Allorhynchium latum Nguyen, Tran & MT Nguyen, 2023

Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong, Nguyen, Anh D., Tran, Ngat Thi, Nguyen, Manh Thanh & Engel, Michael S., 2023, The potter wasp genus Allorhynchium from Vietnam, with descriptions of three new species and a new country record (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae), ZooKeys 1166, pp. 1-32 : 1

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2023-06-06 21:22:26, last updated 2024-11-29 12:48:25)

scientific name

Allorhynchium latum Nguyen, Tran & MT Nguyen

sp. nov.

Allorhynchium latum Nguyen, Tran & MT Nguyen sp. nov.

Figs 4 View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5

Material examined.

Holotype. Vietnam: ♀, Thua Thien Hue , Bach Ma, 16°13'N, 107°51'E, 13.viii.2005 [13 August 2005], Lien Thi Phuong Nguyen, J Kojima leg. [IEBR]. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. Vietnam: 1♀, Nghe An, Con Cuong, Thac Kem, Pu Mat NP, 22°47'36"N, 104°36'44"E, alt. 280 m, 30.viii.2020 [30 August 2020], Ngat Thi Tran leg. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Thua Thien Hue, Bach Ma , alt. 900 m, 15.viii.2005 [15 August 2005], Lien Thi Phuong Nguyen, J Kojima leg. ; 1♀, Quang Nam, Phuoc Son, Phuoc My , alt. 450 m, 2.v.2005 [2 May 2005], ISD-c leg .; 1♀, Quang Nam, Phuoc Son, Phuoc My, Lo Xo pass, alt. 670 m, 28.vii.2004 [28 July 2004], ISD-c leg .; 1♀, Quang Nam, Cha Val , [29 June 2008], ISD-c leg .; 1♀, Quang Nam, Song Thanh, Cha Va , alt. 400-600 m, 29.iv.2005 [29 April 2005], ISD-c leg .; 1♀, Quang Nam, Song Thanh, Cha Va , alt. 500-600 m, 29.iv.2005 [29 April 2005], leg .; 1♂, Quang Nam, Song Thanh, Phuoc Xuan , alt. 300-400 m, 1.v.2005 [1 May 2005], ISD-c leg. [IEBR] .


This species can be distinguished from other species in the genus by the following combination of characters: head transverse, much wider than high, vertex of female with a small cephalic fovea bearing a tuft of setae medio-dorsally; occipital carina weakly widened laterally; inner compound eye margins strongly convergent ventrally, in facial view 1.3 × further apart from each other at vertex than at clypeus; clypeus in frontal view almost as wide as high, apical margin shallowly emarginate medially, forming blunt tooth on each side, distance between teeth> 1/2 width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins; mesoscutum almost as long as wide between tegulae; propodeal dorsum raised shelf-like to same level with metanotum; SVII of male with a raised flat area basally, apical margin of flat area V-shaped. Digitus with two lobes at apex, a dark brown short one and an orange-yellow lance lobe with short hairs; penis valves slightly shorter than the basal apodeme, in profile apical part strongly produced into two lobes, the above lobe round, and larger, the below lobe much smaller and sharper.


Female (Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ): Body length 10.6-12.1 mm (holotype = 10.6 mm); forewing length 10.1-11.6 mm (holotype = 10.1 mm).

