Schizoturanius tabescens (Stuxberg, 1876)

Nefediev, P. S., 2019, New records of the millipede genus Schizoturanius Verhoeff, 1931 from Asian Russia (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Polydesmidae), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (3), pp. 331-339 : 335-337

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.3.14

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Schizoturanius tabescens (Stuxberg, 1876)


Schizoturanius tabescens (Stuxberg, 1876) View in CoL

Fig. 12 View Fig .

Polydesmus tabescens Stuxberg, 1876a: 35 View in CoL , inset: figs.

Polydesmus tabescens View in CoL — Stuxberg, 1876b: 316; Attems, 1904: 48. Turanodesmus salairicus Gulička, 1963: 523 View in CoL , 522: figs.

Turanodesmus salairicus View in CoL — Byzova, Chadaeva, 1965: 333; Nefediev, Nefedieva, 2008a: 117; Babenko et al., 2009: 182.

Schizoturanius salairicus View in CoL — Lokšina, Golovatch, 1979: 384; Mikhaljova, 1993: 31; Mikhaljova, Golovatch, 2001: 116; Nefedi-


Figs 2–9. Schizoturanius dmitriewi , males: 2–7 — gonopod; 8–9 — lateral outgrowth of gonopod endomere; 2–3 — lateral view; 4–5 — mesal view; 6–9 — front and ventral view; 2, 4, 6, 8 — Voronezh Nature Reserve; 3, 5, 7, 9 — Altai Province, near Charyshskoye. Scale bar: 0.4 mm (2–5), 0.3 mm (6–7), 0.1 mm (8–9). Designations explained in text.

Рис. 2–9. Schizoturanius dmitriewi , самцы: 2–7 — гонопод; 8–9 — боковой отросток Эндомера гонопода; 2–3 — вид сбоку; 4–5 — вид иЗнутри; 6–9 — вид спереди и сниЗу; 2, 4, 6, 8 — Воронежский Заповедник; 3, 5, 7, 9 — Алтайский край, около ЧарыШского. МасШтаб: 0,4 мм (2–5), 0,3 мм (6–7), 0,1 мм (8–9). ОбЪЯснение обоЗначений дано в тексте.

ev, 2001: 85; 2002a: 41; 2002b: 30; 2002c: 139; 2002d: 35; Mikhaljova, Nefediev, 2003: 83; Nefediev, Nefedieva, 2008a: 118.

