Ulavius parvathiae, VIRAKTAMATH & YESHWANTH, 2024

VIRAKTAMATH, C. A. & YESHWANTH, H. M., 2024, Arboreal eurymeline leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Eurymelinae) of the Indian subcontinent with description of new genera and eight new species, Zootaxa 5462 (1), pp. 1-125 : 86-90

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5462.1.1

publication LSID




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scientific name

Ulavius parvathiae

sp. nov.

Ulavius parvathiae sp. nov.

Figs 48A–M View FIGURES 48 , 62H View FIGURES 62 , 71M–P View FIGURES 71 .

Diagnosis. U. parvathiae externally resembles U. jayashriae , but differs in having poorly developed dorsal apodeme and well-developed preatrium that is more than 1.5× as long as shaft,

Description. Coloration as in U. jayashriae but slightly darker. Face more brownish dorsad of ocelli between black spots of fore margin. Pronotum slightly darker, black triangles at base of mesonotum connected by transverse black spot, lateral semicircular black spot much larger and extending mesally. Male fore tibia with distal 0.33 black along inner margin.

Crown 3.3× (in male) and 3.8–4.0× (in female) as wide between eyes as long medially. Pronotum 2.1–2.4× as long as crown medially and about 2.4× as wide as long medially. Mesonotum distinctly shorter than combined length of pronotum and crown. Male with posterior margin of sternite VIII acutely pointed medially. Ovipositor shorter than folded forewings in repose. Female sternite VII 2.35× as wide at base as long medially, with posterior margin slightly convex with median lobe ( Fig. 62H View FIGURES 62 ).

Male genitalia. Similar to those in U. jayashriae . Anal collar process elongate curved mesally and extended beyond dorsal margin of pygofer. Aedeagus with preatrium prominent, stout, more than 1.5× as long as shaft, aedeagal shaft with preapical denticle on ventral margin slightly ventrad of gonopore.

Female genitalia. Valvula I and II very similar to those in U. jayashriae , sculptured area in valvula I occupying distal 0.57 length and toothed area of valvula II occupying distal 0.47 length ( Figs 71M–P View FIGURES 71 ).

Measurements. Male 4.7 mm long, 1.25 mm wide across eyes. Femle 4.8–4.9 mm long, 1.5–1.6 mm wide across eyes.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE ♂, INDIA: Karnataka: Mudigere, 19.ii.1991, ex Holigarna arnottiana, C. Parvathi ( UASB) . Paratypes, 5 ♀, data as for holotype ( UASB).

Etymology. This species is named after late Dr. C. Parvathi, an entomologist and also an accomplished artist.

Remarks. This species probably breeds on Holigranna arnottiana Wall. ex Hooker f. ( Anacardiaceae ).


India, Bangalore, Karnataka, University of Agricultural Sciences













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