Structure. Head in facial view transverse, 1.1 × as wide as high (Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ). Vertex with a small cephalic fovea bearing a tuft of setae medio-dorsally (Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ). Distance from posterior ocelli to apical margin of vertex 1.8 × distance from posterior ocellus to inner compound eye margin (Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ). Gena narrower than compound eye, ~ 0.8 × as wide as compound eye; occipital carina complete, present along entire length of gena, weakly widened laterally (Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ). Inner compound eye margins strongly convergent ventrally, in anterior view 1.3 × further apart from each other at vertex than at clypeus (Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ). Clypeus in lateral view gradually convex in basal half, then straight to apical margin; in frontal view almost as wide as high (Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ), with basal margin slightly convex medially and distinctly separated from antennal toruli; apical margin shallowly emarginate medially, forming blunt tooth on each side, distance between teeth> ½ width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins (~ 0.6 × width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins). Mandible quadridentate, teeth prominent. Antennal scape ~ 3.8 × as long as its maximum width, slightly curved; FI ~ 1.3 × longer than wide, FII-III almost as long as wide, FIV-IX wider than long, terminal flagellomere bullet-shaped, ca. as long as its basal width. Mesosoma longer than wide in dorsal view (Fig. 4D View Figure 4 ). Pronotal carina strongly raised, reaching ventral corner of pronotum. Mesoscutum weakly convex, almost as long as wide between tegulae, without depressed and oblique furrows apically (Fig. 4D View Figure 4 ). Disc of mesoscutellum convex, in lateral view at same level of mesoscutum (Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ), narrowly depressed basally (Fig. 4D View Figure 4 ). Metanotum weakly convex. Propodeal dorsum raised shelf-like to same level with metanotum; declivity of propodeum with median carina running upward into a narrow and long fovea at a short distance from metanotum, concavity deep and wide. Forewing with third submarginal cell separated from apex of marginal cell by < ½ its length. Metasomal segment I as wide as segment II (Fig. 4F View Figure 4 ), rounded at base; TI in dorsal view ~ 1.1 × as wide as long; TII wider than long, ~ 1.1 × as wide as long in dorsal view; SII depressed at base, in lateral view almost straight from base to midlength, then straight to apical margin.

Sculpturing. Clypeus rugose, interspaces between punctures with minute punctures, each puncture bearing a medium-long bristle. Frons densely covered with coarse flat-bottom punctures, interspaces between punctures narrow and raised to form reticulation. Vertex with coarse punctures, punctures equal in size, interspaces with sparse minute punctures; gena with punctures similar to those on vertex from midlength to vertex, punctures smaller and less coarse in basal half (Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ); occipital carina weakly widened laterally (Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ). Pronotum with punctures similar to those on vertex. Mesoscutum covered with flat-bottomed punctures, punctures equal in size, smaller than those on pronotum, interspaces between punctures with sparse minute punctures, smooth, larger than puncture diameter centrally, punctures at margins stronger and larger than those centrally; mesoscutellum with punctures similar to those on mesoscutum, punctures on metanotum denser than those on mesoscutellum, interspaces between punctures narrow and raised to form reticulation. Mesepisternum with flat-bottomed punctures, punctures coarser to those on pronotum posterodorsally, smooth anteroventrally; border between posterodorsal and anteroventral parts distinct, without epicnemial carina. Dorsal part of metapleuron largely smooth and with several short and weak striae, ventral part with sparse and shallow punctures. Propodeum with very coarse and dense punctures dorsally, punctures much shallower and weaker to form weak transverse striae laterally, interspaces between punctures strongly raised to form reticulation, dorso-lateral margin of propodeum somewhat rounded; posterior surface rugose basally and with some short oblique striations near median carina apically. Tegula with minute punctures. Metasomal TI covered with sparse and strong punctures dorsally, fine punctures dorso-anteriorly, distance between punctures greater than puncture diameter, interspaces with minute punctures; punctures on TII smaller and shallower than those on TI, punctures on TIII-V and SII denser than those on TII; TVI and SVI with minute punctures.

Color. Body almost black except two short yellow bands along inner orbits near clypeus and brown valvulae. Wing infuscate, veins dark brown (Fig. 8D View Figure 8 ).

Pubescence. Body with medium-length silver setae.

Male (Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ). Body length 11.9-12.3 mm; forewing length 11.4-11.7 mm.

