Parandrocephalus eversor Heller, 1916

Perger, Robert, 2013, Did the genus Parandrocephalus Heller, 1916 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Callichromatini) cross the Wallace line? The taxonomic status of Parandrocephalus blairi Bentanachs & Vives 2009 and a new subgenus of Hexamitodera Heller, 1896, with notes on convergent evolution and secondary sexual characters, ZooKeys 293, pp. 77-89 : 79

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scientific name

Parandrocephalus eversor Heller, 1916


Parandrocephalus eversor Heller, 1916 View in CoL Fig. 1A, B


Male. Body 4.2 times as long as wide. Head and pronotum (Fig. 2B) glabrous. Head dorsally polished, coarsely wrinkled, vertex strongly convex, not carinated dorsally; frons strongly concave, with a deep longitudinal furrow. Temple in dorsal view strongly convex; distance between temples wider than anterior border of pronotum and as wide as widest width of pronotum. Gena apically rounded, externally thickened. Width between genae as wide as width of head. Mandible sickle-shaped, curved, forming an elongated ellipse in closed position, with dorsomedian carina; apex conical, unidentate; molar margin without basal tooth. Antenna sparsely pubescent, bicolored. Elytra 2.2 times as long as prothorax and head excluding mandibles.

Female.Vertex and temples straight, distance between temples narrower than anterior pronotal margin and widest pronotal width, vertex setose, with longitudinal furrow reaching anterior pronotal margin. Mandible horizontally flattened, dorsal surface convex, with dorso-lateral carina, externally straight. Pronotal disc setose. Elytra 3.43 times as long as prothorax and head excluding mandibles. Abdomen bordered with yellowish pubescence at the base of all ventrites.

Geographical distribution.

Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia Peninsula.