Ibotyporanga itatim Huber, 2024

Huber, Bernhard A., Meng, Guanliang, Král, Jiří, Ávila Herrera, Ivalú M. & Carvalho, Leonardo S., 2024, Diamonds in the rough: Ibotyporanga (Araneae, Pholcidae) spiders in semi-arid Neotropical environments, European Journal of Taxonomy 963, pp. 1-169 : 50-54

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.963.2687

publication LSID


persistent identifier


taxon LSID


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scientific name

Ibotyporanga itatim Huber

sp. nov.

Ibotyporanga itatim Huber sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:849EB775-ABC9-47FB-87B7-C77FFB5B4E1E Figs 22C View Fig , 25F–G View Fig , 32E–F View Fig , 42–46 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ; SEM Figs 2C View Fig , 4C View Fig , 7F View Fig , 10C View Fig , 11B View Fig , 13B View Fig , 14B View Fig , 15E View Fig , 16B–C View Fig , 17D–E View Fig , 18B–C View Fig , 19F–G View Fig , 21B, D–E View Fig


Males are easily distinguished from most known congeners by shape of procursus ( Fig. 44A–C View Fig ; short and simple, distally widened and membranous); from superficially similar species ( I. bariro , I. walekeru sp. nov.) by strong dorsal process on palpal tarsus (arrow in Fig. 44C View Fig ) and by longer legs (tibia 1>1.5, versus <1.1). Females are distinguished from known congeners by trapezoidal epigynum with triangular pocket ( Fig. 45C View Fig ; similar in I. xique sp. nov. and I. xakriaba sp. nov.) and by unique pair of distinct lateral sacs in internal genitalia ( Fig. 46C–H View Fig ).


The species name is derived from the type locality; noun in apposition.

Type material


BRAZIL – Bahia • ♂; W of Itatim ; 12.7162° S, 39.7626° W; 300 m a.s.l.; 10 Nov. 2022; B.A. Huber and L.S. Carvalho leg.; CHNUFPI 5884. GoogleMaps


BRAZIL – Bahia • 1 ♂, 4 ♀♀, 3 juvs; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 5885 GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; UFMG 31653 View Materials GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 9028 [deposited in ZFMK Ar 24354] GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1♀; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 5886 GoogleMaps .

Other material examined

BRAZIL – Bahia • 1 ♂, 7 ♀♀, 1 juv., in pure ethanol; same collection data as for holotype; CHNUFPI 5887 [deposited in ZFMK Br22-148; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ used for SEM] GoogleMaps .


Male (holotype) MEASUREMENTS. Total body length 2.0, carapace width 0.83. Distance PME–PME 70 µm; diameter PME 85 µm; distance PME–ALE 25 µm; distance AME–AME 15 µm; diameter AME 60 µm. Leg 1: 5.93

(1.63+0.33 +1.60 +1.87 + 0.50), tibia 2: 1.33, tibia 3: 1.13, tibia 4: 1.57; tibia 1 L/d: 16; diameters of leg femora 0.19–0.20, of leg tibiae 0.10.

COLOUR (in ethanol). Prosoma and legs ochre-yellow, carapace medially with narrow brown mark including ocular area and clypeus; legs with brown rings on femora (subdistally) and tibiae (proximally and subdistally); abdomen gray with many dark internal marks dorsally and laterally; ventrally with ochre plates in front of gonopore and in front of spinnerets.

BODY. Habitus as in Fig. 25F View Fig . Ocular area slightly raised ( Fig. 2C View Fig ). Carapace with distinct but shallow thoracic groove. Clypeus with sclerotized rim with median notch. Sternum slightly wider than long (0.58/0.48), with very low and indistinct anterior processes near coxae 1 (not higher than in female). Abdomen globular; gonopore with four epiandrous spigots ( Fig. 4C View Fig ); spinnerets as in congeners ( Fig. 7F View Fig ).

CHELICERAE. As in Fig. 45A–B View Fig ; width 0.33; with strong median frontal apophysis; stridulatory files ( Fig. 10C View Fig ) very fine and poorly visible in dissecting microscope.

PALPS. As in Fig. 43 View Fig ; coxa unmodified; trochanter with short rounded ventral protrusion; femur proximally with short retrolateral process not directed toward distal, with prolateral stridulatory pick, distally widened but unmodified; femur-patella joints not shifted toward one side; patella dorsally only slightly longer than medially wide; tibia-tarsus joints shifted toward retrolateral side; tarsus with small capsulate tarsal organ ( Fig. 13B View Fig ) and strong dorsal process; procursus ( Fig. 44A–C View Fig ) evenly curved, with light prolateral band, distally widened and semitransparent, with dorsal brush of pseudotrichia ( Figs 11B View Fig , 32E–F View Fig ; barely visible in dissecting microscope); genital bulb ( Fig. 44D–F View Fig ) with short but distinct prolateral sclerite on bulbous part, with simple embolus ending in two semitransparent tips.

LEGS. Without spines but with longer hairs ventrally on femora; without curved hairs; with many short vertical hairs on tibia 1 ( Fig. 16B–C View Fig ); retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 54%; prolateral trichobothrium absent on tibia 1; tarsus 1 with ~3–4 pseudosegments, distally fairly distinct.

Variation (male)

Tibia 1 in seven males (incl. holotype): 1.60–1.83 (mean 1.69).


In general, similar to male ( Fig. 25G View Fig ) but clypeus unmodified and tibiae with few short vertical hairs. Tibia 1 in 13 females: 1.30–1.50 (mean 1.42). Epigynum ( Fig. 46A–B View Fig ) anterior plate trapezoidal, posterior margin straight, with deep triangular anterior pocket; posterior plate wide and short. Internal genitalia ( Fig. 46C–H View Fig ) with pair of elongate pore plates and pair of distinct lateral membranous sacs; median membranes very thin and indistinct.


Known from type locality only, in Brazil, Bahia ( Fig. 42 View Fig ).

Natural history

The type locality is a granite outcrop with secondary shrubby caatinga ( Fig. 22C View Fig ). Most specimens were found by turning small rocks; a few specimens were collected from roof tiles piled up near a house. Two egg sacs had diameters of 1.8–2.0, were round and slightly flattened, and contained ~12– 15 eggs each, with an egg diameter of 0.58–0.60.


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig













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