Schizoturanius tabescens Mikhaljova, 1993: 31 View in CoL , 32: figs; 2004: 240, 241: figs, 242: map; 2013a: 221; 2017: 291, figs, 292: map; Vorobiova, 1999: 33; Mikhaljova, Golovatch, 2001: 116; Vorobiova et al., 2002: 62; Rybalov, 2002: 83; Rybalov, Vorobiova, 2002: 14; Mikhaljova, Marusik, 2004: 8, 7: figs; Nefediev, Nefedieva, 2005: 178; 2006: 98; 2007a: 139; 2007b: 161; 2007c: 100; 2008a: 118; 2008b: 62; 2011: 100; 2012a: 51; 2012b: 47; 2013: 87; 2017: 292; Nefedieva, Nefediev, 2008: 123; Babenko et al., 2009: 183; Bukhkalo et al., 2014: 74; Nefedieva et al., 2014: 65; 2015: 153 View Cited Treatment .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. 1 ♀ ( ASU), Russia, Krasnoyarsk Province, Sorokino Railway Station, Betula forest with Pinus sibirica and Alnus , in litter, 23.VIII.1994, leg. A.B. Ryvkin; 1 ♀ ( ASU), Russia, Tomsk Area, Tomsk District, 15 km N of Tomsk, mixed forest, 11. VI.2000; 9 ♀♀, 4 juv., 2 fragm. ( ASU), same Area, Teguldet District, near Chet-Kontorka, 57.064860°N, 88.115124°E, Populus tremula forest, 190 m a.s.l., 19. VI.2000; 4 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Sosnovka (abandoned), 57.363366°N, 88.073710°E, Betula pendula and Abies sibirica forest, 135 m a.s.l., h.s., 22. VI.2000; 19 ♀♀, 9 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Teguldet, 57.316881°N, 88.139437°E, Populus tremula forest, 135 m a.s.l., 4.VII.2000; 1 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Chiornyi Yar, 57.040621°N, 87.301126°E, 150 m a.s.l., 5.VII.2000, all leg. P.N.; 4 ♀♀, 4 juv. ( ASU), same Area, Tomsk District, near Zorkaltsevo, 56.521326°N, 84.733903°E, Pinus sibirica forest, s.s., 16–19. VI.2001; 5 ♀♀, 34 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 24.VII.2001; 14 juv. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 24.VIII.2001; 59 ♀♀, 3 juv., 2 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 16.X.2001; 1 ♀, 2 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Kislovka, 56.430654°N, 84.900971°E, Populus tremula forest, s.s., 10–11. VI.2001; 22 juv., s.l., s.s., 18–22.VII.2001; 1 ♀, 14 juv. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 26.VIII.2001; 19 ♀♀, 13 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 9.X.2001; 35 ♀♀, 356 juv., 5 fragm. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Petrovskii Uchastok, 56.512449°N, 84.789453°E, Populus tremula and Betula pendula patch, s.s., 20–26. VI.2001; 13 juv. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 8–10.VII.2001; 12 ♀♀, 13 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 24.VIII.2001; 7 ♀♀ ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 24.VIII–20.IX.2001; 29 ♀♀, 3 juv. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 16.X.2001, all leg. P.N., J.N.; 7 ♀♀ ( ASU), same Area and District, Tomsk, “Buff-Sad” Park, 56.471503°N, 84.962563°E, Acer negundo and Populus , 110 m a.s.l., 15. V.2008, leg. P.N.; 1 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Zorkaltsevo, Pinus sibirica forest, p.t., 12.VII–24.VIII.2006, leg. S.A. Krivets; 1 ♀, 1 fragm. ( ASU), Russia, Kemerovo Area, Krapivinskii District, near Zelenogorskii, 55°01 ' N, 87°05 ' E, bank of Tom River, under bark, 140 m a.s.l., h.s., 9.VII.2017, leg. D.A. Efimov; 1 ♀ ( ASU), Russia, Altai Province, Barnaul, “Lesnaya Skazka” Park, 53.359283°N, 83.682242°E, Acer negundo and Betula pendula stand, under boards, pieces of concrete, in litter, 215 m a.s.l., 1. V.2015, leg. P.N.; 1 ♀ ( ASU), same Province, Charyshskoye District, ca. 4.5 km SE of Charyshskoye, environs of ASU Field Station “Goluboi Utios”, 51°21 ' 33.8 '' N, 83°37 ' 23.2 '' E, Betula pendula and Populus tremula stand on N slope, ca. 520 m a.s.l., 5. VI. 2018, leg. Kh.N., S.N., V.S.; 1 ♀ ( ASU), near s.l., 51.362106°N, 83. 623658°E, Salix thicket in valley of Pikhtovka River, 460 m a.s.l., 8. VI.2018, leg. Kh.N.; 1 ♀ ( ASU), same Province and District, 5 km S of Ust-Kumir, 50°58.988 ' N, 84°17.415 ' E, valley of Kumir River, forest with gaps of tall herbaceous vegetation, ca. 805 m a.s.l., sifting leaf litter, 1.VIII.2018, leg. V.G., M.M., V.L.; 1 juv. ( ASU), Russia, Republic of Altai, Ongudai District, 9 air-km SSW of Belyi Bom, near Achik Pass, 50.295678°N, 86.977943°E, sparse Pinus sibirica forest edge, 2120 m a.s.l., 21.VII.2006, leg. P.N., J.N.; 1 juv. ( ASU), same Republic and District, 20 air-km W of Chibit, near Shirlak Waterfall, valley of Chuya River, right bank of Chuya River, Betula forest with Larix sibirica , Caragana arborescens , low grasses and green mosses, 50.34358°N, 87.22225°E, ca. 1015 m a.s.l., 23.07.2018, leg. P.N.; 1 ♀ ( ASU), Russia, Irkutsk Area, Irkutsk, Akademgorodok, left bank of Angara River, 52°14 ' 48.1 '' N, 104° 15 ' 13.4 '' E, park forest with Betula and Populus tremula , seldom Pinus sylvestris , Alnus fruticosa and Swida alba , ca. 520 m a.s.l., h.s., 31.VIII.2018, leg. I. V. Enushchenko.