Structure. As in female but differing as follows: head transverse, much wider than high, 1.2 × as wide as high in facial view (Fig. 5A View Figure 5 ); vertex without cephalic foveae; distance from posterior ocelli to apical margin of vertex ~ 2.2 × distance from posterior ocelli to inner compound eye margin; inner compound eye margins strongly convergent ventrally, in facial view 1.2 × as further apart from each other at vertex as at clypeus; clypeus in frontal view as wide as long, apical margin slightly emarginate medially, forming blunt tooth on each side (Fig. 5A View Figure 5 ), width of emargination much greater than one-third of clypeal width between inner compound eye margins (0.4 × width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins); mandible with short teeth. Antennal scape ~ 4.45 × as long as wide, FI ~ 1.5 × as long as wide, FII-IV longer than wide, FV-VII as wide as long, FVIII wider than long, FIX slightly longer than wide, FX much smaller than FIX, terminal flagellomere elongate, slightly curved, ~ 3 × as long as its basal width (Fig. 5B View Figure 5 ). Metasomal SVII with a raised flat area basally, apical margin of flat area V-shaped (Fig. 5C View Figure 5 ).

Sculpturing. Body surface sculptured as in female; clypeus with sparse and small punctures, distance between punctures greater than puncture diameter and with dense minute punctures.

Pubescence. As in female except clypeus covered with dense, medium-long, silver setae laterally.

Color. Similar to female.

Genitalia. As in Fig. 5E-H View Figure 5 . Parameral spine lacking hairs. Volsella flattened, spatulate, wide on inner aspect, and without hairs at top (Fig. 5E, F View Figure 5 ). Digitus gradually widened from base to two-thirds length, then extended apically to form two lobes, a dark brown short one and an orange-yellow lance lobe with short hairs (Fig. 5E, F View Figure 5 ). Penis valves long, ~ 1.7 × as long as basal apodeme, in ventral view proximal part produced laterally into an oval shape (Fig. 5G View Figure 5 ); in profile apical part strongly produced into two lobes (Fig. 5H View Figure 5 ), upper lobe round and larger, lower lobe much smaller and sharper; proximal margin smooth (Fig. 5H View Figure 5 ).


Central Vietnam.


The specific epithet is from the Latin participle lātus (meaning broad or wide), and refers to the wide apical emargination of the clypeus.


The new species is similar to A. argentatum in that all have the occipital carina slightly widened laterally, the propodeal dorsum raised shelf-like to the same level of the metanotum, the posterior surface of the propodeum rugose basally and with some short oblique striations near the median carina apically, TI finely punctate anteriorly, and TII with small and sparse punctures. However, it differs from A. argentatum in the following characters: head transverse, apical margin of clypeus with wide emargination,> ½ and> 1/3 width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins in female and male, respectively (~ 1/3 width of clypeus between inner compound eye margins in both female and male in A. argentatum ); mandible of male with short teeth (mandible of male with prominent teeth in A. argentatum ); SVII of male with apical margin of raised flat area V-shaped (SVII with apical margin of raised flat area wide in A. argentatum ); penis valves short, slightly shorter than the basal apodeme (penis valves long, much longer than the basal apodeme in and A. argentatum ); proximal part of aedeagus in profile with two lobes, the below lobe small and sharp (proximal part of aedeagus in profile with two lobes, the below lobe much larger and blunter in A. argentatum ).

Gallery Image

Figure 4. Allorhynchium latum Nguyen, Tran & MT Nguyen, sp. nov., female holotype A facial view B head, dorsal view C head and mesosoma, lateral view D mesosoma, dorsal view E propodeum, posterior view F metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Figure 5. Allorhynchium latum Nguyen, Tran & MT Nguyen, sp. nov., male paratype, female holotype A male, facial view B male, antenna C male, metasomal sternum VII D female, dorsolateral oblique habitus E male genitalia, inner aspect of paramere with volsella and digitus F male genitalia, outer aspect of paramere with volsella and digitus G aedeagus, ventral view H aedeagus, lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

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Figure 8. Allorhynchium setosum Nguyen & Engel, sp. nov., female holotype A facial view B head, dorsal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D mesosoma, lateral view E propodeum, posterior view F metasomal terga I-III, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1 mm.











