Miltochrista nigrococcinea Bayarsaikhan, Volynkin & Bae, 2019

Bayarsaikhan, Ulziijargal, Im, Kyung-Hoan, Bae, Yang-Seop & Volynkin, Anton V., 2019, Miltochrista nigrococcinea, a new species from Vietnam (Lepidoptera, Erebidae Arctiinae), Zootaxa 4683 (2), pp. 295-300 : 296-299

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4683.2.9


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scientific name

Miltochrista nigrococcinea Bayarsaikhan, Volynkin & Bae

sp. nov.

Miltochrista nigrococcinea Bayarsaikhan, Volynkin & Bae , sp. nov.

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 a–d, 2, 3a–g)

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Vietnam, Ninh Binh Province, Cuc Phuong National Park , N20°17.580’ 105°40.017’, 12.IX. 2014, 253m, At light, G. Martin [leg.], BMNH (E) 2014-174 / NHMUK010318322 About NHMUK , slide NHMUK010314026 About NHMUK Volynkin (Coll. NHMUK) . Paratypes. 4 ♂, Vietnam, Prov. Hanoi, BaVi N.P., 19.VII–5.VIII.2010 (700 m), (Y.S. Bae & X. V. Le ), Gen. Slides No. INU˗ 1881 V , 10199 V, 10200 V, 10201 V Bayarsaikhan (Coll. INU) .

Diagnosis. Miltochrista nigrococcinea sp. n. differs from other relatives by its black ground color wings, with much extensive orange red medial band. The male genitalia of the new species are very special and vaguely resemble those only of Indian M. pseudoarcuata and M. paraarcuata (illustrated by Kirti & Singh 2016: 102˗104) by their bilobate distal costal process, but its lobes are much larger in M. nigrococcinea sp. n. In addition, compared to M. pseudoarcuata and M. paraarcuata , M. nigrococcinea sp. n. has the shorter and broader uncus, the reduced distal membranous lobe of valva, the unilobate hook-like distal saccular process (that is broadly bilobate in M. pseudoarcuata and M. paraarcuata ), and the aedeagus vesica with 3˗4 short spine˗shaped cornuti ( M. pseudoarcuata and M. paraarcuata have 1–2 large horn-like cornuti).

Description. Adult ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 a–d). Length of forewing 7–8 mm in male. Antenna of male ciliate, black, slightly tinged with orange red. Head and thorax black. Fore, middle and hind legs dark brown. Ground color of forewing orange red, with narrow black shade with dentated outer margin basally and broad black shade distally from postmedial line to outer wing margin. Hindwing orange red with broad black subterminal shade along wing margins. Cilia of both wings black. Abdomen black, except pale red at ventral side ( Fig. 1d View FIGURE 1 ). Male genitalia ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 a–g). Uncus stout, with a small apical spine. Tegumen broad, shorter than valva. Juxta weakly sclerotized, inverted shield-shaped with round medial basal concavity. Saccus roundly U˗shaped. Valvae broad, symmetric, weakly sclerotized. Distal costal process heavily sclerotized, bilobate (nearly T˗shaped), its dorsal lobe almost 3 times larger than ventral one, narrowly trigonal, slightly curved in- wards; ventral lobe small, thorn-shaped; both lobes weakly setose. Sacculus heavily sclerotized, broad, its dorsal surface swollen and setose basally and medially. Distal saccular process tapered, smoothly hook-like curved dorsad, apically pointed. Aedeagus stout, almost straight, narrow, with very short and apically rounded, tubercle-like coecum. Vesica globular, membranous, with small lateral diverticulum, broadly finger-like subapical diverticulum, distal cluster of weak scobination with 3–4 (3 in the holotype) short but robust, beveled triangle-shaped cornuti. Basal plate of vesica ejaculatorius narrowly trigonal, sclerotized.

Female unknown.

Distribution. North Vietnam (Ninh Binh and Hanoi Provinces).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin, nigrococcineus (black and scarlet), refers to the wing coloration of new species.


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