Morphna srilankensis Anisyutkin

Anisyutkin, Leonid N. & Yushkova, Olga V., 2017, New data on cockroaches of the subfamily Epilamprinae (Dictyoptera: Blaberidae) from India and Sri Lanka, with descriptions of new species and the genital complex of Aptera fusca (Thunberg, 1784), Zootaxa 4236 (1), pp. 41-64 : 59

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scientific name

Morphna srilankensis Anisyutkin

sp. nov.

Morphna srilankensis Anisyutkin , sp.nov.

( Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 E–H, 10A–J)

Material. Holotype—male, SRI LANKA, Central Prov., Hanguranketa , 750 m, 27 January 1970, [fungus] Polypores and from under bark of old stump, SL-70/28, coll. C. Besuchet / I. Löbl ( MHNG) ; paratypes (female and two larvae)—same data, as for the holotype, but Hatton , forested mountain east of the city, 1400 m, 9 February 1970, sieving in the forest, SL-70/55a ( MHNG) .

Etymology. The species is named after the country of origin.

Description. Male (holotype). Generally similar to M. indica sp.nov., but differs in the following characters.

General body coloration ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 E–G) is similar to that of M. indica sp.nov., but coxae with several larger black spots and legs with spines and apical parts of tarsi more light, light brown. Head as in Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 E, 10A, epicranial sutures very weak; scape length about 1.1 mm; approximate length ratio of 3rd–5th segments of maxillary palps 0.8: 1.0: 1.3. Tegmina with Sc and anterior rami of Sc visible and thickened (well visible on the ventral side of tegmen)—similar to that of M. decolyi , but different from that of M. indica sp.nov. Anterior margin of fore femur armed as in the type B, with 5–6 spines, including 2 apical ones. Euplantulae of 1st–4th tarsal segments with weak spinules, well visible on large magnification. Spiracle-bearing outgrowths of abdominal tergite VIII with posterolateral angles less expressed ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 B, p.a.) than in M. indica sp.nov. Anal plate with a semicircular median incision ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 B).

Male genitalia ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 D–J) similar to those of M. indica sp.nov., but the apical part of sclerite L2D ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 G, F) without a "dorsal outgrowth" and the apical parts of sclerite L3 with a poorly marked "apical crest" ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 H–J, ap. cr.).

Female ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 F, H). Similar to the male, but smaller in its size. The distance between eyes 1.2 times wider than eye length; the distance between antennal sockets 2.4 times wider than the scape length (0.9 mm); approximate length ratio of 3rd–5th segments of maxillary palps 1.1: 1.0: 1.3. Genital plate incised in the middle of caudal margin.

Measurements (mm). Head length: male 4.6, female 4.1; head width: male 4.6, female 3.7; pronotum length: male 6.6, female 5.5; pronotum width: male 9.8, female 8.3; tegmen length: male 8.0, female 5.6; tegmen width: male 6.7, female 5.6.

Comparison. The new species is similar to M. indica sp.nov., but differs from it the smaller size and the structure of the apical part of sclerite L2D (compare Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 G, F and Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 K, L).


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