DISTRIBUTION. This species is widespread in southwestern and central Siberia ( SE districts of the Tomsk Area, E districts of the Novosibirsk Area, N, E and S districts of the Altai Province, central and S districts of the Kemerovo Area, N and central districts of the Republic of Altai, NW districts of the Republic of Khakassia, and SW districts of the Krasnoyarsk Province). The species is also known a significant distance away from the main part of its distribution area, being recorded from the south of the Tyumen and Irkutsk areas as well ( Fig. 12 View Fig ) .

REMARKS. Originally described in Polydesmus from the Yenisei River valley near Yeniseisk and Alinskoye (both Krasnoyarsk Province) [ Stuxberg, 1876a, b], this species was later transferred to Schizoturanius [ Mikhaljova, 1993] and synonymized with Turanodesmus salairicus Gulička, 1963 [ Mikhaljova, Marusik, 2004]. Schizoturanius tabescens is new to be reported from the Irkutsk Area, its easternmost range limit.

Sometimes occurring even syntopically with S. dmitriewi at the southwestern periphery of its distribution area, S. tabescens can easily be distinguished from it by the smaller body and lighter coloration (see above), same as from S. clavatipes , with which S. tabescens is a sympatric species.

The following key can be proposed to Schizoturanius species from Asian Russia.

1(2) Gonopod broadened, with a short exomere. Gonopod endomere without a lateral outgrowth .......... tabescens

2(3) Gonopod elongated and crescent, with an exomere long- er than endomere. Gonopod endomere with a lateral outgrowth (lo) (Figs 3, 10) .......................................... 3

3(4) Outer edge of gonopod endomere smooth, non-dentate ........................................................................ clavatipes

4(3) Outer edge of gonopod endomere serrate (Figs 8–9) .. ......................................................................... dmitriewi


Arizona State University


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Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Schizoturanius tabescens (Stuxberg, 1876)

Nefediev, P. S. 2019

Schizoturanius tabescens

Nefedieva J. S. & Nefediev P. S. & Sakhnevich M. B. & Dyachkov Yu. V. 2015: 153
Bukhkalo S. P. & Galitch D. E. & Sergeeva E. V. & Vazhenina N. V. 2014: 74
Nefedieva J. S. & Nefediev P. S. & Sakhnevich M. B. & Dyachkov Yu. V. 2014: 65
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2013: 87
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2012: 51
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2012: 47
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2011: 100
Babenko A. S. & Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2009: 183
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2008: 118
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2008: 62
Nefedieva J. S. & Nefediev P. S. 2008: 123
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2007: 139
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2007: 161
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2007: 100
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2006: 98
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2005: 178
Mikhaljova E. V. & Marusik Y. M. 2004: 8
Vorobiova I. G. & Rybalov L. B. & Rossolimo T. E. & Zalesskaja N. T. 2002: 62
Vorobiova I. G. & Rybalov L. B. & Rossolimo T. E. & Zalesskaja N. T. 2002: 14
Mikhaljova E. V. & Golovatch S. I. 2001: 116
Vorobiova I. G. 1999: 33
Mikhaljova E. V. 1993: 31

Schizoturanius salairicus

Mikhaljova E. V. & Golovatch S. I. 2001: 116
Mikhaljova E. V. 1993: 31
Loksina I. E. & Golovatch S. I. 1979: 384

Turanodesmus salairicus

Babenko A. S. & Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2009: 182
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2008: 117
Byzova Yu. B. & Chadaeva Z. V. 1965: 333

Polydesmus tabescens

Stuxberg A. 1876: 35

Polydesmus tabescens

Gulicka J. 1963: 523
Attems C. 1904: 48
Stuxberg A. 1876: 316
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