Metidiocerus gnezdilovi, VIRAKTAMATH & YESHWANTH, 2024

VIRAKTAMATH, C. A. & YESHWANTH, H. M., 2024, Arboreal eurymeline leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Eurymelinae) of the Indian subcontinent with description of new genera and eight new species, Zootaxa 5462 (1), pp. 1-125 : 69-70

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5462.1.1

publication LSID


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scientific name

Metidiocerus gnezdilovi

sp. nov.

Metidiocerus gnezdilovi sp. nov.

Figs 36A–K View FIGURES 36 , 61C View FIGURES 61 , 69I–L View FIGURES 69 .

Diagnosis. Sexually dimorphic: male crown with a median tubercle-like structure, absent in female.

Description. Ochraceous. Crown with small round black spot on either side of median line on fore margin. Lateral brown patch ventrad extending on to face on either side of median line and to adjacent eye margin with lateral pale round spots dorsad of ocelli. Clypellus either entirely or nearly distal 0.66 part black. Lateral areas of frontoclypeus with a few dark brown spots. Male with median smoky brown stripe on crown continued on entire length of frontoclypeus, this band dorsad of ocelli paler on face, lateral areas of gena smoky brown. In female, this stripe absent. Pronotum with a few irregular spots on anterior submargin, dark brown; black markings on covered mesonotum visible on translucent disc as smoky brown patches on either side of median line and extend as basal triangles on exposed mesonotum and one median stripe; one brown spot on either side of median line anterad of scutoscutellar surture dark brown to black. These spots less prominent in female but have additional large smoky brown patch on either side of median line on scutellum. Forewing transparent, with brown venation; in female some of the veins alternately marked with brown and pale brown. Labium, coxae and basal areas of posterior femora smoky brown, rest of legs ochraceous with bases of setae on meta tibiae brown, darker in male compared to those in female.

Crown and face dorsad of ocelli transversely irregularly and finely rugose. Male with a median prominence anteriorly which the female lacks. Crown 5–6× as wide between eyes as long medially, Pronotum 3–4× as long as median length of crown and about 2.2× as wide as long medially. Exposed mesonotum about 2.2× as long as pronotum. Forewing venation raised. Female sternite VII with posterior margin convex and medially bilobed ( Fig. 61C View FIGURES 61 ).

Male genitalia. Pygofer with anterior marginal apodemes, height almost 4× longer than wide, ventral margin broadedst proximad of midlength, posterodorsal lobe conical. Anal collar process with basal short prong-like process, distal apex broad and obliquely truncate. Subgenital plate in lateral view broadest in basal half. Style apophyisis curved, ventral margin serrate, with a series of thin setae along dorsal margin and two stout long setae subapically, apex narrowed, bluntly pointed. Aedeagus V-shaped with dorsal apodeme half as long as shaft in lateral view, distally expanded laterally with dorsal surface sclerotized and pigmented; shaft slightly curved dorsally in basal half, narrowed distally, with subapical gonopore, with one short lateroventrally directed process on each side of gonopore, each process about 2×as long as width of shaft at point of their origin, shaft apex spatuate and squre tipped.

Female genitalia. Valvula I slightly curved dorsally, tapered distally to acute apex, dorsal sculpturing occupying almost half length ( Figs 69 View FIGURES 69 IJ). Valvula II less curved and tapered compared to valvula I, toothed area occupying distal 0.33 and teeth close together but uneven in height, with more than 10 teeth ( Figs 69 View FIGURES 69 KL).

Measurements. Male 4.4–4.6 mm long, 1.4 mm wide across eyes. Female 4.7 mm long, 1.5 mm wide across eyes.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE ♂, INDIA: Jammu & Kashmir: Pahalgam ,, ex wild palak, Maninder & J.S. Mann ( UASB) . Paratypes 2 ♂, 2 ♀, data as for holotype ( UASB, NBAIR).

Etymology. This species is named after well-known Russian Auchenorrhyncha worker Dr Vladimir Gnezdilov in recognition of his excellent work on the group.

Remarks. Sexually dimorphic. Its structure and coloration distinguishes this species from other species of the genus in the subcontinent. The species was collected on wild palak ( Chenopodium album L., Amaranthaceae ), however, it is unlikely to be a breeding host.


India, Bangalore, Karnataka, University of Agricultural Sciences


University of Agricultural Sciences













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