Chromadorina Filipjev, 1918
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Plazi (2019-04-12 07:29:22, last updated 2024-11-26 02:01:09) |
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Chromadorina Filipjev, 1918 |
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Genus Chromadorina Filipjev, 1918
This genus was proposed by Filipjev (1918) who designated C. obtusa Filipjev, 1918 as the type species; it was later revised by Wieser (1954). In the latter review, Heterochromadora Wieser, 1951 was synomized with Chromadorina and two species belonging to the former genus were transferred [C. cervix ( Wieser, 1951) and C. granulopigmentata ( Wieser, 1951) ]. In the same review several other species were also transferred from Spiliphera [ C. rognoeensis (Allgén, 1932) ], Chromadorita [ C. longisetosa ( De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933) ], Prochromadora [ C. macropunctata ( Wieser, 1954) ], Prochromadorella [ C. astacicola ( Schneider, 1932) and C. ocellata (Paramonov, 1929) ] and Chromadora [ C. armata ( Allgén, 1933) , C. bergensis (Allgén, 1932) , C. bioculata (Schultze in Carus, 1857) , C. erythrophtalma ( Schneider, 1906) , C. germanica ( Bütschli, 1874) , C. pacifica ( Allgén, 1947) , C. parobtusa ( Allgén, 1947) and C. viridis ( Linstow, 1876) ]. However, C. parobtusa and C. pacifica were considered as synonyms of C. laeta (de Man, 1876) , and C. ocellata was suggested to be a synonym of C. bioculata . C. cylindricauda (Allgén, 1928) was regarded as a dubious species by Wieser (1954) and here we consider it as inquirendum since its original description is poor and is based on a single female. A key based on male characters was also developed by Wieser (1954), but fourteen of the current valid species were described later ( C. bercziki Andrássy, 1962 ; C. demani Inglis, 1962 ; C. epidemos Hopper & Meyers, 1967 ; C. hiromii Kito & Nakamura, 2001 ; C. incurvata Wieser, 1956 ; C. inversa Wieser, 1955 ; C. longispiculum Pastor de Ward, 1985 ; C. majae Wieser, 1968 ; C. metulata Aissa & Vitiello, 1977 ; C. micoletzkyi Inglis, 1962 ; C. nuda Wieser, 1954 ; C. paradoxa Timm, 1961 ; C. salina Belogurov, 1978 and C. supralitoralis Lorenzen, 1969 ). In the description of C. demani, Inglis (1962) argued concerning the validity of C. laeta , therefore a new name for C. laeta sensu Micoletzky, 1924 was proposed (therein called C. micoletzkyi Inglis, 1962 ) and C. laeta sensu Daday, 1901 , C. laeta sensu de Man, 1876 and C. laeta sensu Wieser, 1954 were considered species inquirenda due to the poor description provided by all these authors. C. pacifica and C. parobtusa are not considered as valid species here as they were previously indicated as possible synonyms of C. laeta ( Wieser 1954) . Finally, the most recently described species in this genus was C. hiromii by Kito & Nakamura (2001), but they pointed out to the similarity of this species to C. inversa , which was originally described by Wieser (1955) based on a single female from the Sea of Japan and subsequently re-described based on both genders from Mediterranean ( Wieser 1956). For Kito & Nakamura (2001), there is an uncertainty concerning conspecific specimens from Mediterranean and Japan and they suggested that topotypic males of C. inversa should be compared to C. hiromii . Here, we consider both species ( C. inversa and C. hiromii ) as valid until further studies are done.
Diagnosis (modified from Tchesunov 2014): Homogeneous punctated cuticle with transverse rows of dots and without lateral differentiation. Amphideal fovea, when visible, transverse slit-like. Buccal cavity with three (sub)equal solid teeth. Ocelli may be present. Cup-shaped precloacal supplements usually present. Tail elongateconoid with glands and well-developed spinneret. It is largely a marine genus (23 species) with only four limnetic species ( C. astacicola , C. bercziki , C. bioculata and C. viridis ). C. erythrophthalma , C. germanica and C. laeta live in marine habitats but occasionally can be found in island body waters.
