Pheidole protaxi Oliveira and Lacau

ML Oliveira, CSF Mariano, MA Costa, JHC Delabie & S Lacau, 2015, Pheidole protaxi sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), new species from tabuleiro forests of the Atlantic Forest biome, Sociobiology 62 (4), pp. 533-537 : 535-536

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scientific name

Pheidole protaxi Oliveira and Lacau

sp. nov.

Pheidole protaxi Oliveira and Lacau , new species ( Figs 1-3 View Fig 1 View Fig 2 View Fig 3 )

Type material: Holotype (Major worker, CPDC: [LBSA_ SA_14013667]): Brasil, Bahia, Porto Seguro, CEPLAC/CEPEC/ Estaç"o Ecológica do Pau Brasil (ESPAB) (16°23’50’’S, 39°10’28’’W), elev. 101 m, 5- 6.11.2011, col. M.L. Oliveira, Y.A.M. Velasco, & B.J.B. Jahyny. Paratypes: 6 major workers and 7 minor workers with the same data as holotype (one major worker and two minor workers deposited in CPDC:

[LBSA_SA_14014469; LBSA_SA_ 14012040; LBSA_SA_

14014463], one major worker and one minor worker in INPA: [LBSA_SA_14014470; LBSA_SA_14014464], MCZ: [LBSA_SA_14014471; LBSA_SA_14014465], MNHN: [LBSA_SA_14014472; LBSA_SA_14014466], MPEG: [LBSA_SA_14014473; LBSA_SA_14014467] and MZSP: [LBSA_SA_14014474; LBSA_SA_14014468].

Etymology. The name of this new taxon, “ protaxi ”, is a latinization of the “PROTAX” name, Brazilian acronym for “Programa de capacitaç"o em taxonomia”, meaning: program of capacitation in taxonomy”.

Diagnosis. The minor and major workers of this new species exhibit all the diagnostic characters of the genus Pheidole . It differs from all other known species by the unique following combination of characters. MAJOR WORKER – Head in dorsal view: with a quadrate shape, as long as wide; vertexal margin deeply and widely concave. Frontal carinae short and straight, posteriorly diverging, their tips reaching the imaginary transversal line crossing anterior edge of eyes. Head in ventral view: submedian teeth of hypostomal carina with triangular shape, slightly blunt and strongly divergent. Head in lateral view: median part of vertex with sub-rectilinear outline, slightly convex. Antennae with 12 segments; scape relatively short, its tip not reaching the mid-point between posterior edge of eye and vertexal corner. Mesosoma in dorsal view: with pronotum and mesonotum completely fused, the lateral margins with outline drawing a losange. Mesosoma in lateral view: pronotum and mesonotum completely fused, the dorsal face with outline forming a single convexity. Pronotum in posterior view: dorsal face with outline slightly convex; lateral faces with outline strongly concave. Propodeum in lateral view: spines relatively short, postero-laterally directed. Postpetiole (3rd abdominal segment) in dorsal view: slightly wider than petiole (2nd abdominal segment). First gastral segment (fourth abdominal segment) in dorsal view: anterior margin with outline convex. Vertex almost entirely smooth and shining, except the median longitudinal sulcus with areolate microrugulae (no other sculpturing types). Clypeus with a short longitudinal carina between midpoint of posterior edge and its anterior third; median and lateral parts separated by two symmetrical pairs of straight carinae, diverging anteriorly. Mesosoma almost entirely sculptured with areolate microrugulae, except median part of its dorsal face, posterior part of the lateral faces of pronotum, and median part of katepisternum that are smooth and shining. Antero-dorsal part of pronotum with fine transversal rugulae. Petiole wholly sculptured with areolate microrugulae. Postpetiole nearly all sculptured with areolate microrugulae, except its dorsal face. MINOR WORKER - Head in dorsal view: frontal carinae short and straight, posteriorly diverging, their tips reaching the imaginary transversal line crossing anterior edge of eyes. Head in postero-lateral view: occipital carina present but discrete. Antennae with 12 segments; scape reaching, but not exceeding, posterior margin of head. Mesosoma in dorsal view: pronotal humerus developed as blunt tubercles. Mesosoma in lateral view: pronotum and mesonotum completely fused, the dorsal face with outline forming a single convexity. Propodeum in lateral view: spines relatively short, postero-laterally directed. Postpetiole (3rd abdominal segment) in dorsal view: same width as petiole (2nd abdominal segment). First gastral segment (fourth abdominal segment) in dorsal view: anterior margin with subrectilinear outline, slightly concave. Head almost entirely smooth and shining, except some rugae and areolate microrugulae on the dorsal part of preocular genae. Mesosoma almost entirely sculptured with areolate microrugulae, except a small circular area smooth and shining on lateral faces of pronotum. Petiole wholly sculptured with areolate microrugulae. Postpetiole entirely smooth and shining.

