Celopsis yaeyamana, Okudera & Hayashi, 2024

Okudera, Shigeru & Hayashi, Masami, 2024, Two new species of the macropsine leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Eurymelinae) from Japan, with description of a new subgenus, Zootaxa 5418 (2), pp. 172-182 : 173-174

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5418.2.4

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scientific name

Celopsis yaeyamana

sp. nov.

Celopsis yaeyamana sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–2 View FIGURES 1–4 , 5–7 View FIGURES 5–10 , 11 View FIGURES 11–12 , 13–24 View FIGURES 13–16 View FIGURES 17–24 )

Head and pronotum greenish yellow. Mesonotum ochraceous, with a pair of brown basal triangular marking on anterior margin, and scutellum pale yellow. Forewing subhyaline and smoky with dark brown marking on posterior margin; veins and cells brown. Legs ochraceous with bases of macrosetae on hind tibiae infuscate. Ventral part of abdomen ochraceous to dark brown.

Body short and stout. Head nearly as wide as pronotum; face as long as wide across eyes, with indistinct reticulations. Pronotum ca. 1.8 times as wide as long in median line, with striae oblique. Mesonotum as long as pronotum. Hind femoral macrosetae 2 + 1, hind tibial with 9 macrosetae on AD row, 5 on AV row, 11 or 12 on PD row, dense and slender on PV row. In males, 2nd tergal apodeme small and slightly rounded, with widened apices; sternal apodeme narrowly triangular. Female 7th abdominal sternite quadrangle, with caudal margin emarginate and notched medially; female pygofer short and elliptical, with 3rd valvula (ovipositor) slightly extending far beyond pygofer in ventral view.

Body length: ♂ 3.3–3.4 mm, ♀ 3.6 mm.

Male genitalia. Pygofer lobe elongate with two to three short inner spines near caudoventral margin. Subgenital plate slender, with short hairs on almost entire surface. Style slender, nearly 0.7 times as long as subgenital plate, with preapical lobe bearing uniseriate short setae along dorsal margin, and with apophysis hooked dorsad. Process of dorsal connective short and slightly bifurcated in apical 1/5. Aedeagus slender with stout dorsal apodeme; shaft gradually narrowed and dorsally curved apicad in lateral aspect, and with a pair of triangular flanges near tip; gonopore situated apical or slightly ventral from tip. Tenth segment (anal tube) slightly shorter than pygofer lobe.

Type series. Holotype ♂ ( ELKU), Mt. Maese-dake , Ishigaki Is., Ryukyus, Japan. 3. IV. 1996, M. Hayashi leg. Paratypes: [Ryukyus] 1♂ ( ELKU), Mt. Maese-dake , Ishigaki Is., 30. VI. 2008, M. Hayashi et al.; 2♂ ( ELKU), Komi, Iriomote Is., 15. IV. 2005 , M. Hayashi et al.; 1♀ ( ELKU), Funaura, Iriomote Is., 22. VI. 1992, M. Hayashi et al.

Etymology. This species name is derived from the island group “Yaeyama” that includes Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands.

Distribution. Japan (Ryukyus: Ishigaki Is. and Iriomote Is.).

Remarks. This species is similar to C. undata ( Li, Dai & Li, 2011) , but easily distinguishable by the features of male genitalia such as dorsal connective process slightly bifurcated, aedeagal shaft with no lamellate process, and so on.


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute













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