Caecum chinense Folin, 1868

Albano, Paolo G. & Pizzini, Mauro, 2011, Notes on Caecidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from southern Mozambique, with the description of a new species, African Invertebrates 52 (1), pp. 1-1 : 3-5

publication ID 10.5733/afin.052.0101

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scientific name

Caecum chinense Folin, 1868


Caecum chinense Folin, 1868 View in CoL

Figs 2A–H View Fig

Caecum chinense: Folin 1868: 80 View in CoL .

Original description:

“ Testa conica, parva, angustissima, sat elongata, subopaca, albida, levi, transversim aliquibus strigis minutissimis irregulariter cingulata, aperturam versus fere LQÀDWD; apertura levitissime contracta, vix declivi, haud marginata: septo magno, conico, apice subacuto, margine laterali et dorsali VXEUHFWLV; operculo?

Long.: 0,001 3; diam.: 0,000 2 - 0,000 25 ”


Shell slender, subcylindrical, slightly arched, opaque white. Juvenile specimens have more slender shell, which looks sinusoidal when seen ventrally ( Figs 2D, 2E View Fig ). Tube VHHPV VPRRWK EXW KDV PLFURVFXOSWXUH RI YHU\ ¿QH JURZWK OLQHV ()LJ. ƻ&). $SHUWXUH FLUFXODU DQG VOLJKWO\ FRQWUDFWHG. 6HSWXP SUR¿OH SRLQWHG DQG VKDUS LQ IUHVK VSHFLPHQV but tends to become blunt in older or worn specimens. Its dorsal and ventral margins almost straight. Operculum ( Figs 2F–H View Fig ) 0.3 mm in diameter, corneous and light brown. Its outer surface crossed by 3–4 small, concentric, indistinct rings, going from edge to- ZDUG URXQG, VOLJKWO\ FRQFDYH QXFOHXV ZLWK ³±4 ¿QH FRQFHQWULF ULQJV.,WV PDUJLQDO DUHDV have more marked concentric ridges and margin much thicker than rest of operculum. Its inner surface crossed by 3–4 small, concentric, rough and indistinct rings.

Soft parts unknown.

Mean dimensions: length 2.9 mm, min. diameter 0.3 mm, max. diameter 0.5 mm.

Type material (examined): 4 syntypes at MNHN ( Kisch 1959).

Type locality: Near Deux Freres , South China Sea .

Material examined: Loc. 2035: 2 spec. and 59 sh. (8 juv.); Loc. 2036: 2 spec. and 43 sh. (4 juv.); Loc. 2037: 6 spec. and 1 sh.; Loc. 2847: 1 spec. + 33 sh. (2 juv.) (P.G. Albano coll.).