Measurements. MAJOR WORKERS (n= 7): EL: [0,11] (0,12±0,01) {0,11-0,14}, GL: [0,78] (0,78±0,13) {0,54-0,92}, HL: [0,80] (0,88±0,04) {0,8-0,93}, HLA1: [0,22] (0,25±0,02) {0,22-0,28} HLA2: [0,16] (0,18±0,02) {0,15-0,21}, HLP: [0,07] (0,10±0,02) {0,07-0,12}, HW: [0,79] (0,85±0,03) {0,79– 0,90}, HWT: [0,64] (0,69±0,03) {0,64-0,72}, MDL: [0,38] (0,39±0,02) {0,35-0,41}, MFL: [0,54] (0,55±0,02) {0,52-0,58}, PPH: [0,13] (0,15±0,01) {0,13-0,17}, PPL: [0,13] (0,13±0,01) {0,11-0,15}, PPW: [0,13] (0,14±0,01) {0,13-0,15}, PSL: [0,08] (0,09±0,02) {0,06-0,10}, PTH: [0,17] (0,18±0,01) {0,17-0,20}, PTL: [0,22] (0,23±0,01) {0,21-0,25}, PTW: [0,10] (0,11±0,01) {0,09-0,12}, PW: [0,37] (0,40±0,02) {0,37-0,43}, SL: [0,42] (0,43±0,03) {0,38-0,47}, SPL: [0,05] (0,04±0,01) {0,03-0,05}, WH: [0,36] (0,39±0,03) {0,36-0,44}, WL: [0,73] (0,73±0,02) {0,70-0,77}. MINOR WORKERS (n= 7): EL: (0,09±0,01) {0,09- 0,10}, GL: (0,48±0,06) {0,40-0,58}, HL: (0,48±0,02) {0,44- 0,50}, HLA1: (0,18±0,01) {0,16-0,19} HLA2: (0,11±0,02) {0,08-0,13}, HW: (0,46±0,02) {0,44–0,48}, HWT: (0,40±0,02) {0,37-0,43}, MDL: (0,28±0,01) {0,26-0,30}, MFL: (0,43±0,02) {0,40-0,45}, PPH: (0,10±0,01) {0,08-0,12}, PPL: (0,09±0,01) {0,08-0,10}, PPW: (0,10±0,01) {0,09-0,11}, PSL: (0,07±0,01) {0,05-0,08}, PTH: (0,14±0,01) {0,12-0,15}, PTL: (0,19±0,02) {0,16-0,20}, PTW: (0,07±0,01) {0,06-0,08}, PW: (0,30±0,01) {0,30-0,31}, SL: (0,39±0,02) {0,35-0,42}, SPL: (0,03±0,00) {0,03-0,04}, WH: (0,31±0,02) {0,28-0,34}, WL: (0,59±0,02) {0,56-0,62}.

Geographic range. Brazil: Southern Bahia state.

Biology. This species is only known from the type series which specimens were collected in a leaf litter sample of a great primary remnant fragment of tabuleiro forest (more than 7.000 ha). The colony was nesting between leaves, under a small rotten wood.













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