Ceratophyllaceae GRAY

Smith, MacKenzie A., Greenwalt, Dale E. & Manchester, Steven R., 2023, Diverse Fruits And Seeds Of The Mid-Eocene Kishenehn Formation, Northwestern Montana, Usa, And Their Implications For Biogeography, Fossil Imprint 79 (1), pp. 37-88 : 51

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Ceratophyllaceae GRAY


Family Ceratophyllaceae GRAY View in CoL

Genus cf. Ceratophyllum L.

Text-fig. 6a View Text-fig

M a t e r i a l. USNM PAL 625188.

L o c a l i t y. Spring.

D e s c r i p t i o n. Fruit elliptical, 2.9 mm long (body 2.6 mm long), 1.5 mm wide; basal spine 0.3 mm long, 0.2 mm wide; three short visible lateral spines on the antipodal side 0.1 mm long; small indentations on the surface.

R e m a r k s. We interpret this as an eroded specimen retaining only remnants of the original spines. By inference from symmetry, a total of at least six short lateral spines can be inferred. Ceratophyllum muricatum CHAM. subsp. incertum (BERRY) HERENDEEN, LES et DILCHER is known from the early and mid-Eocene of the Green River Formation of Wyoming and the Claiborne Formation of Tennessee ( Herendeen et al. 1990). However, C. muricatum subsp. inertum is larger (2.8–4.0 mm long and 2.0– 2.3 mm wide) and has more lateral spines (8–11) ( Herendeen et al. 1990).

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