Platycleis Fieber

Çiplak, Battal, Heller, Klaus-Gerhard & Demirsoy, Ali, 2002, Review and key to species of Platycleis from Turkey (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) with descriptions of Yalvaciana subgen. n. and two new species, Journal of Natural History 36 (2), pp. 197-236 : 202-203

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Platycleis Fieber


Genus Platycleis Fieber View in CoL , in Kelch, 1852

Platycleis Fieber , in Kelch, 1852: 5.

Type species: Locusta grisea Fabricius [now a subspecies of P. albopunctata (Goeze) ] (see Ragge, 1990).

Key to subgenera (male) (for Turkish species only)

1 Basal arms of titillators with spines (®gures 14, 18, 27±31, 48, 53, 58±61, 80±82).. 3

± Basal arms of titillators without spines (®gures 1±4, 93)........ 2

2 Apex of cerci pointed as a spine (®gure 94)......... Yalvaciana ± Apex of cerci blunt (®gure 5).............. Platycleis

3 Titillators and their spines strong (®gures 14, 18, 27±31, 48, 53, 58±61).... 4

± Titillators and their spines weak (®gures 80±82)........ Tessellana

4 Basal arms of titillators shorter than apical arms.......... 5

± Basal arms of titillators longer than apical arms.......... 6

5 Paraproct large, anal tergite without process (®gure 50)...... Sepiana ± Paraproct small, anal tergite with two processes (®gure 55)..... Sporadiana

6 Processes of anal tergite robust, not spine-like (®gures 32±37, 62, 65±67).... 7

± Processes of male anal tergite long, spine-like, almost reaching apex of cerci (®gures 16, 17).................... Incertana

7 Tegmina shorter than half of abdomen............. 8

± Tegmina longer than half of abdomen........... Montana

8 Tooth of cerci small, not widened in the base (®gures 21, 24), anal tergite deeply and narrowly divided (®gures 32, 34)............. Montana

± Tooth of cerci strong and widened in the base; incision of anal tergite wide and shallow (®gures 60, 63±65)............... Squamiana

Key to subgenera (female) (for Turkish species only) 1 VI and VII sternum not modi®ed or with one protuberance; macro- or micropterous. 2 ± VI and VII sternum with two protuberances situated side by side (®gure 51); micropterus................... Sepiana

2 Ovipositor slightly or strongly, but gradually upcurved (®gures 10, 11, 38, 39, 75±77, 96)........................ 5 ± Ovipositor strongly and suddenly upcurved just after base (®gures 20, 57)... 3

3 VI sternite not modi®ed; ovipositor 6.5 mm or shorter......... 4 14 ± VI sternite large, strongly ināted (®gure 56); ovipositor 8.5 mm or longer (®gure 57)...................... Sporadiana

4 Subgenital plate with median furrow and incision on hind margin (®gures 89±91).. at...................... Tessellana

± Subgenital plate without median furrow and without distinct incision on hind margin

(®gures 15, 19)................. Incertana of 5 Subgenital plate without a deep median furrow (®gures 40±45, 68±71, 96)... 6

± Subgenital plate with a deep median furrow (®gures 6±9)...... Platycleis

6 Subgenital plate without a wide-rounded incision at hind margin (®gures 40, 41, 43±45,

68±71), or narrowly divided (®gure 42)............. 7

± Subgenital plate with a deep-rounded incision at hind margin (®gure 96). Yalvaciana by 7 Ovipositor thick, almost straight, light with black margins, if black than VI and VII sterna not modi®ed................ Montana ± Ovipositor thin as a knife, strongly upcurved, light in base and black or brownish black in the rest; VI and VII sterna gibbous (®gures 68±71).... Squamiana


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute











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