Caroxylon nigrescens (C.A.Sm. ex I.Verd.) Mucina, 2017

Mucina, Ladislav, 2017, Caroxylon (Chenopodiaceae s. str.) in continental southern Africa and Madagascar: a preliminary nomenclatural synopsis and biogeographical considerations, Phytotaxa 312 (2), pp. 151-178 : 166

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scientific name

Caroxylon nigrescens (C.A.Sm. ex I.Verd.) Mucina

comb. nov.

62. Caroxylon nigrescens (C.A.Sm. ex I.Verd.) Mucina View in CoL comb. nov.

Basionym:― Salsola nigrescens C.A.Sm. ex I.Verd. View in CoL in Journal of South African Botany 11, 3: 124, Fig. 11 (1945).

Type (designated here):― SOUTH AFRICA. Orange Free State [Free State Prov.]: Fauresmith, Kortlaagtenek, western part of farm near Koiepaal boundary, c. 4600 ft elev., January 1928, Smith 5305 (lectotype PRE-0370853-0! ; isolectotypes K 000243970!, Z-000002798!) .

Salsola nigrescens C.A.Sm. View in CoL , in schedis (K000243970!).

Notes: ―As mentioned by Verdoorn (1945: 126), the name Salsola nigrescens was first suggested by C.A. Smith who also used this name on the herbarium sheet of K000243970!. Therefore C.A. Smith deserves to appear as co-author of the name.

Distribution: ―South Africa (FS): western Free State.

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