Number of valid species: 27
Genus Chromadorina Filipjev, 1918
Syn. Heterochromadora Wieser, 1951
1. Chromadorina armata ( Allgén, 1933) Wieser, 1954 ( Norway)
Syn. Chromadora armata Allgén, 1933
2. Chromadorina astacicola ( Schneider, 1932) Wieser, 1954 ( Germany)
Syn. Phrochromadorella astacicola Schneider, 1932
3. Chromadorina bercziki Andrássy, 1962 ( Hungary)
4. Chromadorina bergensis (Allgén, 1932) Wieser, 1954 ( Norway)
Syn. Chromadora macrolaima bergensis Allgén, 1932
5. Chromadorina bioculata (Schultze in Carus, 1857) Wieser, 1954 (?—no locality indicated)
Syn. Chromadora bioculata (Schultze in Carus, 1857) Bütschli 1873
Enoplus bidentatus Diesing, 1861
Prochromadorella bioculata (Schultze in Carus, 1857) Loof, 1961
Rhabditis bioculata Schultze in Carus, 1857
Spiliphera ophrydii Stefanski, 1914
Spiliphera paniewensis Stefanski, 1923
6. Chromadorina cervix ( Wieser, 1951) Wieser, 1954 (English Channel)
Syn. Heterochromadora cervix Wieser, 1951
7. Chromadorina demani Inglis, 1962 (Mediterranean)
8. Chromadorina epidemos Hopper & Meyers, 1967 (Florida)
9. Chromadorina erythrophthalma ( Schneider, 1906) Wieser, 1954 (Baltic)
Syn. Chromadora erythrophthalma Schneider, 1906
Heterochromadora erythrophthalma ( Schneider, 1906) Gerlach, 1951
Prochromadora erythrophthalma ( Schneider, 1906) Gerlach, 1951
Prochromadora orleji sensu Filipjev, 1930
Prochromadorella erythrophthalma ( Schneider, 1906) Schütz & Kinne, 1955
10. Chromadorina germanica ( Bütschli, 1874) Wieser, 1954 (Kiel Bay)
Syn. Chromadora droebachiensis Allgén, 1931
Chromadora germanica Bütschli, 1874
Chromadorina minor ( Cobb, 1894) Wieser, 1954
Heterochromadora germanica ( Bütschli, 1874) Wieser, 1951
Prochromadorella germanica ( Bütschli, 1874) De Connick & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933 11. Chromadorina granulopigmentata ( Wieser, 1951) Wieser, 1954 (English Channel)
Syn. Heterochromadora granulopigmentata Wieser, 1951
12. Chromadorina hiromii Kito & Nakamura, 2001 (Sea of Japan)
13. Chromadorina incurvata Wieser, 1956 (Mediterranean)
14. Chromadorina inversa Wieser, 1955 (Sea of Japan)
15. Chromadorina longisetosa ( De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933) Wieser, 1954 (North Sea)
Syn. Chromadorita longisetosa De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933
16. Chromadorina longispiculum Pastor de Ward, 1985 (Deseado river, Argentina)
17. Chromadorina macropunctata ( Wieser, 1954) Wieser, 1954 (Mediterranean)
Syn. Prochromadora macropunctata Wieser, 1954
18. Chromadorina majae Wieser, 1968 (Mediterranean)
19. Chromadorina metulata Aissa & Vitiello, 1977 ( Tunisia)
20. Chromadorina micoletzkyi Inglis, 1962 (Red Sea)
Syn. Chromadorina laeta sensu Micoletzky, 1924
21. Chromadorina nuda Wieser, 1954 (Mediterranean)
22. Chromadorina obtusa Filipjev, 1918 (Black Sea)
23. Chromadorina paradoxa Timm, 1961 (Bay of Bengal)
24. Chromadorina rognoeensis (Allgén, 1932) Wieser, 1954 ( Norway)
Syn. Spiliphera rognoeensis Allgén, 1932
25. Chromadorina salina Belogurov, 1978 (Shikton Island, Japan)
26. Chromadorina supralitoralis Lorenzen, 1969 (North Sea; Germany)
27. Chromadorina viridis ( Linstow, 1876) Wieser, 1954 ( Germany)
Syn. Chromadora bathybia Daday, 1894
Chromadora lehberti Schneider, 1906
Chromadora oerleyi sensu Ditlevsen, 1911
Chromadora oerleyi sensu Plotnikov, 1901
Chromadora viridis Linstow, 1876
Prochromadorella viridis ( Linstow, 1876) Filipjev, 1930
1. Chromadorina cylindricauda (Allgén, 1928) Wieser, 1954 (Campbell Island)
2. Chromadorina laeta (de Man, 1876) Micoltezky, 1924 (Mediterranean)
3. Chromadorina ocellata (Paramonov, 1929) Wieser, 1954 (Black Sea)
4. Chromadorina pacifica ( Allgén, 1947) Wieser, 1954 (Hawaii; Australia; Gulf of Panama)
5. Chromadorina parobtusa ( Allgén, 1947) Wieser, 1954 (California, USA)
Aissa, P. & Vitiello, P. (1977) Nouvelles Especes De Nematodes Libres De La Lagune De Tunis. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Tunisie, 12, 45 - 52.
