Sinogranulus jinsuoguanensis Fu & Huang, 2022

Fu, Yan-Zhe, Gao, Jian & Huang, Di-Ying, 2022, Revision of the genus Sinogranulus (Hemiptera, Granulidae) with description of a new species from the Middle Triassic of China, Palaeoentomology 5 (1), pp. 81-89 : 84-86

publication ID 10.11646/palaeoentomology.5.1.10

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scientific name

Sinogranulus jinsuoguanensis Fu & Huang

sp. nov.

Sinogranulus jinsuoguanensis Fu & Huang sp. nov.

( Figs 4–7 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 )

Material. Holotype, NIGP179639 View Materials , isolated forewing, with part and counterpart; paratypes, three isolated forewings ( NIGP179640 View Materials NIGP179642 View Materials ); deposited in the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from “Jinsuoguan”, the name of a town where the specimens were discovered.

Diagnosis. Tegmen with stem R deeply forked, with 5–7 terminal branches (3–4 terminal branches in S. qishuiheensis ); stem MP curved towards CuA, forked basad of basal crossvein r-mp (MP forked obviously apicad of basal crossvein r -mp in S. qishuiheensis ); CuA bent strongly and very close to CuP, creating broad, spoon-shaped radial and median cells.

Type locality and horizon. A locality near Hejiafang Village , Jinsuoguan Township , Yintai District , Tongchuan City , Shaanxi Province, China; lower parts of the Yanchang Formation; Middle Triassic .

Description. Tegmen length 6.3–7.3 mm; granular ornamentations evenly distributed over tegmen surface with different diameter; with dark-colored bands distributed in radial and median cells, and mottled for its remaining part; costal margin smoothly arched, thickened; anteroapical and posteroapical angles widely rounded; apical margin rounded; outer membrane narrow; hyposubcostal carina strongly convex; basal cell short; basal crossvein cua-cup inclined; postcostal cell nearly as wide as widest portion of radial and median cells; stem R long, curved basally, then almost straight, with 5–7 terminal branches; stem MP almost straight and subparallel to R before tegminal midlength, then strongly curved toward CuA, MP with at least four terminal branches; stem CuA subparallel to MP after separated from common stem R+MP+CuA, then strongly curved and close to vein CuP at basal about 1/4 tegminal length; CuA 1 entirely fused to stem MP and crossvein mpcua replaced by free base of CuA 1; crossvein mp-cua long and inclined; CuP straight; clavus missing.













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