Galeopsomyia gallicola (Risbec), 1952

Kresslein, Robert L., Polaszek, Andrew, Burks, Roger A., Mottern, Jason L., Lahey, Zachary & Heraty, John M., 2025, Nomenclatural spring cleaning: tidying Aphelinidae of taxa that do not spark joy, and a new species of Prococcobius Hayat (Aphelinidae: Coccophaginae), Journal of Natural History 59 (9 - 12), pp. 609-653 : 642-643

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Plazi (2025-03-05 08:14:57, last updated 2025-03-06 14:09:45)

scientific name

Galeopsomyia gallicola (Risbec)


Galeopsomyia gallicola (Risbec)

Trichaporus gallicola Risbec, 1952: 259 View in CoL . Type data: MADAGASCAR: Périnet. Holotype by original monotypy, ♀. Type depository: MNHN. Type unknown.

Galeopsomyia gallicola (Risbec), 1952 . Established as senior synonym per ICZN (1985). Nomen dubium


Both Galeopsomyia metallica and Galeopsomyia gallicola were originally described in the genus Trichaporus Förster, 1856 ( Risbec 1952, figs 46–47). The taxonomic history of Trichaporus is tightly intertwined with its objective junior synonym Trichoporus Ashmead, 1900 . Förster (1856) originally described Trichaporus in the Tetrastichoidae (= Tetrastichinae ) but with no included species. Ashmead (1900) referenced Förster’s concept of Trichaporus as Trichoporus and established Trichoporus columbianus (= Euderus columbianus ) as the type species. Ashmead (1904b) established additional species in Trichoporus , and along with Crawford (1910) and Girault (1912), recognised that the original type species of Trichoporus belonged to the genus Euderus . Girault (1912) established Trichaporus melleus Ashmead, 1904 (spelled as in Förster 1856) as the new type species. Kurdjumov (1913) established a different species, Trichaporus solutus (manuscript name never published) as the type species of Trichaporus . Nowicki (1929), believed that Ashmead had incorrectly applied Trichaporus for species of Eulophidae and recognised four aphelinids within the genus. He established Trichaporus aleyrodis Mercet, 1930 , then a manuscript name, as the type species. Nowicki also suggested that Trichoporus could remain a valid genus name with Trichoporus melleus (Ashmead) as the type species. Trichaporus melleus and Trichaporus colliguayae ( Philippi, 1873) were moved from Trichaporus to Tetrastichus Haliday, 1844 by Gahan (1925), and later moved to Aprostocetus Westwood, 1833 by LaSalle (1994). Ultimately, Dozier (1933) synonymised Trichaporus sensu Nowicki with Encarsia . After decades of confusion, DeBach and LaSalle (1981) identified the convoluted utilisation of Trichaporus and Trichoporus , and they petitioned the ICZN for their suppression ( LaSalle and DeBach 1982, 1983). In ICZN (1985), Trichaporus Förster was suppressed and Trichoporus was recognised as an erroneous misspelling of Trichaporus . The remaining Tetrastichinae associated with Trichaporus were moved to Galeopsomyia Girault, 1916 , and Aphelinidae associated with Trichaporus were permitted to remain within Encarsia .

While Risbec (1952) originally described both Trichaporus metallicus and Trichaporus gallicola in Tetrastichinae ( Chalcidoidea : Eulophidae ), Noyes (2019) mistakenly treated both species as Encarsia ( Chalcidoidea : Aphelinidae ); as a result, both species have been listed in species catalogues as Encarsia metallica and Encarsia gallicola ( Heraty et al. 2007; Kresslein et al. 2023). We agree with Risbec (1952) that these species belong in Tetrastichinae , but the illustrations that accompany the descriptions are not detailed enough to assert appropriate generic placement. Based on the taxonomic actions in ICZN (1985), both species are in Galeopsomyia . However, species of Galeopsomyia are restricted to the Neotropics and the species in question were collected in Madagascar and thus may belong to a different genus. We considered three options to resolve the placement of Galeopsomyia metallica and Galeopsomyia gallicola : (1) establish a new genus for these species; (2) move the species to their original combination and place them as incertae sedis within Tetrastichinae ; (3) leave the species in Galeopsomyia and treat them as nomina dubia. We decided against establishing a new genus because we could not locate the type material within the Paris museum. We considered returning the species to their original combination, but this is complicated by the suppression of Trichaporus . A potential solution was to refer to these the species as ‘ Trichaporus ’ metallica and ‘ Trichaporus ’ gallicola and regard them as incertae sedis within Tetrastichinae , in a similar manner to how Sforzi and Sommaggio (2021) and Dal Pos et al. (2024) treated species with unclear generic placement. However, because the Principal of Binominal Nomenclature requires that valid species names consist of a genus and a specific epithet, specific epithets cannot alone be treated as incertae sedis. Thus, we have concluded that the names ‘ Trichaporus ’ metallica and ‘ Trichaporus ’ gallicola cannot be used as valid species names. Therefore, we retain both species within Galeopsomyia as nomina dubia until their primary types have been located at the MNHN and are examined.

