Rhinothrombium nemoricola (Berlese, 1886)

Torunlar, Alper, Buğa, Evren & Sevsay, Sevgi, 2023, First record of the genus Rhinothrombium (Trombidiformes: Tanaupodidae) from Türkiye: Rhinothrombium nemoricola (Berlese), Acarological Studies 5 (2), pp. 94-98 : 94-96

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Rhinothrombium nemoricola (Berlese, 1886)


Rhinothrombium nemoricola (Berlese, 1886)

Larva. Unknown.

Adult (n=2): Colouration reddish to brown. Idiosoma slightly elongate, length 1553-1650 and width 989-1075.

One pair of nude galealae (cs, 47-49), two pairs of nude anterior hypostomalae (as 1, 10-12 and as 2, 30-34), one pair of nude subcapitular setae (bs, 58-72), bs longer than cs ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). Cheliceral blade serrated along the inner edge. Palp tarsus slightly narrowing towards the end, rounded distally and extending behind the termination of palp tibial claw, covered with numerous solenidia at the top ( Fig. 2A View Figure 2 ).

Dorsal opistosomal setae simple (49-66), uniform, slightly thickened stem, narrowing towards tip, spine-like, without setulose, inserted on prominent sclerites ( Fig. 2B View Figure 2 ). Crista metopica strongly sclerotized. The border of the anterior region of the crista metopica not clear. Scutum with projecting naso (45-52) with two setae. Posterior region prominent (113-117) shorter than anterior region (132- 135). Two pairs of sessile eyes laterally to crista metopica on ocular sclerites. Anterior lenses (20-26) shorter than posterior lenses (30-35). Middle part of crista widened at the level of sensillary area. Sensillae smooth (125-137) ( Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ). Genital opening at level of coxae IV with three pairs of acetabulae, surrounded by paired sclerites of similar shape. Anterior to genital opening an unpaired round sclerite ( Fig. 2D View Figure 2 ).

Legs stout, shorter than idiosoma. Tarsus I oval in shape. All tarsi terminated with double claws. The length of the leg segments are given in Table 1.

Deutonymph (n=1): Body smaller than adult. Idiosoma length 902 and width 595. Other characters as in adults. Gnathosoma. One pair of nude galealae (cs, 23), two pairs of nude anterior hypostomalae (as 1, 8 and as 2, 23), one pair of nude subcapitular setae (bs, 38). Palps not as robust as in adults. Dorsal opisthosomal setae similar to those in adults but shorter (35-42) ( Fig. 3A View Figure 3 ). Two pairs of genital acetabula present ( Fig. 3 B View Figure 3 ).

Specimens examined

Esenyurt Village , Üzümlü district, Erzincan, Türkiye 39°38′28″N 40°03′19″E, 2007 m a.s.l., 11 October 2021, one adult and one deutonymph from mossy soil (Leg. A. Torunlar). Mutu district, Tunceli, Türkiye, 39°32'41''N 39°54'40''E, 1511 m a.s.l., 29 July 2018, one adult from moss on stone (Leg. E. Buğa). The adults were kept in the glass vials, but no larvae were observed GoogleMaps .

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