards the borders, absent in the central and posterior parts of the metaventrite, abdomen punctures fine and regular, separated by twice their diameter, larger and very scarce on the abdominal postcoxal plate. Dorsal pubescence decumbent, dense, approximately half the length of the scutellar shield, ventral pubescence scarce. Male terminalia. Apex of ventrite 5 truncate, apex of ventrite 6 slightly convex ( Figs. 4 View Figures 4 p-4q). Tegmen very elongated, almost six times longer than wide, phallobase little elongated, curved and rounded on the posterior side. Tegminal strut two-thirds the length of the rest of the tegmen. Penis guide symmetrical, six times longer than wide, spindle-shaped, maximum width at three-fourths of the length; in lateral view in the shape of an elongated triangle curved slightly towards the outer side in apex ( Figs. 4 View Figures 4 r- 4t). Parameres exceed half the length of the penis guide, in lateral view almost parallel sides, narrowing slightly towards the rounded apex and slightly curved at the distal 1/3 towards the outer side ( Figs. 4 View Figures 4 r-4s). Penis curved in a semicircle in the basal third, then almost straight, apex with sinuous tip with membranous outer area. Penis capsule with short outer arm, sub-quadrangular, smaller inner arm, very curved towards the penis tube, basal margin sinuous, convex ( Figs. 4 View Figures 4 u-4v). Female. Unknown. Variation. The specimen form Amazonas, Peru, lacks a greenish sheen on the dorsal surface.

Measurements (mm): TL 2.8-3.0; PL 0.5-0.55; PW 1.6-1.7; EL 2.3-2.5; EW 2.4-2.6; GD 1.4-1.5.

Geographic distribution. Peru, departments of Amazonas and Huánuco.

Remarks. Mulsant (1850) described the genus Siola Mulsant, 1850 based on a very special character, which is the presence of a groove on the hypomeron parallel to the lateral border of the pronotum ( Fig. 4n View Figures 4 ). The genus is quite distinctive among the Chnoodini with its complete abdominal postcoxal lines touching the posterior border of ventrite 1. Mulsant (1850) initially included two species from Colombia; that remained unchanged until González (2015a) described a third species from Ecuador, Siola atra González, 2015 .

Etymology. The species is named after the Karpish Tunnel, Huánuco, Peru, the collection site, a place where interesting species of ladybirds have been found repeatedly.


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