Additional material examined: SOUTH AFRICA: KwaZulu-Natal: 1 sh., Stn SO 4, off Cape St Lucia (28°31.8'S: 32°26.9'E), - 76–80 m, dredged R.V. NMDP, ( NMSA E5196 About NMSA ) GoogleMaps ; 1 sh., Leadsman Shoal, Raggie Reef, - 8–14 m, a mixed algal and coral reef, 1–2 km north of Leven Point , sorted from stone washings ( NMSA E2726 About NMSA ) ; 5 sh., Mapelane ( NMSA E1662 About NMSA ) ; 6 sh., Mission Rocks , N of St Lucia (J.P. Marais coll.) ; 13 sh., Mapelane, S of St Lucia (J.P. Marais coll. 2116); 86 sh., off St Lucia Lighthouse, - 50 m, ex CSIR Water Research ( NMSA A6212 About NMSA ) ; 1 sh., Richards Bay , sand from harbour dredger ( NMSA E1667 About NMSA ) ; 1 sh., RII 5LFKDUGV %D\, VKDOORZ GUHGJLQJV (-.3. 0DUDLV FROO. ƻƗƗ9); 7 VK., RII 5LFKDUGV %D\, ‒ƽƟ P, ¿QH TXDUW]LWH, broken shell, ex CSIR Water Research ( NMSA A6071 About NMSA ) ; 1 spec. + 9 sh., Durban Bay, shallow dredgings (J.P. Marais coll. 2118); 84 sh., Durban Bay , shallow dredgings, sand ( NMSA A5423 About NMSA ) ; 79 sh. + 2 fragments, Durban Bay , shallow dredgings ( NMSA E1019 About NMSA ) ; 2 sh., Aliwal Shoal, off Scottburgh , - 10 m, sand and reef debris ( NMSA S8217 About NMSA ) ; 1 sh., Aliwal Shoal, off Scottburgh , - 16 m, hand dredged sand ( NMSA S5922 About NMSA ) ; 2 spec. + 1 sh., Aliwal Shoal (off Umkomaas ), - 27 m, silt from between rocks ( NMSA E1669 About NMSA ) ; 1 sh., Aliwal Shoal , - 9–15 m ( NMSA E6166 About NMSA ) ; 2 sh. (worn), Aliwal Shoal, off Scottburgh , - 10–20 m, sand ( NMSA S6743 About NMSA ) ; 2 spec., Aliwal Shoal, off Scottburgh , c. - 20 m, hand-dredged sand ( NMSA S7902 About NMSA ) ; 1 spec., Aliwal Shoal, off Scottburgh , c. - 14 m ( NMSA S6160 About NMSA ) ; 14 sh., Aliwal Shoal, off Umkomaas , - 27 m, scuba, January 1988 (J.P. Marais coll.) ; 1 sh., South Coast, Landers Reef, off Scottburgh area , - 45 m, scuba, April 1988 (J.P. Marais coll.) ; 4 sh., Landers Reef off Park Rynie , - 30 m, slightly muddy sand ( NMSA E1668 About NMSA ) ; 2 sh., T.O. Strand , 2 km N of Port Edward ( NMSA E1661 About NMSA ) ; 5 sh. subadult, South Coast, Leisure Bay, Port Edward , beach ( NMSA 2411 About NMSA ) . Eastern Cape: 1 sh., Mzamba , beachdrift ( NMSA D3032 About NMSA ) ; 5 sh., Mzamba ( NMSA E1663 About NMSA ) ; 23 sh., Mzamba, near KwaZulu-Natal border (J.P. Marais coll.). Western Cape: 1 sh., Hermanus (between False Bay and Cape Agulhas) (J.P. Marais coll.) .

Comparative material examined: C. attenuatum )ROLQ, Ɨ879, ¿YH V\QW\SHV DW %01+ QRV ƻ³Ɨƽ±ƻ³Ɨ9. 7\SH locality: Flinders Passage, Cape York, 7 fms, Australia ( Fig. 2K View Fig ).

Distribution: This species was described from the South China Sea. It was then recorded from North Australia (Folin 1879) and Borneo ( Kisch 1959). It is here recorded from Mozambique but it is also present in South Africa.

5HPDUNV: 6SHFLPHQV IURP 6RXWK $IULFD GR QRW VKRZ VLJQL¿FDQW GLIIHUHQFHV WR RXU PD‒ terial. C. chinense resembles C. attenuatum Folin, 1879 ( Fig. 2K View Fig ) in its general sub- F\OLQGULFDO VKDSH, EXW GLIIHUV E\ LWV VPRRWK WXEH ZKLFK LV FURVVHG RQO\ E\ ¿QH JURZWK lines, while attenuatum has a sculpture of small rings. The septum is similar in both species; in chinense , however, the mucro’s cusp is almost always pointed and a slight hump is present on the posterior margin.


KwaZulu-Natal Museum














Caecum chinense Folin, 1868

Albano, Paolo G. & Pizzini, Mauro 2011

Caecum chinense: Folin 1868: 80

FOLIN, L. 1868: 80
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