Gaultheria eciliata (S.J.Rae & D.G.Long) P.W.Fritsch & L.H.Zhou

Fritsch, Peter W., Lu, Lu, Wang, Hong & Li, De-Zhu, 2015, New species, taxonomic renovations, and typifications in Gaultheria series Trichophyllae (Ericaceae), Phytotaxa 201 (1), pp. 1-26 : 11

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.201.1.1

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scientific name

Gaultheria eciliata (S.J.Rae & D.G.Long) P.W.Fritsch & L.H.Zhou


4. Gaultheria eciliata (S.J.Rae & D.G.Long) P.W.Fritsch & L.H.Zhou View in CoL in Fritsch et al. (2008: 165)

Gaultheria trichophylla Royle var. eciliata S.J.Rae & D.G.Long in Long (1988: 334). Lectotype (designated here):— BHUTAN. Mongar: Pung La , 3660 m, 9 July 1949, F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J.H. Hicks 20904 p.p. (BM!, photograph of lectotype at E!).

Prostrate or prostrate-ascending shrublet with stems to 7 cm long from horizontal stolons, hermaphroditic. Current-year branchlets pale green, strongly flushed red above, to 3 cm long, glabrous or with very sparse white puberulence and uncinate straight setae, longer setae 0.15–0.24 mm long. Internodes among largest leaves averaging ca. 1–2.5 mm long. Petioles 0.4–0.8 mm long, glabrous or adaxially with very sparse translucent puberulence in a line, margin entire or 1-toothed per side. Longer leaf blades elliptic, narrowly elliptic, lanceolate, slightly oblanceolate, or slightly rhomboid, 3.5–6.5 × 1.5–2.4 mm, 2–3 times as long as wide, subcoriaceous, at least some cupped, others planar, abaxially glossy pale green except green or occasionally maroon near margin, glabrous or (plants from Dong Shao Fang, Yunnan) rarely with 1 to 3 appressed or ascending setae scattered on midvein (longer setae 0.1–0.2 mm long), adaxially glossy deep green, midvein abaxially planar or raised, not thickened immediately below apical gland, adaxially planar to impressed and glabrous or with very sparse translucent puberulence proximally, secondary veins abaxially obscure or faintly 1 to 4 on each side of midvein, adaxially obscure; base cuneate to subrounded; margin serrulate throughout, planar, marginal teeth (setae) 3 to 8 per side, all teeth oriented off leaf surface or more commonly proximal teeth off surface and distal teeth incurved and lying atop or adjacent to upper leaf surface, longer teeth 0.1–0.14 mm long; apex acute to acuminate or occasionally obtuse, tip with planar apical gland. Overwintering flower bud pedicels 0.6–1.8 mm long, glabrous or with sparse translucent puberulence; overwintering flower buds compressed laterally, 1.3–2.2 × 1–1.3 mm, 1–2 times as long as wide, glabrous, bracteoles keeled, margins often ciliolate at apex. Flowers 3–4.5 mm long. Calyx green, 2.5–3 mm long; lobes deltoid or elongate-deltoid, 1.3–1.9 × 0.9–1.9 mm, adaxially pubescent, apex acute, ciliolate, erose or not. Corolla white, broadly campanulate, 3–3.5 × 3.2–6 mm; lobes 1–2.5 × 1.1–1.8 mm. Stamens 8 to 10; filaments dilated abruptly near middle, 0.8–1.1 mm long; anther cells 0.5–0.6 mm long, awns 1 per theca, 0.16–0.28 mm long. Style 0.7–1.3 mm long; stigma pink. Fruiting pedicel 1.4–3 mm long. Fruiting calyx oblate, crateriform, open, 4.3–6 × 5–9 mm, outer wall light to deep sky blue, inner wall white; calyx lobes erect to incurved, broadly deltoid, 1.5–3.8 mm long, apex ciliolate, not erose. Capsule green, exceeded by calyx lobes.

Illustration — Figure 5 View FIGURE 5 .

Images — Figure 6A–E View FIGURE 6 .

Phenology —Fruiting August–October.

Habitat and distribution —Coniferous forests, alpine thickets and meadows with scattered bamboo or shrubs, mixed granite and metamorphics, wet seepages, banks of road cuts, in moss and humus; 3200–4280 m elev. China (Yunnan, Xizang) .

Discussion —The type material of Gaultheria eciliata as far as we know consists of the single sheet of F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J.H. Hicks 20904 at BM. The plants on this sheet are composed of plants arranged in 18 clusters of branchlets (and more material in the packet). Of these, 16 are one species, and two another. We have lectotypified G. eciliata on the 16 branchlet clusters and excluded the two other branchlet clusters (which we have circled on the sheet) from this lectotypification. By lectotypifying G. eciliata on these 16 clusters, the name G. albiflora can be applied to the two circled branchlet clusters. Alternatively lectotypifying G. eciliata on the two circled branchlet clusters would necessitate a new name for what we are calling G. eciliata , and require placement of Chiogenes suborbicularis var. albiflora in synonymy under G. eciliata .

