Sorineuchora nigra (Shiraki, 1908)

Li, Meng, Che, Yan-Li, Zheng, Yu-Hong & Wang, Zong-Qing, 2017, The cockroach genus Sorineuchora Caudell, 1927 from China (Blattodea, Ectobiidae, Pseudophyllodromiinae), ZooKeys 697, pp. 133-156 : 135-137

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scientific name

Sorineuchora nigra (Shiraki, 1908)


Sorineuchora nigra (Shiraki, 1908) View in CoL Figs 3, 10 B–C, 11 F–G

Chorisoneura nigra Shiraki, 1908: 109 (♂); Matsumura 1913: 8; Karny 1915: 63; Hanitsch 1927: 42; Asahina 1991: 71.

Lupparia nigra (Shiraki): Shiraki 1931: 197; 1950: 59; Matsumura 1931: 1376; Asahina 1955: 204.

Balta nigra (Shiraki): Princis 1969: 978; 1971: 1143.

Sorineuchora nigra : Roth 1998: 16 (♂).

Chorisoneura setshuana Bey-Bienko, 1958: 680, 689, fig. 11 (♂♀); Liu and Zhu 2001 (synonymy).

Material examined

(all deposited in IESWU). Chongqing: 1 male, Changshou, Munanyuan, 450m, 09 June 1994, Wen-Zhu Li leg.; 1 male, Wanzhou, 1200m, 10 July 1993, Jian Yao leg.; 6 males, Fengdu, Shiping, 610m, 02-03 June 1994, You-Wei Zhang leg.; 3 males, Mt. Jinyunshan, 800m, 13 June 1994, You-Wei Zhang leg.; 6 males, Mt. Bishan, Qinglong Lake, 10 June 2006, You-Wei Zhang leg.; 1 male, Youyang, Banxi, Sandaigou, 500m, 22 May 2007, Wei-Wei Zhang leg.; 1 male, Jiangjin, Mt. Simianshan, 15 July 2007, Wei-Wei Zhang leg; 1female, Jiangjin, Mt. Simianshan, 05 June 2014, Xin-Ran Li (= Conlin McCat) leg. Hubei: 3 males, Mt. Dabieshan, Taohuachong, 604m, 27 June 2014, Yan Shi and Xin-Ran Li (= Conlin McCat) leg. Sichuan: 1 male, Huili, 2200m, 29 July 1974, collector unknown; 1 male, Mt. Emei, Qinyinge Temple, 800-1000m, 30 May 1957, You-Cai Yu leg.; 4 males, Mt. Emei, Baoguosi Temple, 550-750m, 23-24 May 1957, Fu-Xing Zhu leg. Guangxi: 1 male, Longzhou, Nonggang, 20 May 1985, Wei-Hua Li and Jing-Hong Zhang leg.; 1 male, Longzhou, Nonggang. 29 June 2015, light trapping, Lu Qiu and Qi-Kun Bai leg.; Zhejiang: 1 male, Mt. Tianmushan, 26 June 1957, Kun-Ji Yang leg. Hunan: 1 male, Hengyang, Mt. Hengshan, Mojingtai, 11 May 1983, Wei-Hua Li leg. Anhui: 1 male, Huangshan, Tangkou, Fuxi, 10 July 2014, Xin-Ran Li (= Conlin McCat) and Jian-Yue Qiu leg. Hainan: 1 male, Mt. Wuzhishan, 18 May 2014, Shun-Hua Gui, Xin-Ran Li (= Conlin McCat) leg. Guizhou: 3 males, Leishan, Mt. Leigongshan, Xiaodanjiang, 750m, 02 June 2005, Zai-Hua Yang leg.; 2 males, Tongren, Mt. Fanjingshan, 1200m, 02 June 2002, Qiong-Zhang Song leg.


Body is black or blackish brown without evident stripes (Fig. 11 F–G); L2vm pre-apex with a curved spine-like process, the process apex with several small spines or without (Fig. 3 G–H) and ventrally with R3 whose sclerite becomes filamentous and curves to the left (Fig. 3G). Using these traits, S. nigra can be distinguished from its congeneric species.

Supplement to the description provided in Roth (1998: 16-17).


(mm). Body length without cerci: male 7.6-8.4, female 7.1-8.8; overall length including tegmen: male 9.6-11.0, female 9.5-9.8; pronotum length × width: male 2.05 × 3.1, female 2.0 × 3.0; tegmen length: male 7.3-8.5, female 7.1-8.2.

Male. Body small, black, some individuals blackish brown. Vertex black with a rudimentary dark stripe or without stripes; frons black, or vertex and upper half of frons yellowish brown, lower half brown. Pronotal disk dark brown or black, lateral and hind margins hyaline. Interocular space slightly narrower than the distance between antennal sockets. Pronotum subelliptical, anterior and posterior margins nearly truncate. Subgenital plate with a pair of stout styli, the apex slightly pointing outward. L1 consisting of several irregular seta-free sclerites (Fig. 3F); L2vm pre-apex with a curved spine-like process, the process apex with several small spines or without (Fig. 3 G–H).

Female. Some individuals are similar to the male in color and habitus, but supra-anal plate symmetrical with hind margin rounded and subgenital symmetrical with hind margin rounded and slightly concave medially. Some individuals do vary distinctly in body color (Fig. 10C) (body brownish red). Head brownish yellow, vertex with a yellowish brown stripe. Clypeus yellowish brown. Wing veins white, legs brown, trochanter yellowish brown, abdominal brown, posterior and lateral margins milk white. We analyzed COI gene sequences of the exceptional female specimen (MF612149), and female specimen (KY349518), which is similar to male in color and male specimen (KY349519) using MEGA7 ( Kumar et al. 2016), the similarity was 98.5% (MF612149 and KY349518), 99.4% (MF612149 and KY349519) and 99.1% (KY349518 and KY349519), respectively.


China (Taiwan, Chongqing, Hubei, Sichuan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Zhejiang, Hunan, Anhui, Hainan), Japan.


Roth (1998) noted that S. nigra and S. setshuana might prove to be synonyms by comparing figs 10 and 18 in Asahina (1978). Liu and Zhu (2001) synonymized S. setshuana and S. undulata with S. nigra without giving any details. Based on examining specimens kept in IESWU and the descriptions of S. undulata by Bey-Bienko (1958), there are many differences between S. nigra and S. undulata in coloration, the details of tegmina and male subgenital plate (Figs 3E, 5G, 11 F–G, 11 J–K). Therefore, S. undulata is not a synonym of S. nigra .