Allgen, C. A. (1931) Freilebende marine Nematoden aus dem Drobakabschnitt des Oslofjords. Zoologische Jahrbucher Abteilung fur Systematik, 61, 211 - 262.
Allgen, C. A. (1933) Freilebende Nematoden aus dem Trondhjemsfjord. Capita Zoologica, 4 (2), 1 - 162.
Allgen, C. A. (1947) West American nematodes (Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914 - 16 75). Meddeleiser fra Dansk naturhisforisk Forening i KjObenhavn, 110, 65 - 219.
Andrassy, I. (1962) Nematoden aus dem Ufergrundwasser der Donau von Bratislava bis Budapest. Archiv feur Hydrobiologie, 27, 91 - 117.
Belogurov, O. I. (1978) A study of free-living nematodes of the littoral of the Shikotan Island. Zhivotnyi i rastitel'nyi mir shel'fovykh zon Kurol'skikh Ostrovov, 139 - 148.
Butschli, O. (1874) Zur Kenntnis der freilebenden Nematoden, insbesondere der des Kieler Hafens. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, IX, Bd., 1 - 56.
Cobb, N. A. (1894) Tricoma and other nematode genera. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Second Series), VIII, 389 - 421.
Daday, J. (1894) Ujabb adatok a Balaton mikrofaunajanak ismeretehez (Nematoda, Rotatoria, Entomostraca). Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Ertesito, 12, 122 - 145.
Daday, J. (1901) Szabadon 616 fonalfergek a fiumei obolbol. Freilebende Nematoden aus dem Quarnero. Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek, 24, 433 - 457.
de Man, J. G. (1876) Contribution a la connaissance des Nematodes marins du Golf de Naples. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging. 3, 88 - 118.
De Coninck, L. A. & Schuurmans Stekhoven, J. H. (1933) The freeliving marine nemas of the Belgian Coast. II With general remarks on the structure and the system of nemas. Memoires Institut Royal Des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 58, 3 - 163.
Diesing, K. M. (1861) Revision der Nematoden. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, Sitzungsberichte, Mathematischnaturwissenchaftlische Klasse, 42, 595 - 763.
Ditlevsen, H. (1911) Danish free-living nematodes. Meddeleiser fra Dansk Naturhisforisk Forening i KjObenhavn, 63, 213 - 256.
Filipjev, I. N. (1918) Free-living marine nematodes of the Sevastopol area (in Russian). Transactions of the Zoological Laboratory and the Sevastopol Biological Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (2) 4, 1 - 350.
Filipjev, I. N. (1930) Les Nematodes libres de la baie de la Neva et el l'extremite orientale du Golfe de Finlande. Deuxieme partie Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 21, 1 - 64.
Gerlach, S. A. (1951) Nematoden aus der Familie der Chromadoridae von den deutschen Kusten. Kieler Meeresforschung, 8 (1), 106 - 132.
Hopper, E. H. & Meyers, S. P. (1967) Foliicolous marine nematodes on turtle grass, Thalassia testudinum Konig, in Biscay bay, Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science, 17, 471 - 517.
Inglis, W. G. (1962) Marine nematode from a Banyulus-sur-mer: aith a review of the genus Eurystomina. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, 8, 209 - 287.
Kito, K. & Nakamura, T. (2001) A new species of Chromadorina (Nematoda: Chromadoridae) discovered in a laboratory aquarium. Species Diversity, 6, 111 - 116. https: // doi. org / 10.12782 / specdiv. 6.111
Linstow, O. V. (1876) Helminthologische Beobachtungen. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte (N. F.), 42, 1 - 18.
Loof, P. A. A. (1961) The nematode collection of Dr. J. G. de Man. Laboratorium voor Fytopathologie, 190, 169 - 254.
Lorenzen, S. (1969) Freilebende Meeresnematoden aus dem Schlickwatt und den Salzwiesen der Nordseekuste. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven, XI, 195 - 238.
Micoletzky, H. (1924) Letzter Bericht uber freilebende Nematoden aus Suez. Sber. Akademie der Wiss Wissenschaften Wien Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Abteilung I, Band 133, Heft 4 / 6, 137 - 179.
Pastor de Ward, C. T. (1985) Free-living marine nematodes of the Deseado river estuary (Chromadoroidea: Chromadoridae, Ethmolaimidae, Cyatholaimidae and Choniolaimidae) Santa Cruz, Argentina. 5. Centro Nacional Patagonico Publcaciones Especiales, 6, 1 - 83.