See also comments under Gaultheria albiflora and G. ciliisepala .

Additional specimens examined — CHINA. Yunnan: Gongshan Dulongzu Nuzu Zizhixian. Champutong, 3500– 3700 m, 10 September 1940, K.M. Feng 7675 p.p. (KUN [2]! mixed with G. sinensis ); Dulongjiang Xiang, N side of pass above tunnel on rd between Gongshan and Kongdang, W side of Gaoligong Shan, 3530 m, 27°46 ʹ 20 ʺ N, 98°26 ʹ 48 ʺ E, 2 October 2002, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 16874 (CAS!); Cikai Zheng, N of rd from Gongshan to Kongdang, E side of Gaoligong Shan, u-shaped valley draining into upper reaches of Pula He, 3429 m, 27°47 ʹ 35 ʺ N, 98°27 ʹ 57 ʺ E, 3 October 2002, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 16952 (KUN!); Cikai Zheng, Yipsaka Lake, 2.4 direct km SE of Heipu Pass tunnel on new rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang Valley, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3500 m, 27°45 ʹ 14 ʺ N, 98°27 ʹ 33 ʺ E, 12 August 2006, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 32019 p.p. (CAS! mixed with G. albiflora ); Cikai Zheng, Heipu Pass along rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang Valley, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3490 m, 27°46 ʹ 19.6 ʺ N, 98°26 ʹ 47.6 ʺ E, 12 August 2006, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 32041 (CAS!); Cikai Zheng, Yipsaka Lake, 2.4 direct km by SE of Heipu Pass tunnel on new rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang Valley, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3560 m, 27°45 ʹ 22.2 ʺ N, 98°27 ʹ 45.4 ʺ E, 12 August 2006, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 32078 (CAS!); Cikai Zheng, ca. 1.2 direct km SSE of Heipu Pass tunnel on new rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang Valley, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3350 m, 27°45 ʹ 41.7 ʺ N, 98°27 ʹ 2.3 ʺ E, 13 August 2006, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 32102 (CAS!); Cikai Zheng, Gaoligong Shan, vicinity of tunnel at Heipu Pass along rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang, 3360 m, 27°47 ʹ 8.6 ʺ N, 98°27 ʹ 37.4 ʺ E, 11 September 2013, L. Lu LL-2013-3 (CAS!, KUN!); Cikai Zheng, Gaoligong Shan, Ypisaka (= “alpine”) Lake (Heipu Yipu Laka), 3463 m, 27°45 ʹ 21.8 ʺ N, 98°27 ʹ 37.8 ʺ E, 12 September 2013, L. Lu LL-2013-5 (CAS!, KUN!); Dulongjiang Xiang, Gaoligong Shan, vicinity of tunnel at Heipu Pass along rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang, 3357 m, 27°46 ʹ 30.0 ʺ N, 98°26 ʹ 49.1 ʺ E, 15 September 2013, L. Lu LL-2013-21 (CAS!, KUN!); Cikai Zheng, Gaoligong Shan, Qiqi River drainage, along trail from No. 12 Bridge to Dong Shao Fang and pass, 3498 m, 27°41 ʹ 37.6 ʺ N, 98°27 ʹ 38.1 ʺ E, 18 September 2013, L. Lu LL-2013-32 (CAS!, GH!, KUN!); Cikai Zheng, vicinity of tunnel at Heipu Pass along rd from Gongshan to Dulongjiang, E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3400 m, 27°46 ʹ 42.4 ʺ N, 98°27 ʹ 29.4 ʺ E, 26 June 2014, L. Lu LL-2014-3 (CAS!, KUN!); Cikai Zheng, Danzhu Cun, rd from Danzhu to Myanmar, along Damawadi He (N branch of W-most origin of Danzhu He), E side of Gaoligong Shan, 3243 m, 27°37 ʹ 25.0 ʺ N, 98°34 ʹ 32.3 ʺ E, 3243 m, 28 June 2014, L. Lu LL-2014-13 (CAS!, KUN!); Dulongjiang Xiang, Salwin-Kiukiang Divide, Lunguailaka, 3200 m, 16 September 1938, T.T. Yü 20336 (A!, E!, KUN!). Xizang: Chayu Xian. Linzhi Prefecture, rd from Bomê to Mêdog, Galongla Pass, 4280 m, 29°45 ʹ 22 ʺ N, 95°42 ʹ 18 ʺ E, 25 September 2009, H. Sun et al. Sun H-07ZX-2664 p.p. [KUN! mixed with G. obovata (see below) and G. cf. sinensis ]. Motuo Xian. Duoxiongla, trail to Lage, 3700 m, 29°29 ʹ N, 94°55 ʹ E, 24 July 2007, L. Lu LL-07149 (KUN!).













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