Ashmead WH. 1900. Order Hymenoptera. In: Smith JB, editor. Insects of New Jersey. 27 th Annual Rep. Trenton: State Board of Agriculture; p. 755.

Ashmead WH. 1904 b. New generic names in the Chalcidoidea. Proc Entomol Soc Wash 6: 126.

Crawford JC. 1910. Super-family Chalcidoidea. In: Smith JB, editor. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum including a Report of the Insects of New Jersey. Trenton: MacCrellish & Quigley, State Printers; p. 888.

Dal Pos D, Broad GR, Martens AP. 2024. Small jewels: two new species of the rare genus Masona van Achterberg (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea, Braconidae), with a catalogue of world species and comments on the peculiar morphology of the genus. European J Taxon. 925: 135-160. doi: 10. 5852 / ejt. 2024.925.2457.

DeBach P, LaSalle J 1981. The taxonomic status of Encarsia, Prospaltella, and Trichaporus and a description of Primaprospaltella, new genus (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae). Proc Entomol Soc Wash. 83: 642-657.

Dozier HL. 1933. Miscellaneous notes and descriptions of chalcidoid parasites (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 35: 85-100.

Forster A. 1856. Hymenopterologische Studien II: chalcididae und Proctotrupidii. Germany: Aachen; p. 152. von Ernst ter Meer, V.

Gahan AB. 1925. Two chalcidoids described by Philippi. Rev Chil Hist Nat. 29: 47-51.

Girault AA. 1916. A new genus of Tetrastichini (chalcidoid Hymenoptera). Entomol News. 27: 348.

Haliday AH. 1844. Contributions towards the classification of the Chalcididae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 3: 295-301.

Heraty JM, Woolley JB, Polaszek A. 2007. Catalog of the Encarsia of the World (2007).

ICZN. 1985. Opinion 1351 Galeopsomyia Girault, 1916 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): conserved. Bull. Zool. Mus Nomenclature. 42: 285-286.

Kresslein RL, Heraty JM, Woolley JB, Polaszek A. 2023. Catalog of the Encarsia of the World.

Kurdjumov NB. 1913. Notes on Tetrastichini (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Revue Russe d'Entomologie. 13: 243-255.

LaSalle J, DeBach P. 1982. Galeopsomyia Girault, 1916 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): proposed conservation, ZN (S.) 2402. Bull. Zool. Mus Nomenclature. 39: 297-301.

LaSalle J, DeBach P. 1983. Comments on the proposed conservation of Galeopsomyia Girault, 1916. Z N (S) 2402 (2) Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 40: 74.

LaSalle J. 1994. North American genera of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). J Nat His. 28: 109-236. doi:10.1080/00222939400770091.

Mercet RG. 1930. Afelinidos palearcticos (Hym. Chalc.) 4. a Nota. EOS. VI: 191-199.

Nowicki S. 1929. Bermerkungen zu den europaischen Apheliniden-Gattungen (Hym. Chalc.). Neue Beitrage zur Systematischen Insektenkunde. 4: 153-160.

Noyes JS 2019. Universal Chalcidoidea Database. World Wide Web electronic publication.

Philippi RA. 1873. Chilenische Insekten. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. 34: 296-316.

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