Plotnikov, V. (1901) Nematoda, Oligochaeta i Hirudinea, Naidennyia v Bologovskom Ozere i ego Okrestnostiakh v 1899 g. (Nematodes, Oligochetes et Hirudines Trouves dans le Lac Bologoje et Ses Environs en 1899). Trudy Presnovodnoi Biologicheskoi Stantsii Imperatorskago S. Peterburgskago Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei (Berichte der Biologischen Susswasserstation der Kaiserlichen Naturforscher-Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg), 1, 244 - 251.
Schneider, G. (1906) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der im Uferschlamm des Finnischen Meerbusens freilebenden Nematoden. Acta Societatis Pro Fauna Et Flora Fennica, 27 (7), 1 - 40.
Schneider, W. (1932) Nematoden aus der Kiemenhohle des Flusskrebses. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 24, 629 - 636.
Schutz, L. & Kinne, O. (1955) Uber die Mikro- und Makrofauna der Holzpfahle des Nord-Ostsee-Kanals und der Kieler Forde. Meeresforschung, 11, 110 - 135.
Stefanski, W. (1914) Recherches sur la faune des nematodes libres du Bassin de Leman. Thesis. Universite Geneve. 72 pp.
Stefanski, W. (1923) Etude sur les nematodes muscicoles des environs de Zakopane (massif du Tatra Polonais), Bulletin de l'Acadamie Polonaise des Sciences et des Letters, Serie, B (Sciences Naturelles), 1 (10), 21 - 60.
Tchesunov, A. V. (2014) Order Chromadorida Chitwood, 1933 In: Gastrotricha, Cycloneuralia, Gnathifera. Handbook of Zoology Online. Germany, De Gruyter, pp. 373 - 398.
Timm, R. W. (1961) The Marine Nematodes of the Bay of Bengal. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 1 (1), 25 - 88.
Wieser, W. (1951) Untersuchungen uber die algenbewohnende Mickrofauna mariner Hartborden I. Zur Okologie unde Systematik der Nematodenfauna von Plymouth. Osterreich Zoologisch Z., 3, 425 - 428.
Wieser, W. (1954) Free-living marine nematodes II. Chromadoroidea. Report from the Lund University Chile Expedition. Acta University Lund (N. F. 2), 50 (16), 1 - 148.
Wieser, W. (1955) A collection of marine nematodes from Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 5, 1 - 23. https: // doi. org / 10.5134 / 174529
Wieser, W. (1956) Eine Sammlung mariner Nematoden aus Piraeus (Griechenland). Osterreich Zoologisch Z., 6 (3 / 5), 597 - 630.
Wieser, W. (1968) Chromadorina astacicola (Schneider, 1932) und Chromadorina majae n. sp., zwei mit Decapoden vergesellschaftete Nematoden. Thalassia Jugoslavica, 4, 39 - 43.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
SubFamily |
Chromadorinae |
Genus |
Chromadorina Filipjev, 1918
Venekey, Virag, Gheller, Paula F., Kandratavicius, Noelia, Cunha, Beatriz Pereira, Vilas-Boas, Ana Carolina, Fonseca, Gustavo & Maria, Tatiana F. 2019 |
Prochromadorella bioculata (Schultze in Carus, 1857)
Loof 1961 |
Prochromadorella erythrophthalma ( Schneider, 1906 ) Schütz & Kinne, 1955
Schutz & Kinne 1955 |
Chromadorina germanica ( Bütschli, 1874 )
Wieser 1954 |
Chromadorina minor ( Cobb, 1894 )
Wieser 1954 |
Chromadorina granulopigmentata (
Wieser 1954 |
Wieser 1951 |
Heterochromadora erythrophthalma ( Schneider, 1906 )
Gerlach 1951 |
Prochromadora erythrophthalma ( Schneider, 1906 )
Gerlach 1951 |
Heterochromadora germanica ( Bütschli, 1874 )
Wieser 1951 |
Heterochromadora granulopigmentata
Wieser 1951 |
Prochromadorella germanica ( Bütschli, 1874 )
De Connick & Schuurmans Stekhoven 1933 |
Prochromadora orleji
sensu Filipjev 1930 |
Prochromadorella viridis ( Linstow, 1876 )
Filipjev 1930 |
Spiliphera paniewensis
Stefanski 1923 |
Filipjev 1918 |
Filipjev 1918 |
Spiliphera ophrydii
Stefanski 1914 |
Chromadora oerleyi
sensu Ditlevsen 1911 |
Chromadora lehberti
Schneider 1906 |
Chromadora oerleyi
sensu Plotnikov 1901 |
Chromadora minor
Cobb 1894 |
Chromadora viridis
Linstow 1876 |
Chromadora germanica Bütschli, 1874
Butschli 1874 |
Enoplus bidentatus
Diesing 1861 |
Rhabditis bioculata
Schultze in Carus 1857 |
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