Nogunius fukuuzanus, Jałoszyński, 2020

Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2020, Himaloconnus Franz and Nogunius gen. n. of Japan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae Scydmaeninae), Zootaxa 4822 (3), pp. 334-360 : 357-358

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4822.3.2

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scientific name

Nogunius fukuuzanus

sp. nov.

Nogunius fukuuzanus sp. n.

( Figs 51–52 View FIGURES 45–52 , 81–84 View FIGURES 77–84 )

Type material. Holotype: JAPAN (Okinawa Pref.): ♂, three labels: „IE-RINDOH / Kunigami / <OKINAWA>“ [white, handwritten], „ 14-iii.1985 / S. NOMURA“ [white, handwritten], “ NOGUNIUS / fukuuzanus m. / HOLOTYPUS, P. JAŁOSZYŃSKI, 2020” [red, printed] ( NSMT).

Diagnosis. Eyes in male small, in dorsal view slightly longer than half length of tempora; aedeagus in ventral view conspicuously slender, over five times as long as broad, nearly tubular, with subtriangular distal region narrowly rounded at apex.

Description. Body of male ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 45–52 ) strongly convex, uniformly light brown, covered with setae slightly lighter than cuticle; BL 0.80 mm.

Head ( Fig. 52 View FIGURES 45–52 ) broadest at eyes, HL 0.15 mm, HW 0.15 mm; tempora in dorsal view about 1.5 × as long as eyes; vertex and frons confluent, together weakly convex; each eye small, strongly convex, bean-shaped, with distinct posteromedian emargination, composed of 19 facets of equal diameters. Punctures on vertex fine, inconspicuous; setae short, sparse and suberect; tempora and posterior margin of vertex densely covered with thick bristles. Antennae slender, AnL 0.30 mm, antennomeres I and II each strongly elongate, III–VIII each about as long as broad or indistinctly transverse, IX distinctly larger than VIII, slightly transverse, X much larger than IX, strongly transverse, XI indistinctly narrower and slightly longer than X, about as long as broad.

Pronotum subconical with strongly rounded sides, broadest shortly in front of base; PL 0.20 mm, PW 0.20 mm. Anterior and posterior margins weakly convex, base with two pairs of small, distinct pits. Punctures on pronotal disc fine, inconspicuous; setae sparse, short, suberect; sides, especially posteriorly, with sparse, thick bristles.

Elytra together oval, broadest indistinctly in front of middle; EL 0.45 mm, EW 0.30 mm, EI 1.50; humeral calli weakly elevated, basal impressions large, deep, nearly circular; apices separately rounded. Punctures inconspicuous; setae slightly longer and denser than those on pronotum, suberect.

Legs moderately long and slender, unmodified.

Aedeagus ( Figs 81–84 View FIGURES 77–84 ) extremely elongate, in ventral view slightly more than five times as long as broad; AeL 0.18 mm; median lobe in ventral view with shallowly concave sides in slightly more than proximal half, distally gradually narrowing towards subtriangular and rounded apex; parameres slender, each with one long apical and one long subapical seta.

Female unknown.

Distribution. Yambaru, i.e., the northern, forested region of Okinawa-jima ( Fig. 85 View FIGURE 85 ).

Etymology. This species is named after Hokuzan (Fukuuzan in Kunigami language), one of three historical kingdoms of the 14th century Okinawa, the one where the Kunigami District is located.

Remarks. Nogunius fukuuzanus has males slightly slenderer than those of remaining congeners, with EI 1.5, whereas in other species EI equals 1.21–1.38. Pronota in remaining species are indistinctly elongate, with PL/PW ranging from 1.11 to 1.13, versus 1.0 in P. fukuuzanus . The most striking character of this species is its exceptionally slender and long aedeagus, much longer in relation to body than in any other species, and nearly tubular, in ventral view with slightly concave sides in submedian region.


National Science Museum (Natural History)















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