Paraphysomonas De Saedeleer sp.

Kapustin, Dmitry A., Gusev, Evgeniy S., Lilitskaya, Galina G. & Kulikovskiy, Maxim S., 2020, Silica-scaled chrysophytes from the Ukrainian Polissia, Cryptogamie, Algologie 20 (12), pp. 121-135 : 125

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Paraphysomonas De Saedeleer sp.


Paraphysomonas De Saedeleer sp.

( Fig. 1E View FIG )


Several scales with broken spines were observed but it is impossible to identify them since the spine length and the shape of a tip are important taxonomic features (Scoble & Cavalier- Smith 2013, 2014).

In Ukraine only Paraphysomonas vestita (A.C.Stokes) De Saedeleer has previously been recorded ( Korshikov 1929 as Physomonas vestita A.C.Stokes ; Shevchuk 2007a, b). More than 20 taxa described by Scoble & Cavalier-Smith (2014) were previously lumped together as Paraphysomonas vestita . So, the identity of this species is unclear and a neotypification is required.

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