
Branch, William R., 2018, When roads appear jaguars decline: Increased access to an Amazonian wilderness area reduces potential for jaguar conservation, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e 159) 12 (2), pp. 41-82 : 44-46

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.60692/7tbkr-psx96

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scientific name



Family: Typhlopidae View in CoL

Angolan Blind Snake

Afrotyphlops angolensis (Bocage 1866)

Onychocephalus angolensis Bocage, 1866 . Lista dos reptis das possessões portuguezas d’Africa occidental que existem no Museu Lisboa. Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat., Lisboa 1: 46, 65.

First described by Bocage (1866a) as Onychocephalus angolensis nov. sp.?, but without a diagnosis and therefore a nomen nudum. It was soon correctly described by Bocage (1866b) from “districto do Duque de Bragança, situado na latitude de Loanda, porém umas 75 leguas para o interior, portuguezas Africa occidental.” He confusingly treated it as Typhlops congicus (Boettger 1887) in his monograph ( Bocage 1895) even though his own name had priority. Parker (1936, as T. punctatus intermedius ) recorded it from Congulu and Quirimbo, and Laurent (1954, finally as T. angolensis ) from Dondo. Laurent (1964) described Dundo material as the subspecies T. angolensis adolfi , but this is no longer recognized ( Broadley and Wallach 2009).

Angolan Giant Blind Snake

Afrotyphlops anomalus (Bocage 1873)

Onychocephalus anomalus Bocage, 1873 . Reptiles nouveaux de l’interieur de Mossamedes. Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat., Lisboa 4: 248.

Described by Bocage (1873a) from “Huilla, l’intérieur de Mossamedes,” (= Huila, Huila Province, not “Moçâmedes [= Namibe]” as recorded by Ceriaco et al. 2016a). Other localities are given in Bocage (1895) and Monard (1937). Broadley and Wallach (2009) discussed the varied taxonomic history of the species and placed it in a new genus ( Megatyphlops ) that was itself subsequently subsumed within the current genus ( Hedges et al. 2014). The species appears to occur on the high plateau and has recently been recorded at Lubango and other inland localities.

Blotched Blind Snake

Afrotyphlops congestus (Duméril and Bibron 1844)

Onychocephalus congestus Duméril and Bibron, 1844 . Erpetologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complete des Reptiles. Vol. 6. Libr. Encyclopédique Roret, Paris: 334.

A northern Congo Basin species that extends south to Cabinda, and is known only from the type of Typhlops (Onychocephalus) crassatus Peters, 1881 collected at “Chinchoxo” (= Lândana, Cabinda). Its complicated taxonomic history is reviewed by Broadley and Wallach (2009).

Lined Blind Snake

Afrotyphlops lineolatus (Jan 1864)

Typhlops (Ophthalmidion) lineolatus Jan, 1864 . Iconographie générale des ophidiens. 9. Livraison. J.B. Bailière et Fils, Paris: 24.

First recorded from Angola by Bocage (1893) when he described Typhlops boulengeri (type-locality “Quindumbo, dans l’intérieur de Benguella, Angola ”). Later corrected to Typhlops punctatus lineolata ( Bocage 1895) , and described again as Typhlops bocagei by Ferreira (1904) from “Cabicula, Bom Jesus (margens do Quanza).” Additional material was noted from Cazengo ( Ferreira 1903), Rio Luinha ( Ferreira 1906), and Dundo Laurent (1954, 1964). Broadley and Wallach (2009) designated a lectotype (BMNH 1946.1.11.18) for T. boulengeri Bocage, 1893 . Ceriaco et al. (2014b) noted a syntype (MHNFCP 017434) from Angola donated to the Porto museum from Lisbon, and confirmed the identity of the specimen. However, Bocage’s original material from “Quindumbo” (= Chindumbo – Crawford-Cabral and Mesquitela 1989) is now lost, and a range extending to Benguela Province does not conform to the species’ known habiat (forest) and distribution ( Broadley and Wallach 2009). The only other Angolan localities given for the species by Broadley and Wallach (2009) are Cazengo ( Ferreira 1903) and Rio Luinha ( Ferreira 1906), both in Cuanza Norte Province. Bocage’s (1893) Chindumbo locality should be treated with caution unless confirmed by new material. Ceriaco et al. (2014b) signaled the possible rediscovered of one of the syntypes of Typhlops bocagei Ferreira, 1904 , but have not subsequently discussed its significance with respect to its current taxonomic status.

Schmidt’s Blind Snake

Afrotyphlops schmidti ( Laurent 1956) View in CoL

Typhlops schmidti Laurent, 1956 View in CoL . Laurent RF. 1956. Contribution à l’herpetologie de la région des Grandes Lacs de l’Afrique centrale. Ann. Mus. Roy. Congo Belge (Sci. Zool.) 48: 71.

Described from “Nyunzu, Terr. D’Albertville,” Democratic Republic of the Congo ( DRC) ( Laurent 1956), the species is mainly restricted to southern DRC and adjacent northern Zambia, with only two records for Angola; Calundo and Cazombo, Moxico Province ( Laurent 1964).

Schlegel’s Blind Snake

Afrotyphlops schlegelii (Bianconi 1847)

Typhylops [sic] schlegelii Bianconi, 1849 . Lettera al Dottore Filippo de–Filippi, Professore di Zoologia a Torino sopra alcune nuove specie di rettili del Mozambico. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat., Bologna (ser. 2) 10: 106.

All country records are restricted to localities above the escarpment in southwest Angola. Bocage was confused by this species and described it as a new species on three different occasions: Onychocephalus petersii described from “Biballa” (= Bibala, Namibe Province) (Bocage 1873a), Typhlops (Onychocephalus) humbo described from Quissange (Bocage 1886), and Typhlops hottentotus from “Humbe” (Bocage 1893). Broadley and Wallach (2009) discuss this taxonomic confusion and summarize recent records.

Giant Blind Snake

Afrotyphlops mucruso (Peters 1854)

Onychocephalus mucruso Peters, 1854 . Diagnosen neuer Batrachier, welche zusammen mit der früher (24. Juli und 17. August) gegebenen Übersicht der Schlangen und Eidechsen mitgetheilt werden. Ber. Bekanntmach. Geeignet. Verhandl. Königl.-Preuss. Akad. Wiss., Berlin 1854: 621.

A sister species to the previous species and long considered an eastern subspecies. Broadley and Wallach (2009) map five localities in northwest Angola but give no voucher details. Laurent (1964) listed Typhlops schlegeli mucruso from Chicapa, Calonda and Camissombo in Lunda Province, and these may be the source (in part) of these records. It extends further south in the poorly surveyed eastern region of the country ( Fig. 1 View Fig .; Conradie April 2018).

Leopoldville Beaked Blind Snake

Letheobia praeocularis (Stejneger 1894)

Typhlops praeocularis Stejneger, 1894 . Description of a new species of blind snake ( Typhlopidae ) from the Congo Free State. Proc. US Natl. Mus. 16: 709.

Known in Angola from a single record from Dundo ( Laurent 1964, as Typhlops praeocularis lundensis ). Roux-Esteve (1974) rejected the race lundensis and transferred the species to Rhinotyphlops . Binomials were retained by Broadley and Wallach (2007), who transferred the species again to Letheobia .











Branch, William R. 2018

Typhlops schmidti

Laurent 1956
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