Caroxylon caffrum (Sparrman) Mucina, 2017

Mucina, Ladislav, 2017, Caroxylon (Chenopodiaceae s. str.) in continental southern Africa and Madagascar: a preliminary nomenclatural synopsis and biogeographical considerations, Phytotaxa 312 (2), pp. 151-178 : 158

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.312.2.1

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scientific name

Caroxylon caffrum (Sparrman) Mucina

comb. nov.

17. Caroxylon caffrum (Sparrman) Mucina View in CoL comb. nov.

Basionym:― Salsola caffra Sparrman View in CoL in Resa Goda Hopps Udden 1772–76, 1: 310 (1783).

Type:―not designated.

Notes: ―The suggestion by Ulbrich (1934), obviously followed by Botschantzev (1974a), that this taxon should be considered synonymous with C. aphyllum needs further study. In any case, the scanty verbal description given by Sparrman (1783) does not allow for such a conclusion. The only Salsola specimen lodged by Sparrman in S (Sparrman S11-13704!) was independently identified as Caroxylon salsola and S. aphylla (see remarks on the herbarium sheet of Sparrman S11-13704).

Having seen only a scan of this voucher, I prefer to refrain from the formal typification of the name Salsola caffra (= Caroxylon caffrum ) at this stage.

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