Neaporia chucanti González & Větrovec, 2021

González, Guillermo & Větrovec, Jaroslav, 2021, New species and records of Neotropical ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 47 (2), pp. 331-374 : 337-338

publication ID 10.35249/rche.

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scientific name

Neaporia chucanti González & Větrovec

sp. nov.

Neaporia chucanti González & Větrovec , new species

( Figs. 2 View Figures 2 a- 2m)

Holotype ♂ “ Panamá: Darien, 28.-29.viii.2017 / Cerro Chucanti Reserve : ridge trail, / 08°48.1-2’N, 78°27.7-26.9’W, 1200-1440m / montane forest; individual collecting, / Fikáček, Hájek & Sekerka lgt.” ( NMP).

Diagnosis. The yellow male head with a black spot between the eyes from the vertex to the lower part of the eyes, which leaves a yellow lateral border adjacent to the eyes, identifies this species. Additionally, no other species of the genus has a black pronotum completely bordered with yellow ( Figs. 2a, 2e View Figures 2 ).

Description. Color pattern ( Figs. 2 View Figures 2 a-2e). Head yellow, with a vertical black spot from the vertex to the lower border of the eyes, leaving yellow lateral border 1/2 the width of the black spot, antennae and mouthparts yellow, except maxillary palpi partially dark brown. Pronotum black with brown shine, with a completely yellow border. Scutellar shield yellowish-brown. Elytra metallic green, shiny, with a narrow yellowish brown lateral border. Epipleuron yellowish brown. Ventral side yellowish brown. Legs brown with tibiae partially yellow. Dorsal pubescence golden yellow, white on ventral side. Morphology. Body oblong, depressed, elytra with slightly curved side, widest at middle of elytra ( Figs. 2a, 2c View Figures 2 ). Frons about 1.5 the width of an eye. Eyes vertically elongated, twice as long as wide, with inner sides diverging downwards. Very short eye canthus, 1/5 of the width of an eye. Clypeus with apical margin almost straight, slightly concave ( Fig. 2e View Figures 2 ). Antennae with ten antennomeres, the last four forming an oval club ( Fig. 2f View Figures 2 ). Apical maxillary palpomere elongated with pointed apex ( Fig. 2e View Figures 2 ). Pronotum transversal, widest at middle, advanced anterior angles, and reflexed lateral borders ( Fig. 2a View Figures 2 ). Prosternum “Y” shaped, apically emarginate, prosternal process short, wide, constrained between coxae, without lateral carina ( Fig. 2g View Figures 2 ). Metaventrite without setiferous pit. Abdominal postcoxal lines complete, evenly rounded, extended slightly more than 2/3 the distance to apical margin of ventrite ( Fig. 2h View Figures 2 ). Dorsal punctures very regular, small in head, larger in pronotum and almost twice the size on elytra, space between them about 1/2 diameter in head, separated by 1/3 diameter, sometimes in contact on pronotum, and separated by a diameter in elytra; ventral side punctures large in prosternum, mesoventrite and anterior and lateral borders of the metaventrite, scarce in the rest of the metaventrite, abdominal punctures of variable size, a line of very large punctures bordering the abdominal postcoxal line, the punctures decrease in size and density towards the posterior and lateral border, they are almost non-existent in the lateral borders of ventrites 2 to 5, and all of ventrite 6. Pubescence semi-erect to decumbent, with hairs in each puncture, short on head, on pronotum long hairs 3/4 the length of the scutellar shield, about scutellar shield length on elytra; sparse on the ventral side, concentrated on the borders. Male terminalia. Apex of ventrite 5 truncate, apex of ventrite 6 triangularly notched in the center ( Fig. 2f View Figures 2 ). Tegmen elongated, approximately four times as long as wide; phallobase narrow, elongated. Tegminal strut 0.7 times the length of the rest of the tegmen (incomplete in the image). Penis guide symmetrical, very elongated, nine times longer than wide, spindle-shaped, with a sclerosed apex deeply emarginate; in lateral view, inner side almost straight, outer side very expanded with maximum height at 1/4 of the length, at the apex it ends in a sharp point and has a tooth on the outer part at 9/10 of the length. Parameres 1/6 shorter than the penis guide, curved and inclined sharply towards penis guide at the apex, where it presents a sclerosed area in the shape of a hoof, and a few isolated long hairs that do not reach the apex of the penis guide ( Figs. 2 View Figures 2 i-2l). Penis semicircular, making 3/4 of a circle in the basal half, then in a smoother curve to the apex, where it reaches 1 1/4 circle, the final section tapering to the punctured apex; penis capsule with outer arm barely insinuated, somewhat triangular, outer arm perpendicular to penis tube, approximately four times longer than wide, basal margin slightly concave. A wrinkled area in the tube, possibly due to the dissection process ( Fig. 2m View Figures 2 ). Female. Unknown.

Measurements (mm): TL 2.2; PL 0.35; PW 1.2; EL 1.7; EW 1.5; GD 0.35.

Geographic distribution. Panama, Darien province.

Remarks. The tribe Cephaloscymnini was reviewed by Gordon & Hanley (2017); they recognized eight species of Neaporia Gorham, 1897 and described 41 new species. The genus is distributed between Mexico and southern Brazil. Neaporia chucanti n. sp. is assigned to the genus by the last palpomere acute in the distal half, the frons with divergent eye margins ( Fig. 2e View Figures 2 ), the prosternal process without lateral carinas ( Fig. 2g View Figures 2 ), and the flat and highly depressed thoracic sternites ( Fig. 2b View Figures 2 ). Gordon & Hanley (2017) in the description of the tribe Cephaloscymnini indicate that the antennae have nine antennomeres with a club of three, without making additional references at generic or specific level or including images. All the antennae of the four species of the genera Neaporia and Prodilis Mulsant, 1850 described in this study, as well as of other species of the same genera revised, have antennae of ten antennomeres with a mass of four ( Figs. 2f, 2s View Figures 2 , 3g, 3t View Figures 3 ).

Etymology. The species is named after the Chucantí Natural Reserve, Panama, where the holotype was collected.


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