Carabus (Microtribax) nothus sharoiensis Fominykh, Zamotajlov, Avtaeva et Titarenko, 2019

Fominykh, D. D., Zamotajlov, A. S., Avtaeva, T. A. & Titarenko, A. Yu., 2019, Contribution to the knowledge of the Carabus Linnaeus, 1758 subgenus Microtribax Gottwald, 1982 in the North Caucasus, with description of a new subspecies (Coleoptera: Carabidae), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (2), pp. 125-137 : 129-134

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.2.03

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scientific name

Carabus (Microtribax) nothus sharoiensis Fominykh, Zamotajlov, Avtaeva et Titarenko

subsp. nov.

Carabus (Microtribax) nothus sharoiensis Fominykh, Zamotajlov, Avtaeva et Titarenko View in CoL , ssp.n.

Figs 1 View Fig , 27–37 View Figs 27–34 View Figs 35–39 , 47–48 View Figs 44–47 View Figs 48–49 , 51.

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZISP), Russia, North Caucasus, Chechnya, left bank of river Sharoargun, road between Sharoy and Itum-Kale near Pass Dzheindzhare, N 42°39', E 45°43', h= 2400 m, 23. V .2016 , D. Fominykh, A. Zubov, T. Avtaeva, Sh. Kushalieva leg.; Paratypes: 27♂♂, 25♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY, CZAM, CATA), same data as holotype; 34♂♂, 21♀♀ ( ZMMU, MPSU, CFDD, CTAY, CZAM, CATA), same locality, but 23. V –12.IX.2016 , D. Fominykh, A. Zubov, T. Avtaeva, Sh. Kushalieva leg.; 7♂♂, 3♀♀ ( CFDD), Chechnya, Vedutchi env., Khacha-Royduk Mt. Range , h= 1200–1400m, VI.1990, G. Abdurakhmanov.

COMPARATIVE MATERIAL. Carabus nothus nothus Adams, 1817: 23 ♂♂, 26♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY, CZAM), Georgia, Mtskheti-Mtianeti, N slopes of Mtiuleti Mt. Range, 2 km N of Sioni, left bank of river Terkhena , N 42°32', E 44°31’ 2450 m, 1–30.VI.2015, D. Fominykh, A. Zubov leg. GoogleMaps ; 16♂♂, 22♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY, CZAM), Mtskheti-Mtianeti, NE slopes of Lomisi Mt. Range near Zemo Mleta , N 42°25’28.10", E 44°29’38.90", h= 1730 m, 18. V 1.VI.2015, A. Zubov, R. Khryapin leg. GoogleMaps Carabus nothus planipennis Chaudoir, 1846: 85 ♂♂, 74♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY, CZAM), Kakheti, Main Caucasian Range near Pass Abano , N 42°17', E45°29', h= 3000–3100 m, 7–18.VII.2017, D. Fominykh leg. GoogleMaps

DESCRIPTION. Medium sized subspecies ( Figs 27–34 View Figs 27–34 ). GBL = 21.0– 26.3 mm, males 21.0– 23.2 mm, females 22.5–

26.3 mm, SBL = 19.2–23.3 mm in both sexes. Underside black, dorsum with metallic luster similar both in males and females, head black, pronotum black on disk, lateral sides with metallic coloration, elytra with bright metallic green or bronze luster, legs, antennae, and mandibles black, with faint brownish tint. Head not inflated, with nearly equal length and width, HL = 3.0– 3.7 mm in males, 3.3–4.3 mm in females, HW = 3.4–3.7 mm in males, 3.5–4.8 mm in females; neck punctate, surface with coarse rugosity near eyes; mandibles elongate; antennae reaching one-third to middle of elytra. Pronotum nearly rectangular, sides with very faint sinuation before base, PW = 3.4–3.7 mm in males, 4.5–6.1 mm in females, PB = 3.5–4.0 mm in males, 3.3–4.5 mm in females, PL = 3.2–3.9 mm in males, 3.5–4.1 mm in females, PW/HW = 1.2–1.5 in both sexes, PW/PL = 1.3–1.6 in both sexes, PW/ PB = 1.2–1.4 in both sexes; hind angles faintly protruding posteriorly; disk completely punctate, punctation more coarse at sides and base. Legs moderately long. Elytra faintly convex, ovate, somewhat elongate, EW/PW = 1.4–1.9 in both sexes; EL = 12.0– 13.5 mm in males, 12.9–15.6 mm in females, EW = 3.44. 4 mm in males, 3.5–4.8 mm in females, EL/EW = 1.4–1.8 in both sexes; elytral sculpture pronounced, 3 rows of impressions are distinguishable, these punctures regularly covering entire elytral surface.

Aedeagus faintly bent basally, apical lamella hardly protruding ( Figs 35–37 View Figs 35–39 ). Endophallus with strongly developed mediolateral and ventroapical lobes, basiolateral and dorsoapical lobes less prominent, aggonoporius small.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS AND REMARKS.A new subspecies reliably differs from C. kasakorum in the male genitalia structure. It is distinguishable from the other known subspecies of C. nothus by constantly brighter dorsal coloration, not characteristic for them. From the most close morphologically subspecies C. nothus daghestanicola it differs also in more depressed elytra and fainter protruding posteriorly hind angles of pronotum.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. A new subspecies populates mountain masses of Skalistyi Mt. Range in the interfluve of Argun and Sharoargun rivers, it inhabits meadows at 1200 –2400 m and prefers stony sites. The adults are active from the end of May, beginning with the snow melting. Following Carabus forms occur together with this subspecies: C. (Pachycarabus) staehlini Adams, 1817 , C. (Tomocarabus) convexus Fabricius, 1775 , C. (Sphodristocarabus) adamsi Adams, 1817 , C. (Cechenochilus) boeberi Adams, 1817 , C. (Tribax) osseticus Adams, 1817 , C. (Eu-

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

carabus) cumanus Fischer von Waldheim, 1823 , C. (Megodonthus) exaratus Quensel, 1806 , and C. (Procrustes) clypeatus Adams, 1817 .

ETYMOLOGY. The subspecific epithet refers to the name Sharoy, indicating both historical geographic and administrative district of Chechen Republic, and one of 9 Chechen tukhums and taips.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Catalina Island Conservancy


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Department of Microbiology, Songkla University


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


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