Spirastrella aff. decumbens Ridley, 1884

Putra, Singgih Afifa, Ambo-Rappe, Rohani, Jompa, Jamaluddin & de Voogd, Nicole J., 2024, Preliminary study of marine sponges (Porifera) in the littoral of Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia, ZooKeys 1208, pp. 275-313 : 275-313

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1208.113603

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Spirastrella aff. decumbens Ridley, 1884


Spirastrella aff. decumbens Ridley, 1884 View in CoL

Fig. 5 View Figure 5

Diagnostic features.

A thin encrusting sponge with a soft texture and a smooth surface. The living specimens exhibit a salmon-pink or orangish color. The ectosome of the sponge contains numerous microscleres (spirasters), forming the characteristic tangential crust found in this genus. In the choanosome, the megascleres are irregularly arranged tylostyles with well-formed, usually spherical heads ( Calcinai et al. 2006). Our specimen shows spirasters with ornamented rays (Fig. 5 d View Figure 5 ) that are not mentioned in the Calcinai et al. (2006) report from Vietnam.

Distribution and ecology.

This species is present in the Australian region, New Caledonia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. In Indonesia is recorded from Ambon; this is a first record for the Spermonde Archipelago (Langkai Island; reef flat).