Philonome albivittata Sohn, Davis & Lopez-Vaamonde

Sohn, Jae-Cheon, Davis, Donald R. & Lopez-Vaamonde, Carlos, 2015, Revision of the genus Philonome Chambers and its proposed reassignment to the family Tineidae (Lepidoptera, Tineoidea), ZooKeys 494, pp. 69-106 : 84-86

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scientific name

Philonome albivittata Sohn, Davis & Lopez-Vaamonde

sp. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Lepidoptera Lyonetiidae

Philonome albivittata Sohn, Davis & Lopez-Vaamonde sp. n. Figs 9, 47-48


This species is similar to another congener, Philonome euryarga Meyrick in overall external appearance, but differs from the latter in having darker hindwings. Their male genitalia possess several distinct differences including the tegumen with lateral projections in Philonome albivittata ; the saccus present only in Philonome euryarga ; and in the form of the costal portion of valva (Figs 41vs.46).


(Fig. 9). Head: Vertex orange, intermixed with pale orange scales anteriorly and posteriorly and with dark brown scales laterally; scales on dorsum of occiput dark brown, orange on basal 1/4; scales between antennal scapes lustrous pale orange. Frons silvery white, concave at center. Antenna 4/5 as long as forewing; scape as long as diameter of eye, orange dorsally, silvery white anterolaterally and ventrally, intermixed with grayish brown scales apically; flagellomeres pale orange dorsally, lustrous pale yellow ventrally; 1st and 2nd flagellomeres intermixed with grayish brown scales dorsoapically. Labial palpus 1/2 as long as antennal scape, lustrous pale yellow.

Thorax: Patagium lustrous pale yellow; tegula white, intermixed with pale orange scales basally; mesonotum white on anterior half, lustrous reddish brown on posterior half, with a dark brown transverse band medially. Foreleg with coxa lustrous pale yellow; femur lustrous dark grayish brown laterally, lustrous pale yellow mesally; tibia and tarsus dark brown dorsally, pale grayish yellow ventrally. Midleg with coxa lustrous pale yellow; femur lustrous pale orange dorsally, lustrous pale yellow laterally and ventrally; tibia pale orange, intermixed with dark brown scales dorsally; tarsomeres orange dorsally, pale orange ventrally. Hindleg with coxa and femur lustrous pale orange; tibia pale brownish orange dorsally, pale orange ventrally, with stiff piliform scales; tarsomeres pale orange. Forewing length 2.8-3.1 mm (n = 3); reddish brown; costa brown; longitudinal fascia white, spanning entire costal area except costa; lower margin sinuous, accompanied with narrow, dark brown line; dorsal bar white, at basal 1/3 of dorsum, dentiform, accompanied with dark brown bar along upper margin; marginal area dark brown; fringe brownish gray. Hindwing and fringe brownish gray.

Abdomen: Male tergum VIII rectangular; male sternum VIII subrectangular, with oblique furrow and short coremata laterally.

Male genitalia (Figs 47-48): Tegumen subtrapezoidal, with sparsely setose, digitate projection posterolaterally. Valva divided into two portions; costal portion 2 × longer than tegumen, broad basally, narrowed to cucullus; cucullus spatulate, narrowly round apically, sparsely setose, with short, spiniform setae in apical 1/4; saccular portion 1.5 × as long as tegumen, elongate, obovate, sparsely setose. Anellus funnel-shaped, broadened basally. Juxta with an ovate bulge and a ridge connected to anellus. Vinculum rectangular, slightly concave anteriorly. Phallus slender and of even diameter on posterior 4/5, enlarged subtriangularly around ductus ejaculatorius.

Female unknown.


Holotype: male, "ID#: CLV10410 [red letters] French Guiana: [ Régina, Nouragues Research Station] [Lt:4.1 Ln:52/] Carlos Lopez Vaamonde 16-Jan-2010 DNA Barcode LNOUA009 [sic: 946] -10 [green letters in blue row]", "Genitalia slide DRD ♂ USNM 34623" [green label], USNM. Paratype: French Guiana: Régina: Nouragues Research Station (Lt:4.1, Ln:52): 1♂, 20 January 2010 (C Lopez-Vaamonde), "ID#: CLV94410", "DNA Barcode LNOUA849-10", [GSN] 34625, USNM.


French Guiana.


The species name is derived from the Latin adjectives, ‘albus’ and ‘vittatus’, meaning “white” and “banded” respectively, and refers to the white longitudinal band on the forewing of this new species.













